And Divided We are......

Started by redcliffsw, July 09, 2010, 12:12:16 PM

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Well, allow me to retort...

1.  The Bible is the Word of God.  There is No "prejudicial human bullshit" in it.  There is nothing in it that says Eve was solely responsible, it was a shared thing.

2.  As a Christian one must offer the gospels to the lost.  It is the duty of a Christian to witness and testifiy as we are commanded "Go ye forth and preach the Gospel".  So when we see things like abortion and homosexuality we have to speak out against it.

3.  The sex between children thing came from you when you said that it was okay for them to engage in it so long as they were safe about it.

4.  I never condemed anybody either.  All I said is that it is a sin.

5.  How can you know the power of God when you don't believe His word, don't think it contains the power to change peoples lives?

6.  I am not saying that I am holier than you.  Just measuring what you said against the Scripture. 

7.  Before your last post I asked two questions, not six, you only answered one.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 Good thing about this being internet.......everything I said is in writing........anybody who wants to know what I ACTUALLY said can go and read it.......anybody who just takes YOUR twisted around VERSION of what I said is welcome to that too.  You took what I said added your own little TWISTS and TURNS about what YOU THINK I said because I don't agree with YOUR particular brand of "Christianity". I know what I said, GOD knows what I said and neither one of us really is too worried about what YOU think about it. I will not be browbeaten by the "Word".

It has been my experience in life....and this AIN'T my first rodeo bud......that the ones who get busy "witnessing" the "Word" are usually in WAY more need of the "Word" than I am.

My knowing the power of God in my life means YOU and people LIKE you HAVE no power in my life. I will not reply to this particular little personal bullshit attack by you again......FINE "CHristian" that you are ( and yes that's sarcasm) I'm afraid I don't NEED your efforts on the behalf of my immortal soul....but We thank you for your efforts and give you two brownie points for tryin :P


How did I twist what you said?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I have twisted nothing that you said

Quote from: pamagain on July 14, 2010, 04:47:04 PM
Here I go....out on a limb again :P.......oh well. Solution to sexual education or lack thereof..............1. QUIT havin a's a natural bodily process that if God REALLY didn't want us to have we WOULDN'T.

And you are right.  Although He did give us instruction on what that process was for.

Quote2 QUIT havin a cow.........I'm pretty sure every last one of you was a teenager at some point in time, IF you are honest I bet VERY few of you made it to marriage before any sex of any kind.

You're probably not too far off the mark on that either.  I didn't make to my first marriage before having sex.  Doesn't mean I don't want my children to wait.

Quote3 QUIT havin a cow and have a REALISTIC conversation with your sons and daughters about the HORMONAL urges they are gonna have instead of labelin them EVIL for even havin the thoughts to start with and tellin them they are fallin short for BEING NORMAL. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED.

No one ever said that they called their children EVIL for having natural urges (whose twisting whose words?).  Only that it is a SIN to act upon those urges outside of marriage.

Quote4. QUIT HAVIN A COW!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL them about condoms ETCETERA so if they DO decide to "give in to their lower nature" ( can't even say that with a straight face it's SO retarded) you won't HAVE a daughter who HIDES from you and sneaks for an abortion or hides from you until she CAN'T anymore and runs away rather than face your "JUDGEMENT" of her "SIN".

This one I cannot disagree with more.  Nowhere in your statement have you stated that kids shouldn't have sex, only that they should protect themselves. Your whole "give in to their lower nature" bit and how its " retarded can't say it with a straight face" hate to break it to you but that is exactly what it is.  Its walking in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. 


I would rather be a Chritian parent and instill in them a trust and faith in God and His word.  That way when the "urge" hits them, as it will, they will have a better understanding of what it is for and when it should be acted on.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



Since when did the Political board convert to being the Religion board?

Diane Amberg

Varmit will have to explain it.


Quote from: pamagain on July 16, 2010, 09:20:14 AM

I will answer your questions........once.

1. I did NOT say I DO NOT believe in the Bible......I SAID it was WRITTEN BY MEN......the TRUTH is in there you just have to dig thru the PREJUDICIAL HUMAN BULLSHIT to get to it.

2.I DON"T support OR NOT support homosexuals.....I SAID I don't CARE.....THAT IT IS THEIR CONVERSATION TO HAVE WITH THE CREATOR WHEN THEY GET THERE.....same with women who get abortions......THAT is THEIR cross to BEAR NOT mine...according to JESUS it is MY JOB to LOVE my fellow man NOT judge them.

3. I don't know WHERE YOU GOT THE SEX BETWEEN CHILDREN THING but I will not even qualify THAT BULLSHIT with an answer.


5. I KNOW the power of GOD..........and that story is none of YOUR business my friend.

6.I have been dealin with holier than thou pricks like you seems like forever. I would NEVER presume I was holy enough to JUDGE YOUR "CHRISTIANITY" or LACK THEREOF. SO KEEP your judgmental BULLSHIT to yourself as concerns me and mine my friend.

Pam, after months of reading the self righteous, uninformed, unsupported, humanistic drivel you regurgitate continually I have concluded that your non-judgmental love is quite hollow and absent any semblance of long suffering or kindness.  Looking at #6 in your ad nauseam diatribe I see a clear contradiction between your comments there and your claims of being non-judgmental and loving.  Your judgmental qualities are just as evident as those you are attempting to ascribe to others.  Yes, I'm making a reasoned judgment, and no, I have no problem doing so.  BTW, save the caps key, we already know you're emphatically grounded in your 'beliefs'.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


posted this as an answer on another thread.......thought it fit your little diatribe here also Patriot........

QuoteThe only way NOT to judge is to accept people with all the things that piss you off even if you think/KNOW they are wrong....
   I accept you Varmit, you Steve, you Patriot, you Red......warts and all.

   Y'all have a most wonderful weekend

my last words on the subject.

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