CNN Sees Double Digit Drop from Year Ago... Larry King down bigtime.

Started by Warph, March 31, 2010, 12:21:11 PM

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First Quarter 2010 Ratings: CNN Sees Double Digit Drop from Year Ago
By Kevin Allocca on Mar 30, 2010 03:29 PM

CNN saw the largest across-the-board decreases of any cable network in Q1 compared to last year, though the network did improve over the final quarter of 2009.

Total day (Mon-Sun): 507K Total / 149K A25-54
Prime (Mon-Sun): 690K Total / 200K A25-54

Year-to-year, CNN was down -39% in primetime Total Viewers (-42% in the demo).

In Q1 total day, CNN was down -31% in Total Viewers (-37% demo), but remains the number two network ahead of MSNBC and well behind Fox News. For the month of March, MSNBC pulled ahead of CNN in the demo.

The NYTimes' Bill Carter writes today, "CNN had a slightly worse quarter in the fourth quarter of 2009, but the last three months have included compelling news events, like the earthquake in Haiti and the battle over health care, and CNN, which emphasizes its hard news coverage, was apparently unable to benefit."

Campbell Brown and Larry King had their lowest rated quarters ever in Total Viewers and King also had his worst in the A25-54 demo. Anderson Cooper was also down -- more than -40% in Total Viewers and the demo.

"Rick's List," which launched in January, is down -42% in Total Viewers (-49% demo) compared to the same time slot in Q1 of last year, but is besting "MSNBC Live" and "Dylan Ratigan" on MSNBC in Total Viewers and the demo.

In CNN's release after the jump, the network points to its month-to-month primetime growth in March.




First Quarter 2010

For the first quarter 2010, CNN outperformed MSNBC in both total day (M-Su/6a-6a) and nearly doubled MSNBC during the day (M-F/9a-5p) among total viewers and the key demographic adults 25-54. During the quarter -- in total day, CNN averaged 507k total viewers, a 27% advantage over MSNBC's 398k, and posted 150k in the demo 25-54, 9% more than MSNBC's 137k. During non-opinion programming (M-F 9a until 5p) in head-to-head comparisons, CNN attracted 578k total viewers and 139k among adults 25-54, easily topping MSNBC's 305k and 74k respectively. MSNBC placed 4th or 5th each hour of the day during the first quarter among adults 25-54.

Compared to the prior quarter (Q4 2009), CNN grew its audience across several key dayparts, including total day, dayside (M-F 9a-5p) and M-F and M-Su primetime. In total day, CNN is up 6% in total viewers and increased 11% in the demo adults 25-54; during dayside, CNN rose 3% and 5% respectively; in weekday primetime (M-F) the network is essentially even in total viewers and increased 6% in adults 25-54; and during M-Su primetime the network was up 3% in total viewers and grew 8% in 25-54.

First quarter program highlights:

CNN's AC 360 outperformed MSNBC's Countdown at 10p among total viewers (728k vs. 598k) and adults 25-54 (227k vs. 197k)

CNN's American Morning outperformed 4th place Morning Joe in adults 25-54 (133k vs. 108k)

CNN's Rick's List topped MSNBC Live at 3p among total viewers (596k vs. 306k) and adults 25-54 (132k vs, 72k) and Dylan Radigan at 4p among total viewers (624k vs. 322k) and adults 25-54 (128k vs. 76k)

CNN's Situation Room bested Hardball at 5p among total viewers (661k vs. 525k) and adults 25-54 (149k vs. 96k), The Ed Show at 6p among total viewers (618k vs. 547k) and adults 25-54 (156k vs. 116k) and Hardball at 7p among total viewers and adults 25-54 (157k vs. 151k)

March 2010

In March, CNN also outperformed MSNBC in total day among total viewers (460k vs. 400k). During the day (9a-5p), CNN had a 63% advantage over MSNBC in total viewers (501k vs. 308k) and a 57% lead in the demo 25-54 (119k vs. 76k) in head-to-head non opinion programming.

CNN – the only non partisan cable news network in primetime – grew its M-F primetime audience more than the other cable news nets compared to last month (February 2010/M-F). In M-F primetime among total viewers, CNN was up 11%, while FNC and MSNBC increased only 4% and 9% respectively, and in the demo 25-54, CNN increased 11%, more than FNC's 5% increase, while MSNBC was up only 1%. And in M-Su primetime, CNN was up 23% in total viewers and increased 21% in the key demo.

Specifically in March, compared to last month (Feb. 2010) – Anderson Cooper (10p) grew an impressive 28% in total viewers and was up 17% in adults 25-54. Larry King (9p) was up 1% in total viewers and 9% in 25-54 and Campbell Brown (8p) rose 7% in total viewers and increased 3% in the key demo adults 25-54.


On an average monthly basis for Q1 2010, CNN again topped the competition with a reach of 104 million, ahead of FNC (94 million), MSNBC (90.2 million) and HLN (88.3 million).

In March, CNN remained ahead of all cable news competition in reach with 93.2 million viewers, followed by FNC (87.5 million), HLN (80.8 million) and MSNBC (78.7 million).


This from Sandra Lee:

When I was a newly-minted journalist we called Ted Turner's Cable News Network the Chicken Noodle Network. Today that poultry- based moniker seems poised to make a return.  The NY Times reports this morning:

CNN continued what has become a precipitous decline in ratings for its prime-time programs in the first quarter of 2010, with its main hosts losing almost half their viewers in a year.

On the other hand, it's nothing but good news over at the Fox News Channel:

The trend in news ratings for the first three months of this year is all up for  the Fox News Channel, which enjoyed its best quarter ever in ratings, and down for both MSNBC and CNN.

Wow, the Media Matters spin docs are gonna have to work a little OT spinning this puppy.  As I blogged earlier here at the NewsReal Blog, the lefties over at Media Matters were giddy with delight when they "slammed"  Fox News in February based on a Pew research study:

What say you Fox News? PBS Tops Latest 'Most Trusted' Poll -

As we all know, those "viewer studies" don't mean jack...what does matter is the ratings.  The American viewers have voted loudly and clearly with their clickers.  The media websites are all reporting:

We're now one month away from Fox News becoming the #1 cable news channel for the 100th consecutive month based on total viewers.

Let's break it down:

CNN ratings are down 39% in prime time despite big news stories like the Haitian earthquake and the battle over HCR

MSNBC is down 15%  in prime time even while Olbermann & Maddow continue the nauseating slobber over the O administration

The ONLY cable news  network to report increases was the Obama-demonized Fox News Channel

Many of the Fox evening and prime time shows had large audience increases ..well into the double digit percentages of growth
Fox News now has more viewers than ever.  But if you watch only the  "mainstream" media or listen to the WH then Fox would be but an annoying little blip on the progressive radar.

Earth to the leftists: most Americans feel betrayed and pandered to.  They will not watch nor believe  the drivel that you feed them, courtesy of the POTUS. You may want to take note...or not.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

I see they didn't mention the people who are getting most of their news from the internet.


Diane, I am in contact with a lot of people, both personal and in my business, and I don't know a soul that gets most of their news from the internet. Most of the people I know get their news from Fox News and from their local station for the early morning local news and the 6:00 and 10:00 local news.

W. Gray

I have seen one statistic that indicates Fox outdraws all other cable news, combined, in the ratings by more than a two to one margin.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, that's because Fox News is fair and balanced like they say. Most of Fox do lean to the right but they put libs on their shows so you get both views

Diane Amberg

Actually I was taking a fun poke at someone who is a regular on here who doesn't own a TV. Sorry it was not understood. Never mind.


I think we all get a little bit distracted from the main topicstarter's theme


Your right diane i don't own a tv, and i don't miss it either.  Its usually not got anything on it worth wasting my time with. :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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