Painless shots

Started by W. Gray, July 19, 2010, 09:49:24 AM

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W. Gray

Not sure how far along development of this is but the Associated Press has a story today concerning a new type of medical shot, such as a flu shot.

The needle penetrates the skin and then dissolves releasing the serum. Supposed to be "painless."

In live tests, people on the receiving end reported the discomfort at one-tenth, or so, of getting a standard injection.

In the sixties, the "jet guns" used by the military for mass inoculations were supposed to be painless, but they were not. The injection needle was replaced by compressed air from a jet cartridge that shot the serum into the blood stream. I was always happy when I had to go to a doctor and his folks used a regular needle. I understand the services have now discontinued the use of these guns because of a hepatitis risk.
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Seems to me better and safer to stick with the old fashioned way.

Diane Amberg

No thanks, I'm not afraid of a needle. 8)

Ms Bear

I'm fine with the traditional needle.  My daughter says she is allergic to shots, they make her eyes water.  She never did find a nurse that would fall for that.


Shots are okay.  Sugar cube was okay.  Suppose this will be okay.


Ha! Ms Bear! I am allergic to needles. They make me hyperventilate and get crazy dizzy. I've even been known to pass out  :o
I don't get out of shots though, they just make sure I"m sitting down so they don't have to pick me up off the floor.  ;D

Ms Bear

My husband hated shots so bad that he offered the emergency room nurse a gallon of strained Muscadine juice if she wouldn't give him the tetnus (sorry about the misspelling) shot the Dr had ordered.  She was willing but the Dr didn't go for it.

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