Enter our bi-sexual Sec. of State....

Started by Warph, July 17, 2010, 12:52:36 AM

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If the average Kenyan knew that their favorite son, Barack Hussein Obama, had declared June the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender Pride Month, they would simply not believe it.  Nor would they believe that in his proclamation for Fathers' Day, he'd said that nurturing families comes in many forms, including being raised by two "fathers"  -- even if neither of them is the true father.

Enter our bi-sexual Sec. of State in this little play.  Hillary Clinton recently told "LGBT members (and believe me, there is a bunch) of the State Department family" that gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay and that her first concern for Africa is how LGBT persons are treated on the continent. She states, "Our regional bureaus are working closely with our embassies on this issue. The Bureau of African Affairs has taken the lead by asking every embassy in Africa to report on the conditions of local LGBT communities. And I'm asking every regional bureau to make this issue a priority."

This was greeted with thunderous applause in Foggy Bottom.

People, my beloved State has gone to hell.  If this had happened on Reagan's or Bush #43 watch, our gay ex-first lady would be digging potatoes somewhere in Africa.  But I wonder if she would dare to make this announcement in Nairobi. It is damn fortunate that the US does not have an embassy in Mogadishu, because if the word got round that THIS was the African priority for the present US administration, there would be a repetition of Black Hawk Down.  And not only in Somalia.

Of course, most Africans are completely unaware of Clinton's LGBT agenda.  They sense no danger to their way of life from Uncle Sam's quirky obsessions.  But they should.  Issues like these are achieved covertly, patiently and using the legal systems. And before the electorate knows what's happened, these new "rights" have been enshrined in a Bill of Rights.

Joe Biden's recent trip to Nairobi seemed part of an effort to impose Uncle Sam's values on Kenyans.  It was a typical operation: arrogant and extreme security measures, chaotic traffic jams, and the token visit to a Kibera slum.  He went, at huge expense to the US taxpayer, to boost the proposed Kenyan Constitution, and promise that "once it's approved" his boss, the corrupt Obamanator, will make his first official visit to Kenya.

The proposed Constitution leaves the way clear to sign the right to abortion.... and later on, gay and lesbian rights.... into the new document without passing through Parliament. From an African point of view this seems to be one of the top priorities of the three a**holes, Obama/Biden/Clinton triumvirate.

Looks like Kenya, often perceived by outsiders as the most "Western" African country after South Africa, is being used as a guinea pig.  The perception is mistaken. Only some sectors of youth in the capital, Nairobi, are Westernised, by Afro-Americana, especially rap, rock and reggae, which fill in a cultural gap and are a sign of protest against the older generation.  Even the cosmopolitan coastal resort of Mombasa staged a strong public protest when two "gays" tried to "marry" recently in a suburb, Mtwapa, known for its strange characters and commercial sex tourism.  But the pattern seems clear: first apply pressure to Kenya, then move on to other East African countries.  Uganda has already had its knuckles rapped by Clinton over its Anti-Homosexuality Bill.  who knows, if the truth about all this were to get out, the embers of anti-Americanism, which have been smouldering since the invasion of Iraq, might burst into flame.

Africans are ambivalent about the US. "Let us in to share your wealth, expertise, high standards and your experiment with democracy," Africans say.  "Your hand-outs are welcome too, provided they reach the people they're intended for, and provided that there are no strings attached.  But leave us to run our own affairs, and do not interfere with our culture, our values and traditions.  We may not have got our act together politically and economically, but we know what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.  LGBT rights, a priority in Kenya?  We think NOT!  When we're starved for food, education, basic health care, shelter, food, work opportunities and humane working conditions, and accountability?  So leave us alone!"

Good advice, Hillary.... lets hope you heed it!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Good post Warph. 

It's showing how our Union has become so highly "civilized". 


It would seem that, as a nation, the more we 'know' and the more 'civilized' we become, the dumber we are.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg


Its reffering to Hiliary Clinton the former first lady, you know, Bill Clintons husband. ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

 I know who, I don't understand why is she being called a bi-sexual.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 17, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
I know who, I don't understand why is she being called a bi-sexual.
You mean she isn't?  I thought she had more balls than bill did.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You aint seen noth'n yet. Wait until you see Janet Reno's centerfold spread in the August Playboy magazine !! Ouch.

Diane Amberg

Maybe you should go play with Jason Ready....do some that manly stuff, you'll feel better. :P


Diane, you talking to me ?? If so, too hot down there in Az.

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