Public Schools at it again

Started by Varmit, June 11, 2010, 07:15:53 AM

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That was no rant...I am not surprised that they have no schools...As most of their population is Hispanic, the government probably is looking at it as de-segregation tactics to have them go to your area for education.  Otherwise, they'd be going to schools where almost the entire population is Hispanic.  Now, on an Indian reservation (ooooooooops...Not very PC of me...Exclusive living arrangements for Native Americans...  ::)) that'd be called normal and you'd have to be a Native American to go teach there (or at least, when I applied years ago, that was what I was told was the reason for my not getting the job...They preferred to hire Native Americans first in order to provide appropriate role models for the youth of the reservation).  At least your district gets the tax dollars per head on those kiddos...Better hope they keep procreating...Not only job security for your teachers but economic security for funding your schools.   ;D ;D


Back in the dark ages, my mother, who was a school teacher, took a job in Arizona near an Indian reservation.  I always thought it was on the reservation until later on.  When I looked at it closely again, I could see it was just outside the rez.  All of her students were Native American then.  I was in college then and only went two or three times to visit.  The school district provided her with a small house trailer to live in next to the school.  She liked it, but became unable to continue due to health reasons.  I don't know if there was any problem for her to get the job.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


For many years, Caucasian was fine as a teacher...Until the age of PC'ness and making sure the kids had educators that "allowed them to see themselves" (a direct quote from the person I interviewed with).  It was interesting...That position went unfilled for quite awhile (the one I interviewed for)...Being willing wasn't a quality they were looking for, evidently, in my day.  I have no idea what the specs are for a person to get hired onto a reservation these days. 


Government school taking it to the extreme again to destroy what parents try to teach our kids is right....

  School Teaches Kids Religion Is a 'Disease'

God is dead? At a top Brooklyn middle school, He is.

Just when you thought the separation of church and state was more than an option, like paper or plastic, the matter has been settled at MS 51 in Park Slope. And the lesson falls on the side of atheism.

"RELIGION," a sheet from English class, handed out to eighth-graders, is provocatively titled. The typewritten paper presents some 20 quotes that can be described as anti-God, coming from philosophers from Kierkegaard to Schopenhauer. Even a "Yiddish proverb."

"Religion is a disease, but a noble disease," reads the first quote, attributed to Heraclitus.

"Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they will think," reads one by Schopenhauer.

Another sheet, titled "GOD," asks kids to ponder whether religion should be treated as poetry -- neither true nor false.

Angry parents want to know: What the devil does this have to do with middle-school English?

And, aren't these kids too young to learn something more appropriate for a grad-school theological course?

"It's not only above their level, obviously. It's inappropriate in a public-school setting," said Ken Whelan, whose daughter brought home the assignment late last year.

"We are fighting for the hearts and minds of our children. Against MTV, 'American Idol' and anorexia. We don't need the public-school system to muddy the waters. To plant seeds of doubt."

MS 51 is considered an educational oasis, one of the top 10 middle schools to send kids to the city's specialized high schools. But the fuzzy-headed assignment, given by English teacher Rachel Rear, raised red flags with a Department of Education official, who agreed middle school "is a little young for this."
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



I took a minute to try to catch up on some forum posts.. and there is truth to what everyone is saying...both sides have some good points to make.. The government is getting their nasty claws in so deep in the schools that individual teaching that some "good" teachers want to do is stifled and snuffed out..
I understand Cat..that you are a teacher and so you try to see everything with different eyes... ( and yes.. I do think you have a teeny bit of blinders on because of that fact) but there are a whoooole lot of teachers who are scared of what is happening and they see things that reek of socialist control within our schools.

I have one of my best friends who has been teaching in the Wichita schools well over 15 years and she told me just a few nights ago that it is an absolute nightmare with the system now...She said that her hands are tied as to the way she teaches.. the curriculum has been so twisted and socialized and liberalized that it makes her sick.. and she said more and more of the teachers are starting to actually fear what the government is making them do.
They actually passed out a sheet for all the teachers to sign (in essence) wanting them to embrace this " diversity" and actually was telling the teachers to overlook several areas of question pertaining to the minority's what with their political agendas... religion...and cultures... (((I happen to think that we are the minority's)  :P.. Understand that until all these kids cultures came into play and they refuse to abide my American cultures.. that there wasn't a problem...

She looked at it.. and in the full meeting of all teachers etc.. she said.. "I am not going to sign this!".. I don't an American that I should have to put my beliefs and my cultures on the back burner ..almost apologizing for them... while the Mexican and Muslim culture is pampered to and held in what seems to me.. high honor.. " She also said it looked and smelled a whole lot like socialist control.
I guess when she said that it got real quiet and all of a sudden quite a few others nodded their heads also.. Later.. some teachers actually said that they agreed with her but signed the sheet for fear of losing their jobs..

Isn't that just dandy?   >:(  When are people going to stop being sheep?

She talked to me for over 2 hours and filled me in on so much BS that is going on in the schools..
I could go on and on and on.. but this whole system ..government...schools.. whatever .......makes me physically sick ..

So up to respect for the "school system " on a scale of 1-10..has been about a 2..
Now its about a negative-5.....

sorry...................... :-\

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