West Elk again makes AYP

Started by Mom70x7, September 14, 2010, 05:32:32 PM

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With all the hoopla last year surrounding the closing of schools, etc., what sometimes got missed was how well USD 282 teachers do their job.

Again, the district met the Adequate Yearly Progress goals from No Child Left Behind.

I haven't seen this year's detailed report, but in past years we've been in the "Excellent" categories of 90% and above.

Here's this year's list of school that didn't make the list. (It takes up less space than the list of those who DID make their AYP.)


Hooray for our teachers!


Congratulations to the West Elk District for their success!!!  It is very appalling to me to see all of the schools/districts that did NOT make the performance level.  Scary.................

Janet Harrington

Boy, that was an eye opener.  When parents say that West Elk is not a good school, then you look at that list, makes  you wonder where they should be sending their kids to school.  Schools that are close to us in proximity are on that list. All those schools in Wichita makes you wonder what in the world that school district is doing. Wow.

Diane Amberg

Big city school are having very serious problems getting kids to see the value in education. The drug problems and violence at home and on the streets is really having an impact. Now a great many of the very good teachers and administrators won't go there because of threats and vandalism in the inner cities.  Even the best teachers, who would love to make a difference, burn out very quickly. Most colleges aren't teaching ways to reach these kids. The usual approaches don't work because the classroom teacher can't compete with the "excitement" of the streets.These kids are often courted by the toughs in the 'hood by fourth grade and are lost to the streets by 6th.  Even the parents who try to rescue their kids can't afford to move and are threatened or killed. It's kids having kids with no father at home and maybe a grandmother trying to raise the kids. It's gone on for so many generations now that they don't even know that being out on the streets at 3:00 in the morning isn't right.The police can't do much before the fact. They try with the DARE programs and the settlement houses and after school projects but they can only do so much. There are always some honors sections that do very well, but the overall school averages are dragged down by the rest. Truancy is a very serious problem. Even the best teacher can't help a child who isn't there.

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