Old funeral home in Moline

Started by Varmit, June 09, 2010, 05:22:03 PM

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I think you're right. Mr Morg--whatever, went by the nickname Blockee. I think his daughters name was Hortense. What a cruel joke to play on your daughter !! I'll ask my sis Ging. She should know because she's an old timer.


In thinking back about the Raricks, Ed and Charlie and their sister, Lavina who was a Nurse and midwife, I think their is only one Rarick descendant left in the area. Alice, correct me if I missed one.

Bonnie M.

Sounds like it's time for this old-timer to chip in!

Yes, Hotchkiss (Blockie) Morgridge managed the "Crumrine" Funeral Home.  His wife Neva, was a Crumrine.  Their daughter was "Marjorie Merle."  ("Hortense?" Have you been testing the product?)  Their son was Sheridan Lee, and he was in our class in High School.  The Funeral Home was where you thought, on the east side of Main street in Longton, south of the Bank.  There are still "Crumrine Funeral Home" paper fans around, and that would surely be a collector's item!

It was good to see you, Ronnie, & Judy, when we were in the "City of Longton." 


Bonnie, For starters, I didn't know they had high schools back in your days. :)
Then who was "Hortense" ? I know there was a Hortense in this town, unless Farmer Joe was describing one of his old girl friends.Was a Fitzgimmons named that ??
As for testing the product, the cherry wine is ready to bottle. It's a shame that it wasn't ready befgore you & Bob headed back west. I will put a bottle of it in my 'bunker" and it will be aged your next trip back to God's Country.
PS: Bonnie, you might want to tell WARPH & Larry I wasn't just blowing smoke when I told them I was digging a bunker. You saw the almost finished project.

Bonnie M.

For "WARPH" & Larry!  He speaks the truth!  I was very impressed, and I'm looking forward to getting to be a guest in the "bunker," when/if there's a tornado warning when we happen to be in Longton.  However, I've already been informed that there will NOT be room for me, after his immediate family is taken care of.  So, hang on to the Cherry Wine, no matter what, Ronnie, and we'll be seeing you again "one of these days!"  Maybe I will have learned to like wine, by that time!

Fitzgibbons is the name you're thinking of, I'm sure.  They had a grocery store alongside of Dames Hardware, which would of been somewhere north of Brighton (City) Hall.  But, the name "Hortense" just doesn't ring a bell!  I'll be thinking about it, maybe can come up with something!

In the meantime, behave yourself, and say "Hi" to Farmer Joe when you see him!


Bonnie, There is always room in my bunker for someone that is named after my mother.:) I think---I said think---I have got to the bottom of the Hortense mystery and it does involve Blockie in a round-about way. Blokie's sister was Lullavaughn Reeves and my old timer soarce thinks Hortense was her middle name. Does that ring a bell to you

Bonnie M.

No, I don't know about LuluVaughn's middle name, but that sounds "good," so, let's go with that!  That was some name, wasn't it?

And, it's always been something that I've been very happy about, to have been named after your Mother!

Marcia Moore

In January 1959, when the Forsbergs started running their ambulance service at Severy, they had the following rates:
  Severy to Eureka - $3.00
  Severy to Fredonia - $5.00
  Fall River to Fredonia - $3.00
  Fall River to Eureka - $5.00
  Piedmont to Eureka - $3.00.  
In addition to operating the funeral home, the Forsbergs sold monuments and markers, artificial flowers, and they took orders for fresh flowers. 

Jo McDonald

Hey Ron --- why don't you ask Connie ?? -- after all that is her Grandmother.  Do you suppose she would have any knowledge of that?


Jo, Ginger said the same thing but Cuz Con is busy teaching them kiddes in NC and don't get on her computer that often. I did not know that L. Reeves was Cuz Con's g-ma until today---unless my feeble brain had just forgot it

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