Sex-ed program sparks grizzly effect

Started by Varmit, July 16, 2010, 08:19:57 AM

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Sex-ed program sparks grizzly effect
Bill Bumpas - OneNewsNow - 7/16/2010 6:00:00 AM

A proposed sex-education curriculum in Montana is drawing outrage because it would teach young children about subjects like same-sex intercourse.

Under the proposal for the Helena school district, kindergartners would learn the proper names of sexual body parts, first-graders would be taught that sexual relations could happen between two men or two women, and fifth-graders would learn the various ways people can have intercourse.

Jeff Laszloffy, president of the Montana Family Foundation (MFF), contends that the proposal "tramples" on parental rights. "It places government squarely between parents and their children," he claims, "and the outrage that we're seeing in Helena, we understand well, because in Montana we understand what happens when you get between a mother grizzly and her cubs."

He relates that reaction to the "level of outrage that we're seeing from these parents that feel like their children are being indoctrinated rather than educated."

He notes that the superintendent and supportive board members claim parents will be able to have their kids opt-out, "but then they're careful in the rest of their testimony to make sure that the public understands that this is both systemic and comprehensive, which means that it's going to be infused into every part of the curriculum all the way from kindergarten through 12th grade."

So Laszloffy concludes that opting-out is not practical, and he feels parents should continue to express indignation because it appears the board may have enough votes to pass the controversial curriculum.

Tell me again how schools work with parents and such?  If I lived in Helena I would pull my kids out of that school so fast...
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


No child should be subjected to this.


I know right.  Its sick.  The thing that gets me is that the school adminstration seems to think it is a good idea.  And maybe its just me but having Planned Parenthood help put it together seems a little odd.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I can imagine them sitting is some committee meeting and justifying this kind of thing.  It is part of the reason our country is in such a mess.

Diane Amberg

  I'd like to see the lesson plans. I heard Montana is considering the program but has not yet decided. The "Good Touch Bad Touch" programs and "Stranger Danger" programs are very good. I've seen them given many times and definitely approve. I won't go into details unless someone wants them. I do think kids should be taught the correct names for their own body parts, preferably at home.  I'm not sure how people can decide unless they see the proposed program for themselves. Show some at a special PTA meeting and see what the parents think. If it's too far afield, then don't approve it, but don't just go by hearsay. If it really is too much too soon, get a court order to stop it. That should be easy. On the other side, I hate to see kids at a disadvantage against an adult who wants to prey on them. Kids often assume that if something bad happens it was their fault because of the clever and practiced way an evil adult can manipulate children. You can't assume that a child thinks like an adult. Look at the priest situation for example. If the local priest is a serious fixture in the community as they often are, the boy hears father so an so's praises over and over. He decides NOBODY is going to believe him and so the preying continues until the boy is a man and then may or may not tell. As far as "teaching"sexual  positions, I'm a skeptic and would have to learn more what is and isn't true about that. I do know that among themselves, kids have decided that oral sex isn't really sex and doesn't  count because they can't get pregnant. So now the cases of mouth and genital gonorrhea and herpes have increased.
  It used to be when kids were ready to learn about sex they would ask. Are they asking much too soon now? I wonder.


Fox news has an article with a link to the lesson plans. has some articles on it as well.

As for the "Good Touch Bad Touch" programs and "Stranger Danger" programs, I agree.  Correct names for body parts, sure, when the kids are ready.  Homosexuality and various other things should be left at home.  The problem is when the school couples teaching about Lifestyle choices with lessons on tolerance without regard for family beliefs.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Varmit on July 16, 2010, 02:43:57 PM
Fox news has an article with a link to the lesson plans. has some articles on it as well.

As for the "Good Touch Bad Touch" programs and "Stranger Danger" programs, I agree.  Correct names for body parts, sure, when the kids are ready.  Homosexuality and various other things should be left at home.  The problem is when the school couples teaching about Lifestyle choices with lessons on tolerance without regard for family beliefs.

That's because we do not need children in school being intolerant of others or their families.  There is enough difficulty for a lot of children in making it through the day in school without that additional difficulty.


It is not up to the schools to decide what  a child should believe in regards to homosexuals, trans genders etc.  When a teacher stands up in front of a class and says, for example, "Some kids have two daddies or two mommies and thats okay." then that teacher has just over stepped her bounds.  My kids are brought up to believe that homosexuality is wrong, its not okay. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

So the child in class who does have two mommies gets beat up on the play ground? I wouldn't flaunt it of course but how do think that child would feel? Would you wreck that's child's life? They didn't have any choice in the matter.   OK now put yourself in the teachers place and enlighten us on the way to handle this situation. Your kids would be sure to tell that child he was doomed to hell because the child has two mommies? Kids can be horribly mean. Are you really going to call your son's penis a wee-wee until...uh how old. When is he ready? I'm just shaking my head. 

Diane Amberg

So I checked that site and it didn't help at all. I could only get the chapter titles ,not the detailed subject matter.Most of the materials are almost exactly what I taught in 5th grade and you all probably had in school too. All the systems of the body are still there with the sections on nutrition and health.There are two pages on family and peers, that's good. Some address modern problems such as the influence of advertizing There's a piece on STDs which I think is very important if handled carefully. (I already mentioned the oral sex problem.) The five pages on human sexuality must be the hang up,wish I could see them.

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