Our Military Is Facing A Perfect Storm

Started by redcliffsw, July 05, 2010, 09:14:02 AM

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Remember, Anmar...The only thing worse than being talked about...Is NOT being talked about! lol

Diane Amberg

But isn't it just the gentle women who play? I can just see Varmit with white shorts and a tennis racket! ;D ;D ;D poke,poke!


I don't think Ive seen a soul, men woman or otherwise on that tennis court.  Now i don't live in grenola, so I wouldn't know for sure.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Jo McDonald

I'm sitting here reading all these posts --and for the life of me, I can't understand you, Diane.  Why in the world do you CONSTANTLY rag on every subject and say what you just did about Varmit????  How do you know if he can play tennis or not?? And what difference does it make if he does or does not?   
                       I JUST DON'T GET IT !!!


No harm done Jo, she was just making a jab, no big deal. 

Anmar, I never tried to arrange a fight with anyone, all I said was that I'd like to meet jerry in person. As far as meeting you at the tennis court, no can do, I'll be at work. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, honest it was just meant to be harmless teasing, which apparently I am not allowed to do. You guys rag on me a lot but I don't have the same privilege? I never called any of you a Nazi!  Varmit, I didn't know your feeling were so tender as to have to have someone take up for you. BOO-HOO. Lightning has struck me once again so I'll apologize, and leave AGAIN so I can once AGAIN be called a Nazi while I'm gone. Guess I just don't know the rules on this forum.  Some of you can say very hurtful things in every post and rarely is anything said, but when I haven't even been on for a couple of weeks I get slammed and that's OK. So you can go back to giving one sided  ''lectures'' instead of having two or more in conversations and debates.


Diane, you missed the point completely.


Diane, jeez...you're such an EmotioNazi  ;) ...I was trying to actually stick up for you for a change...but NooOOO...you had to start with the personal "nazi" attacks and the Boo-Hooing and making with the Lightning and threats to leave...I was just trying to have an actual conversation :angel:  but you had to start with the feelinazi bit...I don't see why you have to be so hurtful all the time  :'(  (poke poke jaB PUNCH KICK) ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, I wasn't reacting to you. I didn't appreciate being hit by lightning again both on and off the forum. I didn't know I had done anything to have to be stuck up for! I still don't know what I said that set them them off. Nor why Jo thought she had to stick up for you! What difference does whether you do or don't play tennis have to do with what you guys had been saying. No, of course tennis is isn't a sissy game nor did I say it was. I have no idea what you look like and I was just trying to picture you and Anmar swatting tennis balls at each other and decided that out there a fishing contest might make more sense. It went right over every bodies head. By the way it was Steve that called me the Nazi. I did say I was sorry, although I still don't know what for. I had been off here for more than 2 weeks working on a fire house project, and as soon as I came back the picking at me started again. I do NOT comment on every thread, and so what if I do for several times during a discussion. I thought that was how forum discussions worked. You have give and take until it naturally runs out. I'll have to tell my friends on another forum they are doing it all wrong. As far as leaving, I think I'll just stay around a be a burr under a few saddles. You all think you have me figured out but you are so wrong. If I'm so awful, why do you think I have contacted literally hundreds of people on the east coast to vote for Sedan on the fire engine contest. I have no idea how many of my contacts will vote, but I know of a whole bunch that already have. I'm getting ready to put reminder posters in each my stations and an all call on the e-mail. Am I just making a fool of myself for caring about some people I don't know who are outside my own group?
   By the way, ya try to kick me I'll lay ya out with a big 20 pound rock fish. Then we can bake it and have lunch. Good eating!

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