Public Schools at it again

Started by Varmit, June 11, 2010, 07:15:53 AM

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Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 14, 2010, 10:10:21 AM
You obviously don't support any public schools, not even your own local ones, so I won't comment on that.(1) What a shame, that even for the local Kansas kids, who work hard, and do their best, there will always be someone like you to rain on their parade.(2) Sure, there are poor schools in poor districts and stupid, self centered, selfish people who will do something ridiculous to bring bad publicity on schools.  Sounds like the rest of life too. Do you ever have anything GOOD to say about the schools and teachers who do go the extra mile, work overtime, give special attention, innovate, make positive suggestions, spend their own money, find new ways to get ideas across, especially for slow learners, and just plain care? (3)There will always be things that can be fixed or improved whether it's school, work or home life. I don't see how revisiting these things over and over and taking such delight in finding faults helps. (4)

Quote from: Catwoman on June 14, 2010, 03:18:21 PM
Because by yelling and screaming about the few feeble fires that they might be able to point to, out in the vast expanse of public education, attention is diverted elsewhere...It is easier to yell and scream and hop on one foot about perceived evils than it is to actually be a part of the solution and put your efforts toward improving what needs improving.  If you're not willing to be a part of the solution, then you remain a part of the problem.(5)

1.  When have I ever said that I don't support the local schools?
2.  This isn't about the kids you idiot!  It is about the overall direction that the public school system is taking in this country!!
3.  Sure, as soon as I see one that doesn't feel the need to inject their politics into their teaching, that doesn't bitch about their pay, that doesn't put the Union interests above those of their students, and will take responsibility for their students not meeting the standard, then I'll have something good to say about those teachers.
4.  Because maybe, just maybe, if we keep pointing these things out people will actually start laying the blame for our failing schools at the feet of those responsible, the TEACHERS.
5.  So by that logic then the teachers and their unions are the biggest "problem" seeing as how they haven't offered any solutions as of yet.
As for the rest of your post heres an idea.  Maybe the school officials, adminstrators, teachers should DO THEIR JOB and solve the problem, instead of blaming a lack of public support.  Afterall, thats what THEY WERE HIRED TO DO!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Re:  #5...

What a heaping load of horse manure...Not even well-aged/well-composted crap...

Teachers, administrators and BOEs are all constantly attempting to improve the quality of their schools and the education offered therein...And that was happening LONG before NCLB was instituted.  As I have stated before...Just because you sat in a classroom until you were too old to be allowed to remain, it doesn't mean that you have any grasp of what actually goes on in the field of education.  When you have finally quit listening to the diatribe put out there by the various malcontents of the world, have quit trying to paint all of Education with the same limited paintbrush that a few trouble spots have created and have FINALLY sat down with qualified instructional personnel and have delved into the intricacies of Educational funding, laws limiting use thereof and have looked at all the years of precedent-setting cases that have shaped the field of Education, THEN AND ONLY THEN will you have a complete, clear, unbiased view of what Education is and should be.  Until then...You're just another howling example of how education really can fail.


wow, cat! That's good.  :D

And . . . I was the only "public" personl at the school board meeting Monday night - and they did discuss funding and budgets and where money comes from and doesn't come from.

All the other attendees were board members and administration.


Teachers, administrators, and BOE's are what screwed up our education system in the first place.  They're the ones that have set the bar so low, that what used to be a "world leading" education system, is now an embarrassment.  As far as not going to board meetings and such...that argument only serves to prove my point even further.  School officals and administrators that say "we're failing because of a lack of input from the public" just shows how underquaified and poorly trained these people are. 

As for your comment.."Just because you sat in a classroom until you were too old to be allowed to remain..." check your facts.  I graduated High School with a diploma (not a GED), have 2 separate college degrees and am currently working on number 3.  So, that being said you can take that little personal remark and stick it!!

As for "trying to paint all of Education with the same limited paintbrush that a few trouble spots have created..."  if the problems that I have brought up with various posts occured in only 2 or 3 different schools, then you'd have a point.  However, the number of examples that have been brought up on this clearly shows that it is a growing problem, not a limited one.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


So tell me again about those " qualified instructional personnel "...

2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded
Publius Forum on 06.17.10 at 9:26 PM | no comments
-By Warner Todd Huston
A policy of no tolerance for weapons got an 8-year-old boy in trouble at his Rhode Island grade school this week. The boy brought in nearly a dozen M-14 Army rifles to his Tiogue School in Coventry, R.I. grade school and was chastised by the principal for the outrage.

How did he get all those assault rifles into the school you might ask? Why he did it by gluing seven or so of his 2-inch-tall green army soldier toys to his camo colored ball cap for "make a crazy hat" day at school. That's right, a few green army man toys were enough to trip the poor child up in this foolish school's "no weapons" policy. (Photo credit,

Seriously. No weapons includes 2-inch-tall army soldier toys holding teeny, tiny representations of army rifles. 2-inch-tall army soldier toys are enough to get a kid sent in shame to the principal's office and threatened with sterner action.

This is the sort of stupidity that makes adults look like utter morons and Kenneth DiPietro, superintendent of Coventry Public Schools, made himself look like a prime time ass by attacking this kid over a school project to "make a crazy hat."

Now, after looking like a complete fool, here is what DiPietro told reporters:

DiPietro said the school hopes to learn from this incident and spend time deciding whether there should be a different strategy for handling such issues in the future.

Well, now this twerp sounds just like President Obama. All about blue-ribbon commissions, strategies, and new ways of "handling issues," but still doing the stupid stuff, anyway. And all this "learning from the incident" after the stupidity is on full display for everyone to see and after the damage has already been done. This genius is a fine, fine example of the idiocy of leftist "thinking," isn't he?

I wonder when Kenneth DiPietro will come out with a press release blaming Bush for this whole sorry affair?

Anyway, now we have to be sure to understand that 8-year-olds aren't allowed to be proud of America's armed forces, proud enough to want to use their likeness for "make a crazy hat" day in our schools. And this at a time when thousands of our men and women in uniform are daily in harm's way.


It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


<yawn...inspecting that miniscule paintbrush yet once again...shaking head...>  When comparing the hundreds of thousands of children who are successfully educated in the public sector to the few incidents such as these...I wonder that you actually waste valuable time kicking this dog that clearly won't hunt.  Oh well... ::)...We're all entitled to our mindless pursuits.


Ma'am, there are gov't teachers who will agree with Billy and
he has said some very interesting things about the gov't school
system.  Certainly, more could be posted about this issue.     


Quote from: Catwoman on June 18, 2010, 05:47:01 PM
<yawn...inspecting that miniscule paintbrush yet once again...shaking head...>  When comparing the hundreds of thousands of children who are successfully educated in the public sector to the few incidents such as these...I wonder that you actually waste valuable time kicking this dog that clearly won't hunt.  Oh well... ::)...We're all entitled to our mindless pursuits.

Well, I guess that depends on your definition of educated now doesn't it?  I mean, if you think that kids graduating high school that can't read beyond an 8th grade level were successfully educated, or can't do simple math like counting back change at a register...then yeah, I guess they have met the standard.  However, I see these as examples of how pathetic our system has become.  And these are just two examples that can be applied across the board to virtually every public school in the U.S. 

So, tell me again about that "miniscule paintbrush"!  Of course, it might help if you actually took the blinders off.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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