If you are Conservative, then you are Satan.

Started by Warph, July 22, 2010, 03:16:45 AM

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If you were harrassed, threatened, slandered, shouted at...whatever...at some time, it would probably get to you.  The question is, how long does it take to get to you?  If you are a Republican, you put up with it for years, and never complain about it.  Why?  Because if you did, the NYT, LAT, WaPo, and the rest of the MSM would be all over you for being a wimp.  If you are a Democrat, you put up with it for maybe 24 hours, call a press conference, talk about how mean-spirited the voters are, and look for sympathy.

What gets me, however, is not their reaction to Obamacare, the stimulus, the loss of jobs and the weak economy.  The intrigue for me is how this show of fear by the Democrats today compares to the need for strength in foreign relations.   Over the fall and winter, we heard about how conservatives were acting like terrorists.  Interesting.  And now this past spring and going into summer we now see that the Democrats are afraid of these "terrorists".

Not really.  Think again.

This is another Alinsky ploy to demonize the enemy.  But, it shows to what extent the Democratic party is willing to go against its true enemy.  Are those the third-world dictators.?  NO.  The terrorist organizations?  NO.

Conservatives?  YES!!!

In other words, these tactics prove exactly who Democrats think their enemies are.  It proves why they are weak on national defense, why they are willing to come to the table with terrorists.  They fear the real enemy.  With conservatives, they have have no fear; they realize they can manipulate the game whenever they want.  When they can win, they manipulate the game to win.  They cannot do that against terrorists, because they either don't believe they can win, or don't want to win.  In other words, when it comes to national defense, they need to "grow a pair."  They need to defend all citizens, not just those wimpy, anti-military citizens that voted them into office.

Now check this out!  It's a story so odd and so contrived.... well, let's start here: 
Let's say you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim.  You are devout in your religion.  You follow the precepts, and study the book, whichever one it might be.  You do your best to follow the tenets of your religion.  Nothing could take you away from your faith.

If that is true, then you know who your ultimate enemy is:  Satan.  Forget about the earthly battles you choose to fight for now, and focus on the spiritual realm.  Satan is your ultimate enemy.   Never, no, not once, would you ever consider saying anything good about Satan.  The reasons would be obvious, right?  Could you imagine walking into your Bible Study class and sincerely saying something like, "well, because of him, we are enlightened."  No, I don't think so.  You would be giving credibility to him, making him possibly seem like an okay guy.  He's not, but that does not matter.

You would do nothing to give the impression that the father of lies is acceptable.  He's not cool, dreamy, hot (ha!), or anything else like that.  He is the enemy.  He must be, well, demonized.

Before you blurt, "Obviously!", let me take this to the next level:

If you are conservative, then you are Satan.

No, seriously.

Right now, you are either cussing at your screen, or at me, or at the parents who gave birth to me.  Hear me out.

Just like the Jews, Muslims and Christians all recognize Satan as their ultimate enemy, and thus would never have anything good to say about him, liberals and their followers have politics as their religion, and must have an ultimate enemy.  If you are conservative, then congratulations, you are it.  Therefore, you are Satan.

This has nothing to do with being a follower of the evil one.  This has everything to do with how you are treated by the liberal establishment.  Because of the left's effective use of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," you, as a conservative, will never, ever have anything nice said about you.  There will never be an opportunity to be told that you are wise, that your ideas are good, that you are thoughtful, or that you even look good.  If they did, it would make their followers believe that you have some redeeming qualities, that you are not the doofus they'd been led to believe.  And that you might... just might.... have some beliefs worth hearing.  The liberal left cannot have that, because their ideas won't stand when put to the test.

Hence, the liberal left has only one option, and that's to make sure you, as a conservative, are the most vile, repulsive person known to man.  The person who no one wants to associate with.  The one who destroys all that is good in this world.  You, my conservative friend are Satan to the liberal left.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Roma Jean Turner

This would explain why a few of my friends came undone when I suggested that Ray Nagan might have assumed more responsibility for his people's welfare during Katrina. We almost had to reschedule bridge.  Ha. Ha


   you DO know that whole thing, with the word democrat changed to republican, would still be "true" don't you?

  republicans demonize democrats.........conservatives demonize liberals.............the REAL truth is that NOTHING in this country is going to change for the better until we get rid of the either or mindset that lies to people and says "Vote for OUR side....WE are BETTER" ............TRUE change is what is going to make things BETTER.......a new party option.........a new VIABLE party option.....a neither hardline conservative NOR hardline LIBERAL party option.......a MAJOR housecleaning, throw ALL the bums out,clear the moneychangers kind of viable party option. Maybe we could call it the COMMONSENSE party. Common sense is a commodity in VERY short supply in either current party.

  Those things will never happen as long as people still believe we can only have either/or.


well i do agree with warph on this in that, demonization was perfected to an art by the clintons. 

But its like this, if liberal/conservative does not recognize my sovereignty as a individual citizen, not subject to control in any form,  other than abiding by common sense laws designed to protect life liberty and property, then they ARE satan/enemy. 

I do not need the "liberal/conservative" telling me they have to protect me.   thats my job.  I do not need them shoving a healthcare tax down my throat because they think they need to control my medical care. 

What i do need is for them to back off, give me and every other citizen in this country the room to follow the consititutional guarantee of life liberty and pursuit of happiness.   Stop regulating, stop taxing, stop stealing. Period. 

Leave the citizen alone.  I am not a subject!  I answer only to God and myself, and i will require the Govt to answer to me in november!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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