Obama Administration Protecting the Black Panthers

Started by kshillbillys, July 14, 2010, 04:19:58 PM

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Diane Amberg

Yup ,Frank this all started with a video clip from Philadelphia. You're right, I  couldn't possibly know anything about that. As  far as how many blacks there are in Elk County, it doesn't matter, never did.The discussion played out. I found out what I wanted to know. I didn't understand the title and now I do. As far as people on here discussing things they know nothing about, there is no shortage of that on here from many corners. Don't take it all so seriously. Most is just in fun anyway.


Jarhead, it is true that VA and Social Security will still cut a check, but welfare money including foodstamps comes on a card.  It is then used like a debit card by the recipients.


So it's taken me awhile to finally get a response in this thread.  I don't think that this has anything to do with race, that goes for both sides.  I don't think the demorats or republicants are acting on anything based on race.  Lets be honest, its all about winning, making the other side look bad, and pushing an agenda.   Basically politics.

First of all, voter intimidation happens all the time, every major election cycle.  Its done by both sides.  In this case, we have a particularly stupid, small, fringe group organization (the new black panthers) and on the other side, a group of mass media pundits with an agenda and too much empty air time to fill.

Now i said earlier that this isn't a racist thing going on, but that doesn't mean race isn't important.  You see, the reason this story is sensational is because its the black panthers.  Old white people are generally afraid of large young militant black men.  Actually, if you watch fox news, you are pretty afraid of just about everything.

You republicans don't really have a lot of room to argue on this whole subject.  If people were more intelligent, the media couldn't get away with this.  Unfortunately, as you have shown in some other threads over the last few days, you conservatives lack a certain amount of intelligence and research ability.  The fact of the matter is that this whole fiasco was a team effort. 

First it was the Bush administration that decided they wanted to politicize the justice department.  Do you remember when attorneys were fired because of their personal political beliefs?  Remember all those senate hearings?  You see, when you open the flood gates to improper behavior, its pretty hard to close them.  You can't go down to the bar, get drunk, pass out on the sidewalk, and then the next night try to stop you're friend from drinking.

Second, the crime occured while Bush was still president.  Of course it was the end of his term, and Bush could have kept his hands off the issue, but he didn't  It was under the Bush admin that the DOJ decided to make the case a civil matter instead of criminal.  Those of you who are wondering why there were no real punishments can blame the bush people.

Third, the person who decided to drop the charges against the party was not someone from the Obama administration.  You see, it takes time for new people to get settled into their offices, and with the senate moving so slow, a lot of the appointees are not getting confirmed.  That means that people from the previous administration have to stay on to keep the government running.  Enter Loretta King.  I honestly don't know what her politics are, but she's the one who decided not to take the panthers to civil court. 

Fourth, the Obama administration took the case as far as they could have gone with it, but they were stupid for not being prepared, and for trying to make it about race.  Its not about race, its politics.

Fifth, Everyone complaining about this needs to give themselves a reality check.  Examine your sense of fairness, and your attention span.  Watch this...

Also take note.  The preacher in the video says "this is a real church, only men speak in this church"  Apparently he's read Paul.  According to him (and paul), none of you go to real churches.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on July 16, 2010, 02:24:17 AM
So it's taken me awhile to finally get a response in this thread.  I don't think that this has anything to do with race, that goes for both sides.  I don't think the demorats or republicants are acting on anything based on race.  Lets be honest, its all about winning, making the other side look bad, and pushing an agenda.   Basically politics.

Black President. Black Attorney General. NAACP. Black Defendants...This has nothing to do with R's or D's and everything to do with race.

Quote from: Anmar on July 16, 2010, 02:24:17 AM
First of all, voter intimidation happens all the time, every major election cycle.  Its done by both sides.  In this case, we have a particularly stupid, small, fringe group organization (the new black panthers) and on the other side, a group of mass media pundits with an agenda and too much empty air time to fill.

So where was the voter intimidation on the other side during the last campagin?

Quote from: Anmar on July 16, 2010, 02:24:17 AM
You republicans don't really have a lot of room to argue on this whole subject.  If people were more intelligent, the media couldn't get away with this.  Unfortunately, as you have shown in some other threads over the last few days, you conservatives lack a certain amount of intelligence and research ability.  The fact of the matter is that this whole fiasco was a team effort. 

It has been the Republicans and Conservatives that have pointing out the lies and deception that the Dems. and obama have been spreading.  More intelligent?  Have you actually looked at the policies being pushed by the adminstration with Democrat support? 

As for the rest of your post...Please!  The current adminstration has had a year and a half to do something about this and they haven't.  And now theres reports saying that the DOJ isn't going to prosecute Voter Intimidation cases where the defendants are black.  Whats more is that the case was dropped because of pressure by the NAACP, a group with close ties to the New Black Panthers, and that the First Lady was speaking at a few days ago.  Not only that but look at the broader picture.

The New Black Panthers follow the ideology of Black Liberation Theology, the same garbage that Jeremiah Wright has been preaching and that obama listened to for 20 years.  Coincidene?...I think not.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


New Black Panthers violent, anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 7/15/2010 6:00:00 AM

The former Justice Department attorney who quit his job and blew the whistle on the DOJ's dealings with the New Black Panther Party claims the group is extremely anti-Semitic and pro-Islamic. (See earlier story)

J. Christian Adams has been quite busy since blowing the whistle on details surrounding the Department Of Justice's dismissal of charges against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential election. Adams recently revealed that attorneys in the Civil Rights Division were instructed to not pursue voter intimidation cases when the defendant was black and the victim was white. He concludes that the New Black Panthers are clearly a dangerous group.

"This is a very violent, anti-Semitic, quasi-Islamic, black nationalist organization that has chapters all over the country," he notes. "They are folks who regularly preach violence; they show up at rallies with machetes and shotguns, and they threaten to show up at school board meetings."

Adams adds that the founder of the group was too radical even for Louis Farrakhan's organization.

"The founder of the organization was a man named Khalid Mohammad, who was very active in the Nation of Islam in the early 1990s," the whistleblower reports. "He was so radical, he was so out of the mainstream that the Nation of Islam even threw him out. So what did he do? He went and he formed the New Black Panther Party."

In light of Adams' recent testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Pajamas Media is reporting that Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Virginia) is asking the inspector general of the Justice Department to launch an investigation into the dismissal of the case against the New Black Panther Party.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



One last thing on this subject...I was speaking with a Montgomery County, KS Sheriff's Officer about this and asked him if I would go to jail for calling a black person a nigger. He said yes, I would if that person was offended. I asked him if I would go to jail for standing on a street corner saying I wanted to kill all black people and their babies and he said yes. Criminal threat and all that. He did tell me though that I probably wouldn't make it to jail because the "offended" black person would put a cap in my ass before the cops ever got there. Kinda what I figured... :police:




If you called a black person a nigger and the person objected, then what would be the charge that would put you in jail?


I don't know the exact charge. I'm sure disturbing the peace is somewhere in there. He just said that if the person was offended and felt threatened then I would be arrested. Their word against mine pretty much.



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