Anchor Babies

Started by Warph, August 10, 2010, 08:52:47 PM

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It's very difficult to discover any significant information about the scourge of the 14th Amendment, as we have today.  This is principally because information has never been collected intentionally or otherwise, so we must rely on what is available; buried deeply in the pages of the internet?  FOR MORE OPPRESSIVE FACTS, GO TO THIS PDF WEBPAGE?  A report by Madeleine Pelner Cosman in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2005., It augments from a small fire that is turning into a conflagration.  She says, "By not addressing this abuse of the Fourteenth Amendment and enforcing immigration law, the funds that state and local governments must provide to anchor babies amounts to a virtual tax on U.S. citizens to subsidize illegal aliens.

The increasing number of illegal aliens coming into the United States is forcing the closure of hospitals, spreading previously vanquished diseases and threatening to destroy America's prized health-care system," The author writes, ""born to illegal aliens instantly qualify as citizens for welfare benefits and have caused enormous rises in Medicaid costs and stipends under Supplemental Security Income and Disability Income."  She adds that Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985, hospitals are obligated to treat the uninsured without reimbursement.  "Illegal alien women come to the hospital in labor and drop their little anchors, each of whom pulls its illegal alien mother, father, and siblings into permanent residency simply by being born within our borders.

Anchor babies are citizens, and instantly qualify for public welfare aid.  Between 300,000 and 350,000 anchor babies annually become citizens because of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."  

In conclusion The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons report includes a strong prescription for protecting the health of Americans:

* Closing America's borders with fences, high-tech security devices and troops.  (But remember the real 2006 Secure Fence Act, was designed as two parallel fences.  Not just–ONE–?  It doesn't seem to be turning on a light bulb in America's brain, that two fences were supposed to be constructed adjacent to each other, with a roadway in between for interdiction of every type of criminal, including the millions of illegal aliens.)  It's time this question is asked of Senator Harry Reid and the dismantling of permanent E-Verify?
* Rescinding the U.S. citizenship of "anchor babies."
* Punishing the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens as a crime.  (That means employers with a prison sentence for habitual offenders.)
* An end to—ALL– amnesty programs.  ( Declare ALL Sanctuary Cities are violation of federal law, and those involved prosecuted.)

It should be noted that based on data collected in California for AFDC's "children only" cases, the California Department of Social Services estimated that in fiscal 1994-1995, 193,800 children of illegal aliens received welfare, costing $553 million.  One should wonder the ever increasing costs of supporting the anchor child, as food stamps and Section 8 housing can be applied for.  One should wonder the ever increasing costs of supporting the anchor child, as food stamps and Section 8 housing can be applied for.   One should also be aware that the mother, who is always allowed to stay, probably becomes pregnant at least twice more, of which the US taxpayer once again becomes the benefactor.  In addition because the family is low income, they can apply for TANF, of which the baby receives a free car chair, diapers and much more compliments of Americans.

America should attract professional and highly skilled workers, who come to this country with their experience to offer.  These scientists, engineers and tech people will never require supporting them with welfare or other government entitlements.  What we don't need is any more cheap, uneducated labor, as in America we are well supplied with many in the population that have no skills and do not even have a diploma.  If we must have Guest Workers the must be rigidly regulated, with one job and cannot venture outside that farm environment.  This includes no chain migration, so once their permit expires they must depart.

There are various undisclosed federal and state entitlement, which are denied to American mothers because our politicians are too busy catering to the less fortunate.  This exploitation of the 14th Amendment is not necessary from expectant mothers from across the Southern border, but every year thousands converge on the unknowing taxpayer who coughs up the money to pay for subsidizing the life's of whole families, after a new anchor baby is born.  This unwholesome situation would become far worse as any new hype for AMNESTY, would induce millions more to reach the borders, plus the stream would never end.  To stop any more illegals coming to America, we must first remove every Pro-Amnesty lawmaker, then implement permanently E-Verify and place troops on the border.  Learn more at NUMBERUSA & JUDICIAL WATCH and call without delay your public servants in Washington at 202-224-3121

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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