WEBB, John - b. July 17,1819 - d. Feb 28, 1908

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                                            DEATH OF GRANDPA WEBB

John Webb was born at West Lavington, England, July 17, 1819, and died at Moline, Kansas, February 28, 1908, aged 88 years, 7 months, 11 days.

On July 1, 1850, he was united in marriage to Susanna Perrett at Chievesell Mills, England.  They, with one son, came to America in October 1855, and settled in Willmington, Will County, Illinois, and from there moved to Kansas in 1872, where the rest of their lives were spent in and near Moline.

Mr. Webb was converted and joined the Methodist church at Myersville, Illinois in 1867.  He was the father of two sons and six daughters.  Two of the daughters, Fannie and Laura, preceded their father to the other world.  One daughter, Mrs. Florence Womacks, lives in Independence, Missouri.  The other children, James, Frank, Mrs. Anna Baker, Mrs. Maude Prier and Mrs. Metta Durbin, live in or near Moline.Kansas and were all at his bedside when death claimed him.

The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. R. Hankins Sunday morning at the Methodist church.  A large number of friends and neighbors were present to testify their respect and sympathy.

Mr. Webb was a most highly respected citizen, honorable and upright in all his dealings, pure and noble in his personal life.

(published in the Moline Review 3/6/1908)

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