Talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Started by pepelect, May 05, 2011, 09:56:10 PM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on May 08, 2011, 07:11:50 AM
There are many wealthy socialists in this country ready and willing to further their social causes and they're either Democrats or Republicans.

You'll get no argument from me on that observation.  And the bitter root of the social progressives runs deep... even to the smallest communities.  "Come, let the people unite and worship at the alter of government, for government  shall make all the people equal and their needs shall be filled by us.  For who, but government, masked or unmasked, can best know the needs of the masses." 

Sounds like a religion, no?  Never mind the true nature of what's behind the curtain. 

At what price?  What must be sacrificed at that alter in order to be blessed and cared for by the socialist leadership?  Individual Liberty!  Socialism is clearly known to be only a stepping stone away from capitalism enroute to what becomes Communism (or other totalitarian mess).  Just ask those who lived in the Soviet empire after the 'workers united'..  Or those who followed the National Socialist Workers Party in Europe in the 1930s.

Communities Unite!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ADP on May 06, 2011, 10:36:13 PM
In all the time that this "acorn" like organization has been wasting tax payer money what have you and the anti-ek done?   If everything was all peachy an self sufficient then the attendance at any elk konnected event would be zero.   I challenge you to say one thing positive that you have selfishly  done for our three thousand tax paying citizens.  What kid have you inspired?  What play did you take the students to?  How many people of opposing views have you hosted in public?   You have stated that elk konnected has done nothing that elk county citizens couldn't have done with out outside influence.   So what have you done?

You said, "  I challenge you to say one thing positive that you have selfishly  done for our three thousand tax paying citizens." I challenge you to the same challenge. Name one thing that Elk Konnected has done for all 3,000 taxpayers. Truefullu I don't believe there are 3.000 taxpayers in Elk County since there are probably less than 3,000 men, women and children in the county.


Quote from: ADP on May 05, 2011, 09:56:10 PM
How can you preach smaller government but then totally dismiss elimination of multiple levels of govt?

  Small city councils in every area have small constituency, small budgets, and large issues.  Aging infrastucture water lines, sewer pipes, sidewalks, streets require large $$$ Capitol.  Every town needs expensive repairs and deferred improvements.  Currently we have one county commissioner for about 1000 citizens.  Why not have five or seven member districts incorporating areas including each of the incorporated areas.  That is 600 or 428 citizens per representative.  Other areas of the state have found millions in savings by sharing resources.  Why should we have police and sheriff officers doing the same thing?  Why have city and rural fire budgets?  In times of emergency aren't the lines blurred any way.  Don't city trucks respond to rural structure fires and vice-versa.  Why do we need 6 city clerks?  Six mayors with six different councils to answer the same questions to the same citizens.  We used to have separate township road maintenance but now have countywide/three district. The same equipment used by the cities is used by the county.  Sharing high dollar equipment costs with the entire county would allow greater leverage when leasing or purchasing.  Keeping equipment working on the job rather than sitting idle while the operators are let's say reading water meters would improve the city systems with less down time and loss of service. 

If one unified govt. doesn't work then why is NASCAR,  Legends area and Shliterbaum thriving in the KC area.

One district office for the FSA, SSA, SRS, and district courts are the norm because of costs.  One bi-county extension service has been here for years. 
Downsizing is a fact of a depressed economy. Why not make the local govt. the part of govt we  citizens of elk county have control,more efficient.  What is saving money if not making the best  use of what you have available.

Why is having a local fair,grounds for public funding.  Both fairs Howard and Longton receive local tax dollars every other year and always have.  The 4-h fair alternates between the two fairs.  4-h the bastion of evil with it structured meetings, ancient symbology, communist manifestos, day camps, trying to through a strict meeting using Roberts rules of order, shape the poor less fortunate rural members of the country.  Showing of cloven hooved beasts in public just to see how much rate of gain their parents can funnel through a slick deal with a local feed prover. The county fair has lived out it's usefulness.  Declining attendence, events,exhibitors, have shrank both fairs from almost a week long event to a day or two.  Yet the funding has remained.  Shouldn't every event in the county have a chance for local$$$$.  Octoberfest, crazy days, elk river festival, day on the green, why not fund something progressive instead of regressive?   County fairs are companies that receive tax dollars for their operation.  The charter members bought in to the company.  I have not received a list of their owners, states of incorporation, purpose, or bra size.  I trust they have all their ducks in a row.  They have only been using tax dollars to function for decades so maybe this will be the year of the profitability.  The reason I bring this up is as stated in many rants you have to be accountable for the tax money you get.  It matters not what good or bad you do with it or how long ago it started, who wrote the first check?

You said, " Both fairs Howard and Longton receive local tax dollars every other year and always have." So why don't you use your influence in Howard use Elk Konnected, LLC and shut down the Howard fair. Leave Longton alone, that's their business.

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