Public Schools at it again

Started by Varmit, June 11, 2010, 07:15:53 AM

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Ironically enough, with the state, the county and city of Los Angeles boycotting Arizona, did all these kids bring sack lunches or --  GOD forbid, they actually spent money in Arizona buying lunch for all these kids.  And how about gas?  Were they carrying gas containers so they wouldn't have to buy gas in Arizona?  AND, it was an overnight trip --- where did they sleep?  On a bus?  In their cars?  OR, heavens to Betsy, they paid for motel rooms. 

This is just too much.  I feel the school board was wrong to allow it, if they did, meaning it might have been something the teacher did on his own.  If it were my kid I would not have signed a permission slip or allowed my children to make such a trip ACROSS A STATE LINE.  I feel that this passing of this bill in Arizona is Arizona's problem, not mine.  Jumping on the bandwagon showing outrage at Arizona's law is the "flavor of the month" or PC thing to do.  I'm sorry, but I am just not that concerned.  

Whoever was wrong, the school, the school board, or the teacher, was just that ------ wrong.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

I know what you mean Larry, but if we couldn't cross a state line our Delaware kids would never get to see all the history in Philly or Baltimore or DC, which are easy field trips for us. ;)


Well, Diane, in your case, driving out of town almost makes crossing a state line inevitable.  Here you have to travel 250 miles just to get to the state line.  And it is all desert --  and there is not much to see.  As is the drive from the state line to Phoenix.  There is not much to see short of ghost towns.  And, this was not a trip to visit historic places or places of interest, it was a protest trip which was not worthwhile.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

No argument from me Larry. Isn't Phoenix about 400 miles from LA? I'd love to know what was really going on.


There are no BOE's that I'm aware of that would sanction a trip to do what that teacher did.  My instinct, not having direct knowledge of this particular case, is that this "teacher" acted on his own.  As such, he should face punitive action individually and all this diatribe directed at the institution of public education should cease.  I would love to see someone start throwing vitriolic crap against the homeschooling fringe element as vehemently as the fringe element seems to against the public schoolers.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2010, 06:20:03 PM
There are no BOE's that I'm aware of that would sanction a trip to do what that teacher did.  My instinct, not having direct knowledge of this particular case, is that this "teacher" acted on his own.  As such, he should face punitive action individually and all this diatribe directed at the institution of public education should cease.  I would love to see someone start throwing vitriolic crap against the homeschooling fringe element as vehemently as the fringe element seems to against the public schoolers.

They have for years.  In fact, ohio attempted to make it against the law to send your child to anything but a government school.  Didn't last long.  Another couple were put in jail in alabama because they homeschooled and refused to send their kids to the Government school.   Stayed in jail for 2 years til they were freed by the higher courts.   
Private and homeschoolers are under attack from the teachers unions and the Dept of Ed constantly. 

the only reason for this is that they want control of the kids in a Government approved institution.  Communism at its finest!  You do know that Government Schools were implemented by communist/socialists.

Horace mann went to prussia and adopted their school system for our own.   Of which its primary function is to instill social obedience in the citizens through indoctrination. Every individual had to become convinced, in the core of his being, that the Government was just, the decisions always right, and the need for obedience paramount.

As the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, a key influence on the system, said, "If you want to influence [the student] at all, you must do more than merely talk to him; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will." [1]
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane, as for the "public schools at it again" it applies.  Did you actually read the article or just skim over it?  This is clearly just another example of how the public school system has been pushing their progressive agenda on students.  Not to mention how low the bar has been set for teachers!  Here you have a social studies teacher protesting a law that he claims is racist, yet says nothing about how the state law merely enforces the federal law.  Not only that but the article also points to another teacher that had been seen in 2007 speaking at a rally for La Raza.  Yet he still has a job in our public school sewer, I mean system.

It was about a month ago, I think, there was a story about a group of white students that were sent home from school because the t-shirts they were wearing displayed the American flag. 

In seattle (?) a school sent a 15yr old girl to an abortion clinic without the consent of her parents, then had the gall to advise her not to tell  her parents.

And the list goes on and on.  So yes, the title of this thread applies perfectly.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that in New Boston, Mich.  a student was told to remove a confederate flag from his truck, yet a teacher in that school is allowed to fly a communist flag in the classroom.

so, tell me again why I should support public schools and the "educators" that work there??
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Believe me I read it...I already reacted to it. Did you read what I said?  It's, as usual, the generalizations that bother me. Now you are back to other examples.
Tee shirts? Ban 'em all, no more problem! But heaven forbid a school should do it.
Russian flag? (What is a "communist" flag, by the way? ) Did anybody ask the teacher WHY he had a Russian flag? Did he teach Russian?  Was it a unit on flags? Was he from Russia himself? (I know my Spanish teacher had a Mexican flag on his desk. So What? and he was a Jewish man from Philly!)  Who complained about his flag? Just the kid with the truck?  (Wouldn't surprise me) Not everything has a devious second meaning. Did the same teacher tell the kid to remove the flag from his truck? Who asked that it be removed and why? Had someone in the school's neighborhood complained?  There needs to be more information.
I already commented on the abortion story. I don't know how you can make such generalized conclusions about the faults of all public education from  these few stories with so little information.They just barely scrape the surface.
You obviously don't support any public schools, not even your own local ones, so I won't comment on that. What a shame, that even for the local Kansas kids, who work hard, and do their best, there will always be someone like you to rain on their parade. Sure, there are poor schools in poor districts and stupid, self centered, selfish people who will do something ridiculous to bring bad publicity on schools.  Sounds like the rest of life too. Do you ever have anything GOOD to say about the schools and teachers who do go the extra mile, work overtime, give special attention, innovate, make positive suggestions, spend their own money, find new ways to get ideas across, especially for slow learners, and just plain care? There will always be things that can be fixed or improved whether it's school, work or home life. I don't see how revisiting these things over and over and taking such delight in finding faults helps.


Because by yelling and screaming about the few feeble fires that they might be able to point to, out in the vast expanse of public education, attention is diverted elsewhere...It is easier to yell and scream and hop on one foot about perceived evils than it is to actually be a part of the solution and put your efforts toward improving what needs improving.  If you're not willing to be a part of the solution, then you remain a part of the problem.


So is this a good time to put in a plug?  :D

The USD 282 School Board is meeting tonight - 7:30 pm at the District Office in Howard.

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