Started by Warph, August 06, 2010, 12:44:16 PM

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By Ted Nugent -The Washington Times

We're the ones who allowed anti-Americans to take over America

Barack Hussein Obama did not sneak into power. An army of clueless, disconnected, ignorant Americans invited him to bring his Marxist, glaringly anti-American jihad into our lives. This president's overtly destructive, clear-and-present-danger agenda is surpassed in transparency only by his ultra-leftist public voting record and overall lifetime conduct of consorting with the enemy as a child and student of Marxism, socialist and racist community organizer, congregant of the blatant America-hating black-theology- and social-justice-spewing Rev. Jeremiah Wright and close personal friend of convicted communist terrorists like Bill Ayers, and by his unflinching appointment of an array of communist czars, including Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunne, et al. So let me get this straight: You claim your intentions were noble because you simply wanted to get your child a puppy but somehow didn't notice that it was foaming at the mouth, and now you're shocked that your child has rabies? I think not. That is not a mistake. It is negligence -- dangerous, life threatening and, I am convinced, downright criminal negligence.

And the price for such negligence is catastrophic, don't you know.

But it gets worse. For, you see, the blame doesn't fall just on the obvious stupidity of our friends and families who voted for this corrupt, death-wish government in whose stranglehold we find ourselves. Ultimately, it is our fault. It is the failure of those of us who know better but have failed miserably to educate our own. Living our lives with a captive audience of family, friends, co-workers, socialites, fellow worshippers at church and other parents at school -- everyone in our everyday walks of life -- far too many of us have allowed uneducated, history-devoid, denial-riddled, fantasy-driven, anti-gun and anti-hunting, anti-capitalism general ignoramuses to remain so and run amok, when by all thoughtful considerations, it was our duty to educate and upgrade everyone in our lives to truth, logic and the American way.

It is the terminal curse of apathy and disconnect that got us into this shameless mess we find America in today, and in all honesty, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We all saw it coming, but political correctness caused most of us to clam up in the ridiculous mindset that it was more important to avoid hurting feelings than to stand up for what we knew in our hearts was being trampled underfoot. Sadly, America has become a nation of ultra-thin-skinned, whining little girls, afraid of our own shadows and so cowardly as to back away from the simple solution of speaking the truth when we know we are supposed to do so.

I have been damned as being a radical extremist my entire adult life for simply standing up and relentlessly promoting and celebrating self-evident truth, logic and common sense. The devil brigade acting upon the Saul Alinsky deception playbook has made its mark by lying, cheating and attacking with the very hate that it accuses everybody else of harboring. With an overall complicit media to bullhorn the brigade's agenda, a nation of sheep has taken the pill and swallowed it whole.

Welcome to the new fat, soft, cowardly nation of wimps with the perfectly corrupt president and pack of soulless hounds in government that they deserve.

Look at Harry Reid. Charlie Rangel. Listen to Nancy Pelosi. What kind of idiots do they represent? A huge army of idiots who wish to do nothing for their country, but whine for their government to do everything for them. Welcome to France, ladies and gentlemen, only worse.

There always have been bad, ignorant people in the world. But in the United States of America, land of the free and home of the brave, the epicenter of rugged individualism founded on the premise of live free or die, where the powerful DNA of defiance got us where we are as the last, best place on Earth, the ultimate violation is that so many hardworking, truly entrepreneurial, independent Americans backed down and failed to stand up when we saw the wimps squawking about all the wrong stuff.

Everything from the New Deal and Great Society on has been a dismal and grossly counterproductive failure, yet we continue to allow corrupt bureaucrats to keep jamming more of the same down our throats with barely a whimper of resistance. How pathetic. How lame. How un-American.

The Tea Party is a better-late-than-never step in the right direction back to the glorious "we the people" experiment in self-government, but as far as I'm concerned, we haven't begun to turn up the heat nearly enough quite yet.

Each and every conservative and liberal American who knows that we cannot spend and tax our way out of debt, who knows that an exit strategy instead of a victory strategy is the same as surrender, who knows Fedzilla is criminal in its refusal to be accountable with our hard-earned tax dollars being blowtorched with unprecedented and insane wastefulness, that a federal government suing Arizona for simply implementing constitutional law is treasonous, and who fails to communicate this with everyone we know is actually complicit with this bizarre, fundamental transformation of the greatest country in the history of humankind.

What in God's good name are we thinking? How much more of this can we possibly put up with? Will we show true American fortitude to stop the beast at the voting booths in November and in every election in the future to make sure no more communists, no more Marxists, no more anti-American redistributors of wealth are allowed in positions of power ever again? Can we outvote the pimps, whores and welfare brats? Will we be smart enough to put every politician to the Pelosi-Obama litmus test? We will be smart enough never to let a Mao Zedong fan club in the White House ever again?

Will we have learned our lesson that we the people have a daily, moral responsibility to be suspicious of everyone in government and the media and watchdog them properly from now on? Will we finally never forget? Will we finally say never again and mean it?

Will we finally use the incredible freedoms as provided by the sacrifices of our amazing warrior heroes of the U.S. military to be sure this insanity can never happen again? Can we show at least that basic respect for the privilege of being American and how we got here?

It is not them, it is us. Pogo was right.

Ted Nugent is an unstoppable American rock 'n' roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is author of "Ted, White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto" and "God, Guns and Rock 'N' Roll" (Regnery Publishing).
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Barrack Hussein Obama is aggressively destroying our country because he deeply hates America's founding principles.

In today's politically charged atmosphere, observing and speaking the obvious can be difficult and is often met with rage. Observations of truth are neither pro-Republican nor anti-Democrat.  Truth is truth.  No political party or politician is, has been or ever will be pure.  America's national heritage and future greatness rests in truth, honesty, soundness of principles, and the recognition of inalienable, God given, individual liberties.  These profound truths have and will define us like no other nation in history.  Abandonment of these profound truths will lead to our demise.

Barrack Obama took office twenty months ago and TODAY OUR COUNTRY IS RAGING.  Youth unemployment is now 39%.... home foreclosures... small businesses and personal bankruptcies rest at all time highs.  Citizen hatred is being nationally stoked based on skin color.. economic status... political ideology and religious beliefs!!  Government spending... political corruption... and unsustainable indebtedness are rising.... and illegal immigrants are pouring into our society without restraint.  Our Constitution is being perverted... twisted... gamed or ignored by those controlling the levers of federal power.   

The very people responsible for speeding America to the brink of total collapse are proud, "on the record" America haters.  They have published books... organized communities.... overtaken mass media... infected classrooms.... linked arms with international enemies of capitalism.... bombed U.S. federal buildings... spewed hatred from church pulpits..... funded terrorist flotillas and collectively plotted the overthrow of "Imperial America" in numerous published manuscripts. These very people are in our government today and actively advising Obama.  We are in the midst of the promised fundamental transformation. All societal ills are simply explained away as "failures of capitalism" and then exploited to rationalize the necessity to take further control over more personal freedoms. 

To contrast America's Founding Fathers with Obama's Circle of Mentors could not possibly provide a more stark and frightening comparison of GOOD vs. EVIL.  Recognition of a loving God, individual liberty, personal freedom, limited government and self-determination on the one hand.  Disdain for religion, collective rights, group identification, oppressive government rule and socialist redistribution of property based on victimhood status or "human rights" on the other hand.  Even a young child can easily recognize the extreme differences between these ideologically opposite worldviews. 

The elephant in America's living room can no longer be ignored.  Neighbors must speak with neighbors. Pastors must speak with worshipers.   Families must reunite.  American history must be reintroduced to our society.  We can no longer allow ourselves to be "re-educated," intimidated, belittled, threatened, deceived or divided by political elites, snobbish media activists or academic pinheads claiming their intellectual superiority trumps our God given common sense.  

Barack Hussein Obama represents a global movement that believes America is inherently racist....globally imperialistic.... exploits workers,..... destroys Mother Earth and exists without enlightened rulers properly educated to micro-govern every detail of our society.  Godless Marxists... atheists.... socialists and global America HATERS defined and continue to influence our President's core beliefs and actions.  These truths are without dispute.  Rage if you must.  FACTS ARE FACTS.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Rather Angry America .....
by Victor Davis Hanson

Unemployment is still high, growth low, deficits huge. States are cutting out everything from streetlights to paving. Public pensions are exploding everywhere.
A class war looms between retirees who want their sweet-heart obligations honored, and strapped, poorer taxpayers who feel about those bloated payouts as they do their underwater mortgages.

What Did You Expect?
In a progressive culture, where ads blare hourly about skipping out on credit card debt, shorting the IRS, and walking away from mortgages, did the public employee unions really think they were exempt from a Chrysler-like renegotiation?

In the age of Obama, there is no real contractual obligation: everything from paying back bondholders to fixing a BP penalty is, well, "negotiable." When the money runs out, the law will too. Law? There is no law other than a mandated equality of result.

The Talkative Crowd
On the Internet recently appeared the pictures of the JournoList bunch, who at least between themselves gave up their usual pretense that the media was unbiased. With all due respect (confession: I was briefly mentioned by the list as someone that the racist card might work on in connection with the illegal immigration debate), they appear to the eye as a sort of nerdish group.
They remind me of what we used to call the "wimp table" at a pretty tough Selma High around 1970. It was there that the high school's handful of geeks, toadies, and picked-upon used to eat, under the protective eye of yard-duty teachers. The assumption was that with a few steps further onto the grounds, the entire sorry bunch was fair game for every bully on campus. And that sad outfit filters, disseminates, and arbitrates our news? Most from their writing and appearance seemed either neurotic overachievers or twenty-something bloggers who confuse calling someone something with erudition.

Up Is Down
No wonder aristocratic golf became needed presidential relaxation, the old first lady hysteria over things like Nancy's china cooled when Michelle hit the Costa del Sol, and Guantanamo became A-OK. The news now for these guys is sort of like writing boilerplate race/class/gender oppression papers for a Yale undergrad gut class.

Populism Is Now Bad?
In contrast, the proverbial people seem angry. A book will have to be written explaining how in 19 months Obama blew a 70% approval rating and is headed for under 40% — something that took Bush six years. A handful of judges nullified what millions voted for in Arizona and California, apparently on the premise that wanting federal immigration law enforced, and seeing marriage as a traditional bond between a man and woman as it has been for 2,500 years in the West, was bigoted, analogous to the racism of the Jim Crow South, and thus in need of judicial intervention.

A guy in Bakersfield might think it prejudicial that a gay judge struck down an amendment to the Constitution passed by a majority of voters and opposed by the gay lobby; a guy in DC would think the guy in Bakersfield prejudicial for coming up with that preposterous conclusion.

Meanwhile, in our postracial age, race is everywhere: Charles Rangel, who won't follow the tax laws he writes, whines about an "old-English, Anglo-Saxon procedure." Maxine Waters (under the cloud of insider bank influence peddling) and the Black Caucus (recipient of federalized GM donations) cite racism as the source of their ethical dilemmas (at least Larry Craig did not cite gay-bashing and Duke Cunningham reverse discrimination and Chris Dodd ageism and the late John Murtha girthism).

A mass murderer at a beer distribution center (so much for Van Jones's assurances that such mayhem was a white thing) is portrayed on the airwaves as an aggrieved victim of racism lashing out. Not a word about the shattered lives of those gunned down and their families. Welcome to the post-racial Obama age — with much more to follow. (Nemesis gives no quarter: once Barack Obama years ago went down the patronize-and-use-Rev.-Wright path, the payback was only a matter of when, not if.)

History Is Negotiable
We sent our first delegation to the services marking the bombing of Hiroshima. Fine, but will we do the same with the Philippines, Manchuria, South Korea, and all the other places where the Imperial Japanese Army by early 1945 was killing on average well over 5,000 a day in its occupied co-prosperity sphere? To understand why Hiroshima, understand 50,000 American casualties, 100,000 Japanese dead, and 100,000 Okinawan dead at the conclusion of Okinawa ten weeks earlier, and then multiply it by a factor of 10 for the upcoming Japanese homeland invasion.

The Rising
At home, a huge mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan will rise up before the new World Trade Center (maybe Bruce Springsteen can do a sequel to "The Rising"?). To suggest this is bad taste is bigoted. To suggest that we don't know the where, how, and why about the funding, or why a self-proclaimed ecumenical group of Muslims wants to build ties by picking this provocative spot, or who exactly is behind the idea (or where exactly the promoter now is) is the worst sort of Neanderthal right prejudice.

No problem. We can assure the 3,000 dead that their passing was marked by the enlightened harmony of a mosque preempting a new tower. What we do know is that in about a year, all over the Middle East, al-Qaeda videos will have photo-shopped "strong horse" posters and CDs of the ruins of 9/11 in the shadow of a towering mosque, with the accustomed boilerplate about how Atta et al. knocked down the looming towers in order to have Islam's shrine rise up in their place. It all sort of reminds one of the nasty reception the president's envoy on Islamic outreach just got from a Muslim audience in India. He was "shocked" at his reception — or translated into Valley Girl parlance: "Like, I can't believe this is happening to me."

I don't think the polls quite capture the present public anger, which in not abating. Everything seems to channel into a general furor: Michelle's movable feast from Costa del Sol to Martha's Vineyard; the president suing Arizona and counting on a judge to nullify the public will, as part of a larger effort either by judicial nod or administrative fiat to get amnesty for 15 million future voters who will reciprocate at the polls; politicians bragging about handing out another $100 billion of someone else's money here, another $200 billion there and those who go to a tea party rally, vote to enforce immigration law, want to see marriage as it has been for millennia, want to cut federal spending, or are tired of identity politics are Palinesque clingers.

The Best and the Brightest
The common denominator? If one were to survey the elite campuses around 1975 and talk to those in law school, poly sci, or the humanities, then imagine them 35 years later as our elite leaders in government, the media, the universities, the foundations, and the arts, one could pretty much expect what we now have.

The present symptoms that characterize both our popular culture and current governance — shrill self-righteousness; abstract communalism juxtaposed with concrete pursuit of the aristocratic good life; race/class/gender cosmic sermonizing with private school and Ivy league for the kids; crass and tasteless public expression; a serial inability to take responsibility for one's actions; the bipartisan mega-deficits; the inability to cut pensions and social security for the baby boomers — from the trivial to the fundamental, all derive from a bankrupt cohort that came of age in the sixties and seventies.

We see the arrested adolescence and hypocrisy that come from that sermonizing generation, whether in Al Franken's puerile face-making, the ideologically driven suicide at Newsweek, the steady destruction of the New York Times, John Kerry's tax-avoiding yacht, the Great Gatsby Clinton wedding, Michelle on the Costa del Sol, Nancy Pelosi's jet, Tim Geithner's tax skipping, or the constant race-card playing of a Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters. Yes, one walk across the Yale or Stanford campus circa 1975, and one could see pretty clearly what sort of culture that bunch would create when it came of age and was handed power. If that is reductionism, so be it.


Many of us fear the path America is being led down by our government, media and educational institutions and want to be sure they are watched fervently.  It was a revelation to actually see how many Democrat elected officials have supported this massive swing to the left.  One would have thought that, though liberal, they valued our free market system and economic freedoms.  It has become hard to believe the US is a right-of-center nation (as surveys claim) when the culture and its factions exert such a leftward pull on our politicians.  On TV programs such as "Law and Order" name just one... leftist philosophies are promoted while conservative ones are debunked.  Mainstream news programs are fountains of anti-Republican, conservative propaganda.

Foremost in memory is the shabby treatment meted out to President Bush at White House press conferences, press dinners and Hollywood functions.  And of course we all know how Republicans and conservatives are the butt of late-night talk-show jokes.

Even past noble causes and their current leaders have become withered, almost comical clones of their past heroes.  Look at the regression from Dr. King to Al Sharpton.  During those terrible days of black struggle to be treated as American citizens, we longed for the day an African-American could be elected president.  Who wouldn't while seeing what happened to African-Americans as they merely tried to live life as others did by eating at a lunch counter or being welcome in all public places?  Joan Baez and other activists would place their bodies between black children and their object-throwing taunters as they entered schools and we were stirred.  We felt the day this nation elected a black President would show America had truly become America.

But not this president; not Barack Hussein Obama.

We envisioned a black president who would govern as an American who loved this country.  One who loved America for her exceptionalness; for having the character to overcome her worst elements; for all her economic strength that it was now possible for everyone to grasp the opportunity to share.

But now we have some ominous dots to connect and a picture takes shape: William Ayres and his causes; Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Van Jones, all preaching their hateful philosophies.  We saw Cuban flags and pictures of Che Guevara on walls of Obama campaign offices; red Soviet flags flying over crowds in post-election rallies.  We heard the socialist views spoken to Joe the Plumber and this administration's disdain for private enterprise.  Then there is the continual ignorance displayed on foreign affairs along with a complete reversal of allies and enemies.

The vast crowds of equally ignorant sycophants crying out in ecstasy and adoration for Barack Hussein Obama was not reassuring.

Barack Hussein Obama's presidency has lifted a rock off the Democrat Party and revealed some ominous qualities that had long been off of our collective radar; that there are many Rev. Wrights and Bill Ayers sitting in Congress.  We fear the effect these people have on our culture and nation and feel we must not let anything they do or say go unnoticed.

Hence the Tunnel Wall


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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