Poor Leadership and an Oil Crisis

Started by Warph, June 07, 2010, 03:10:58 PM

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We do not have any real understanding of who Barack Hussein Obama actually is, but we do know is that he is NOT a leader.  He had no leadership experience in an executive role, and it shows.  Unlike those candidates that had extensive experience as business leaders and decision makers, or in the executive branch of State government, as Governor (or even as Mayor of a Major city) Obama has never run anything bigger than a corrupt community council of Chicago radicals.

Who is this man and what made half of America think he was capable of leading the country?  We have never seen a single document written by him during his college or Law School training.  Something is not right with this picture.  We still do not have the full story on this President.

Can he read a speech with his telepromter in tow - absolutely.

Can he run a political campaign - absolutely.

Can he manufacture a crisis - absolutely.

Can he handle a real one - absolutely not.

All of our best Presidents have brought executive experience to the office.  Obama has none, and although he has a corrupt Chicago political machine that has allowed him to bypass the rule of law temporarily, he is not an effective leader.  His declarations of responsibility, though very few they are, are always followed by a "but," or a "if not for..." Truth of the matter is, this guy is not a leader, but simply a puppet on a string... he does exactly what he's told.... a mouthpiece for the very extreme left.  He is ineffective, inept, incompetent, and, hopefully 2012, unelectable.  We must get the right people elected to office so that we can begin to stop this leftward push.  Again, where is his background? Why has he covered up even his school records and writings?  What would they reveal about this person?  His false promises of hope and change... what a joke.  How DID this country elect a man president when they didn't know a thing about him?  I would think that most people who voted for him has to ask themselves that question.  Worse yet, how can a legitimate (gag) press let him get away with hiding most of his life from the American People?  I can only hope and pray that our real enemies do not underestimate American ability based on the manifest weaknesses of this President.

In the meantime, just stop the damn oil leak. Stop trying to save the well and salvage the leaking oil.  Just stop it, with expolsive or whatever it takes.  Protect the shoreline with all available resources, now.  Obama clearly is not capable or interested in managing this problem.... a problem that will bring him down in 2012.  He simply needs to find someone who is and put them in charge.... like Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Warph, its not poor leadership, its a calculated move to sieze control over the oil industry.   The "illusion" of poor leadership is causing people to get angry, and when the people get angry they get stupid.  They quit thinking rationally and start reacting irrationally like stopping the drilling on 33 rigs thus eliminating around 15,000 jobs, and costing untold millions of dollars as rigs sit idly ships sit making no money. 

Yet they toss trillions of dollars at real disasters such as Tthe housing market from government programs, Fannie Mae (FNM: 0.9001, -0.0298, -3.2%) and Freddy Mac (FRE: 1.1675, -0.0225, -1.89%) bailouts and support (unlimited) and FHA backing all mortgages hasn't stopped housing prices from continuing their descent.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Where is Frank when we need him? I thought the Gulf platforms were shut down for inspections, passed and were pumping again. No?  Do we get royalties from BP since it's American oil? If not why not?

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