Crude Oil and Snake Oil

Started by redcliffsw, June 15, 2010, 09:58:55 AM

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Diane Amberg

Frank, I'm sorry I must have the wrong company in mind. I thought Haliburton moved their headquarters, lock stock and barrel to Dubai, so I sort of wrote them off as an American company. I must be thinking of someone else. I also didn't know who Cameron International was either, should have known that one.
I'm glad gas is still alive. We have a lot and it is already ours. Now if more influential people would just get behind the idea and get the business end going to make it practical. I could refuel my car right here at the house. I too wonder about the future. Even the off shore wind farm off our coast has stalled. The one at the Marine studies Dept. of UD at Lewis Del. is the only one that got built. The one surprising thing that did happen, The Delaware City Valero refinery has been purchased and will reopen. I never thought it would.
I have to admit, having been to Alaska, I hate the idea of ANWAR being tapped, but it may be necessary. My question would be, will that oil come down to the lower 48 or would it be sold to Japan or even Russia?
(I think it's interesting that B/P or somebody bought Kevin Costner's centrifugal force oil separator thing.) I do wish the media would stop being so fickle and would help people remember to stop being so energy wasteful.They are very influential in some areas but don't stick with anything for the long haul...except beating up on the Pres. The mainstream media could do a lot, right out front, to keep the pressure on to keep the research on going and keep people's minds on actually doing something. Without a  long term national effort people are going to slip back into bad habits, as you say.
The American public will believe anything, if it is put into the hands of the right sales person. T. Boone or someone has got to get on this soon and really sell it to get people on board. tax cuts? prizes? What would make energy responsibility so popular it couldn't fail?

Warph, you're too late, my prayers started the day I heard 11 people had died. They will eventually get this oil under control. It just takes running down the growing check off list of inventions and suggestions until they find the one that works. I saw one that looks interesting, if the huge pressures aren't too much for it. It's a sleeve that that has a valve inside that looks a bit like a stovepipe damper in the open position. It fits inside the existing pipe and then the damper is closed and clicked shut. I even worked on that one in my head, except mine has about 10 of those dampers spaced along the new sleeve. Each one would  lock into a position slightly more closed that the previous one until the last one locks it shut entirely. Now if I can come up with an idea, imagine what real inventors can do! I guess the worst scenario is that we wait the months it takes for the relief drill to be finished. I keep thinking there is probably some totally simple thing having to do with physics that we are missing. 


Quote from: frawin on June 15, 2010, 04:53:50 PM
Americans are the most energy wasteful Nation on Earth and we continue to be. All of the Automobile delaers in this area are advertising big V-8 trucks and SUVS and people are buying them, my neighbor recently purchased a Hummer, 6MPG in town and 7MPG on the highway.

It is also one of the most productive, feeds more of the worlds hungry, offers more freedom, and carries more of the worlds burden.  As far as I'm concerned the rest of the world with their hybrid POS can go scratch.  You ever tried hauling hay with a hybrid?  Personally, I like big block V-8's and the power and safety that comes with them. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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