is there ANYthing..........

Started by pamagain, July 23, 2010, 10:17:03 AM

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 on Gods green Earth quite as annoying as a kitten who is on a tear and thinks it's funny to do a driveby leg clawin?!?!

If it wasn't Ashleys the little suckers  days would be seriously numbered :P


 ;D ;D ;D remember Lewie, the siamese ? ? ? His favorite pass time lol


It's fun to have a young animal around! This brings back a lot of memories.  :D :D


 Lewie was an awesome cat lol.........this one was an orphan and Ashley bottle fed it......Joe teases it......and it's SPOILT rotten.

I swear she looks like one of those motorcycle stunt riders that does the circle of death thing! Blasts by sideways and manages to leave claw holes down the ENTIRE length of your leg before it even registers what she just did LOL


When Rex had his heart attack 5 years ago we got him a rehab cat. They said she was 6 wks old but it turned out she was only 4 weeks old. When Rex came home he had to hand feed her and take care of her. If couse she turned into the most rotten cat we have ever had. She would do the scary cat, with her back arched and tail straight up in the air. She would run after your feet and attack. Now she runs up behind you and bites the back of your legs when you walk across the floor. She lays in the kitchen sink all the time so we will  pay attention to her.  8)

Ms Bear

My Charlie likes to do the leg attack.  Usually outside but totally different when in the house, like he has to be the center of attention.  Since I can't get his girlfriend to come in the house I have to feed them outside but always try to make sure to bring in anything left before dark.  Apparently I haven't been doing a very good job at that because Friday night I heard a lot of noise on the porch and turned the light on and there were two coons checking for any food left over.  Charlie has been hissing at something but I thought it was just another stray that someone had dumped, must have been the coons under the house.


I doin't think people can "own" a cat.  They sorta own us.

Roma Jean Turner

I love the movie 'Cat and Dogs' and am looking forward to seeing the sequel that is just coming out.


We had a white, half-Siamese that terrorized us at times.  I was given her on Halloween Day when she was weaned and box trained.  Nevertheless, as hubbie was holding her while I handed out treats, she peed on him.  We named her Spooky in honor of the holiday.  I made the mistake of not letting her outside.  She was too little and the weather was too nasty.  Thus, she became the ruler of the house.  She could swipe you with her claws without a moment's notice.  We tried clipping the claws, but it usually took 3 people to do it.  I swore that I would never have another cat that couldn't survive outside on it's own.  Now, I have Bud, who can't go out because he wouldn't survive.  I have my back porch enclosed with wire so he can be out without being outside.  I have to persuade him to give up my recliner every time I want it.  He orders us around like he is entitled.  His favorite game is tag and he uses his claws.  So much for me never having another cat that can't go outdoors.

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