Sex-ed program sparks grizzly effect

Started by Varmit, July 16, 2010, 08:19:57 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 16, 2010, 03:50:45 PM
So the child in class who does have two mommies gets beat up on the play ground? I wouldn't flaunt it of course but how do think that child would feel? Would you wreck that's child's life? They didn't have any choice in the matter.   OK now put yourself in the teachers place and enlighten us on the way to handle this situation. Your kids would be sure to tell that child he was doomed to hell because the child has two mommies? Kids can be horribly mean. Are you really going to call your son's penis a wee-wee until...uh how old. When is he ready? I'm just shaking my head. 

You know what, I've tried to control my temper with you on most subjects but this one just cuts it...

First off, my kids would never beat up another child for their beliefs or family situation, and I sure as hell take offense to you even implying it.  In fact, my kids would probably befriend that child and try to be a good example in their lives, cause that child isn't getting one at home.  Also, I never said that that child would be damned to hell for choices his parents makes. 

Say what you will about me, but keep your mouth shut about my kids.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


what I object to are the details of what same sex couples do with each other .  No child shouold be subjected to this.

Diane Amberg

 Varmit,BACK OFF! >:( Now GO BACK AND SLOOOOOOWLY READ WHAT I REALLY WROTE. I put you IN THE TEACHERS PLACE AND ASKED YOU HOW YOU WOULD HANDLE THE SITUATION. "YOUR KIDS" were the classroom kids, not yours personally.  Good grief!You have been talking and complaining about teachers and schools so much have you totally lost it?  Get out of yourself, it isn't always about you! So go ahead and get mad, I wouldn't expect anything different. The wee-wee business was just a poke as I never considered you would so totally misread the other.I'm still waiting for an answer on how you would handle the situation if the kids were talking mean to the child with the two mommies!
Twirl I agree, but at what age does it become Ok ? The family life class in middle school might be too late in some cases. I sure don't have the answer, kids mature at such different rates that what is too late for one is much to early for another. I couldn't see the details on the lesson plan so I really don't know what is in it. Kids get so much bad information from each other I don't know what the answer is.


No Diane, I won't back off.  If I missread your post, sorry.  But I will not apologize for how I feel about my kids. 

You know, you might try NOT jumping for the exterme on every issue.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane this is such a big, complicated topic we could go on for hundreds of words, and many pages.  The details of what same sex couples do is not appropriate in school at all.  If a teen is gay and wants gay relationships that teen will figure it out or find some way to learn.  Many children are beginning early and I know for a fact they are having group experiences where they watch each other have sex.  No, I don't approve of this, but as a child counselor I began hearing this in 1995 and listened to it for ten years! Safety is always an issue, but the majority of couples will throw caution to the wind, and then seek help after the fact.   

Diane Amberg

 Varmit ... Do you ever admit to being wrong?  IF you misread my post? There is no IF.You did period. Nobody is picking on your kids.       Why are you so defensive? You went for the extreme on me and jumped to a wrong conclusion without reading. and all I get is a "sorry" with strings on it? As a classroom teacher I had "extremes" dropped in my lap on nearly a daily basis. Are you going to answer the original question or not?  
 Little John got beat up on the playground because the classroom kids found out he has two mommies and no daddy. They tell him he is going to hell because his parents are the same with no daddy. How's that? Tell me how to handle it.
     Twirl, I agree. That's why I was hoping to see the actual plans. There are people out there who want nothing more than to stir things up with no consideration to truth or accuracy. Are there really lesson plans for positions for anybody, let alone same sex couples or is it myth. There is so much garbage out there, I'd love to know the truth and if it so, what in the world is the justification for it. I read that teachers are putting up a fuss and are going to refuse to teach those parts. If it really is true I'd be leading the pack. It's just so far from what I'm used to that I'm a skeptic. I know you've seen the worst of the worst and I've seen some sexual experimentation (and worse) that got out of hand and wound up on the ambulance. I'd love to know what the truth is in this case.


I wasn't wrong, I misread your post and apologized for it.  I am "defensive" about my kids when it comes to my kids, if you don't like it, tough.

Now, as for your question...I would tell that child that he isn't going to hell for the actions of his "parents".  But according to the Bible and God, homosexuality is a sin.  If he is still worried about his "parents" then I would encourage him to ask them to take him to church.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Wouldn't you worry about how the school would feel about you discussing religion at school? Teachers aren't supposed to cross that line.
First, I or the office, would call one of the parents because the kid got beat up.  Then I would ask the parent how they wanted it handled. They must have known some kids wouldn't deal with it well. The kids involved with the beating would be sent to the office and their parents would be called also because of the fighting. Probably the principle or a counselor would tell those parents about the school's no bullying policy and that they and/or their kids can't project their beliefs about homosexuality at school, especially to the child . Suspension might follow for the fighting.


Let me throw a scenario out for you guys.

What would you do with the 7-year-old boy who is gay? Everybody who met him saw the gay tendencies - teachers, therapists, other adults in his life. He was told gay was wrong and he hated. He tried to burn down schools, homes, churches. He was sneakily violent towards people, tried to kill siblings and parents. Only after he was an older teen and came to accept himself as a gay person, complete within himself did the anger stop. Once he was allowed to be who he was without recriminations, he started becoming a productive member of society.

If he had been taught at an early age that he was an okay person, there probably would not have been as much violence in his life and many, many people would have less pain.


Diane, would I worry about how the school felt..No. 

Mom, I don't believe that it is possbile for a 7yr. old boy to make the decision to be gay.  I think that there were deeper issues than that bothering that boy.  What were the "gay tendencies" exhibited by a 7yr old that everyone saw?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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