Masculine Leadership Needed Now More Than Ever

Started by redcliffsw, June 19, 2010, 07:15:09 AM

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   Well.....50% load of crap....50% right.

Leave it to a man and a "good christian" to blame all the ills of the world on women. Like THAT is a new story :P

   Now for what I REALLY a woman who has BEEN a single mother beCAUSE of the failure of a man as a husband.....and as a woman who has done damn near every masculine job known to humankind because they PAID better (and did a damn GOOD job just ask anybody I ever worked for) a woman who both DID those jobs AND came home and cooked and a woman who disciplined my sons same as I was disciplined by MY father with a few small a woman who learned that she was just as GOOD as a man by NECEssity and childhood teaching by a wise a woman who APPRECIATES masculinity IN a a woman who appreciates MEN period.........I TOTally reject the idea that a womans place is UNDER or BEHIND a man........a WOMANS place is right BESIDE a man and HIS beside HER......the ideal society is neither PATRIARCHAL or is a PARTNERSHIP...a fair and EQUAL partnership between two intelligent STRONG HUMANS.

To blame the failures of people on their MOTHERS is so retarded as to be comical. The failures of people have more to do with POVERTY and DRUGS and HOPELESSNESS......male AND female.

We NEED strong men.......and we need strong WOMEN. We need those strong men and women to ACCEPT and APPRECIATE the strength of the other and come TOGETHER and REALIZE that the strength of the other does NOT DIMINISH their own it only ADDS to it. We have to lose the ONE HAS TO BE ON TOP mindset.



Pam, well said!  Not that I agree with it, but well said!  I do think that, for the most part, men do need to show more appreciation towards women.  I also think that women need to (and this is going to sound bad) remember their place when it comes to male and female relationships.  God gave us very clear and defined roles and guidelines. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Just another reason to vote for Jesse Ventura in 2012
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


QuoteI also think that women need to (and this is going to sound bad) remember their place when it comes to male and female relationships.  God gave us very clear and defined roles and guidelines.

  Remember their place !?! It sounds bad because deep down?.... you know it's bullshit bud. LOLOL!!!


God made man...Then stood back, took a good look and said, "I've got to be able to do better than that"...And came up with Woman.   ;D

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