Johnson grass

Started by Janet Harrington, August 05, 2010, 03:27:41 PM

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Janet Harrington

When is the best time to spray Johnson grass?

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


It isn't now but the State Highway Department doesn't seem to know.   The Johnson Grass  has been headed out for a long time.   They were spraying south of Moline yesterday and I couldn't believe it.   I tried to find out a few years ago from state representative Peggy Long what they were spraying on the highway but never had a answer.   Maybe Jeff King could tell us.  An example of waste.     Chautauqua county has been spraying the rural roads with an unusual pattern.   They spray for several yards then stop and then spray again.   Thanks for bringing it up Janet.

Dee Gee

Janet, you might try getting some pigs, they like the roots and dig them out and eat them.  ;D
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Janet, cut it back, wait a few days until it is growing back and spray it with Roundup. I had Johnson Grass on this lot when we built the house anqd the first Spring I let it get up a foot or so tall and then sprayed it. Everytime some sprouted in other places I sprayed with Roundup, I haven't seen any Johnson Grass in 2 years.


Treating prior to seeding can't be overstated... Johnsongrass seed has been shown to remain dormant yet viable in soil for up to 10 years!  Also, since it reproduces via rhizomes as well as seed, dont try to dig it out or you may end up with 3 or 4 plants where you had only one!  Spray and spray again when new plants emerge.

A 5%  solution of glyphosate (Round Up) works nicely.  The Severy COOP has some concentrated (41 % Round Up generic) glyphosate called Mad Max for about $37 for 2.5 gallons.  To make a 5% solution,  mix 6.5 ounces of the concentrate in 1 gallon of water in your garden sprayer.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I rid the property I live on of it just by spraying with Round-up as soon as I recognized it.  However, I get reseeded from the property around me, on both sides.  One side doesn't spray at all and the other side waits until it goes to seed before they spray.  I am talking about the property habited by the County Road Department.  The Johnson grass is swaying merrily in the breeze now, spreading it's seed whichever direction the wind is blowing.  I guess the road department doesn't know that it can be killed just as easily in the spring as late summer.

the shadow

The Shadow knows!

Janet Harrington

Quote from: the shadow on August 05, 2010, 07:54:30 PM
Here we go again!

No, Shadow, it's not a "here we go again."  It was a legitimate question and as for what Wilma has to say about her neighbors, it isn't her fault that one of her neighbors happen to be the county yard.

Has anyone ever stopped to wonder how the grass along the county yard, (outside the fence) gets mowed?  Well, let me tell you.  My husband mows it on the north side and one the east side.  Mary Harrod contributes by mowing the east side when she is mowing her yards.  She might even mow the south side of the county yard. So citizens are doing their part to make the neighborhood look good.

I think the neighbors to the county have a legitimate complaint when they are doing their best to keep their yards up, but then have johnson grass seed blowing everywhere that will then require more spraying by the neighbors.  The county keeps up the court yard and the extension office yard.  Why  not the county road yard?  Just saying.

the shadow

Just wondering, Janet, did Wilma purchase her house and move in knowing the county yard was straight across the road from her? Or did the county come in there after she had purchased her land? We're are going to throw a fit about Johnson grass and the seeds blowing around. Next thing someone will be bitching about the smell of hog shit outside of town.
The Shadow knows!

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