Johnson grass

Started by Janet Harrington, August 05, 2010, 03:27:41 PM

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Varmit, maybe you can tell me why anyone would want to put something like that across the street from my front door?  I live a very quiet life here, seldom go anywhere except to doctor appointments, mind my own business most of the time.  What have I said or done that would make someone write that in the grass where I would be the most logical person to see it?


I don't know wilma.  Maybe for the same reason that kids write graffiti on bathroom walls, their attempt at some stupid joke.  Maybe some stupid kid was reading the forum and thought it would be funny to stir up some trouble...who knows?  But without proof why imply it was a county employee?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


If I were a county employee, I would be incensed that someone had done such a thing, especially something that was obviously aimed at an elderly citizen who happens to be wheelchair bound and lives directly across from where I worked. I would like to think that I was reared in a better manner; that I have respect not only for my elders, but for my employers. That I have respect not only for women but for myself. Sorry, but "Oh well, it could have been anyone", just isn't good enough! This kind of bullying doesn't float with me! Makes me really angry! Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!  >:( >:( >:(


Because, Varmit, on Aug. 11 before 9:00 am, the road dept. spray truck was parked directly across the street from my front door.  I thought only that they were finally spraying the grass and weeds in the fence line.  Shortly after, I noticed that they were on the north side of the yard, spraying across the fence to reach the Johnson grass, which by that time was in full head.  Most of the spray was being caught by the heads of seed.  Incidentally, there is still live Johnson grass where they were so diligently spraying.  Why wouldn't I think that they had left the message?  Also, it was done by someone that is experienced in handling a sprayer as the letters were very well formed.  So well formed in fact, that someone wondered if maybe they had a pattern.

Diane Amberg

It's a shame that your area has some very self absorbed, ill bred, poorly raised lowlifes who have nothing better to do than engage in very childish behavior. I wonder how they justify that kind of thing in their tiny little atrophied brains. Cowards is right!


Diane Amberg

What are they getting from that kind of thing? Would they treat their own grandmothers that way? >:(


Truly malicious people don't care about the victim.  The victim be anyone with any condition.

What does the malicious person get out of it?  Feeling of power and control over the situation at hand.  Satisfaction that they have hurt the victim. Like Varmit said, a feeling that they have stirred up trouble.  The truly malicious person will have varying needs to satisfy his or her motivations depending on their personalities and past experiences.  But they will consistently do the negative and mean behaviors.  


In the case of hurting the victim, it failed completely as I never saw the message.  All I saw was dead grass.  I was told what it said.  Too bad.

Varmit, I don't like thinking that any one of that caliber is working for the county, but the idea of a random act is rather far fetched, too.  Wouldn't perps of random acts choose a more visible location instead of somewhere on the far side of town where only a few people would see it?

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