Turkish terrorist organization IHH involved bigtime in the Gaza flotilla fiasco

Started by Warph, June 03, 2010, 01:40:43 AM

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"What did the President know, and when did he know it?" asked Howard Baker about President Nixon during the Watergate hearings. The carefully planned May 31 ambush of Israeli naval commandos by armed Turkish martyrdom fanatics, in collusion with Jodie Evans of the radical leftist group Code Pink and along with Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, raises precisely the same question.

Most conspiracy theories are hogwash, but not all of them. Stalinism really was a conspiracy to infiltrate, sabotage, and ultimately conquer the West. It had some spectacular successes, like stealing nuclear secrets from the Manhattan Project, a feat for which physicist Klaus Fuchner was celebrated in Communist East Germany.

The Boomer Left's "march through the institutions" was really a secretive plan to take over U.S. universities and media in the 1970s and '80s. The Great March shifted the whole U.S. media and political culture to the left.

For decades, the network of leftists and Islamic fascists behind the Gaza ambush has been trying to create a media extravaganza to make Israel look bad before the world. Call it a conspiracy, or call it a network of like-minded radicals and Islamofascists. Whatever it was, their chance came on May 31 off the coast of Gaza.

As Robert Maginnis just wrote:

The contrived Turkish-led aid flotilla crisis was intended to force Israel to lift its arms blockade of Gaza. While the Israelis were victorious in forcing the flotilla to its demands, the political outcomes are still reverberating around the globe. For now the Islamist forces have been emboldened, Turkey has been added to the list of terrorism supporters and long-term Israeli security has been weakened.

Obama is now trying to use the flotilla crisis to force concessions from Israel.

My question is whether Obama's network of associates colluded before the fact to provoke a "suicide by cop" spectacular to put Israel at a political disadvantage.

The evidence for Hamas and Turkish connivance before the event is now widely recognized. Three days before the bloodshed, the Hamas TV channel in Gaza showed a Yemeni professor proclaiming that "as much as the heroes on the flotilla want to reach Gaza, the option of martyrdom is more desirable to them." That same day, Al Jazeera TV, seen throughout the Middle East, reported of the "Freedom Flotilla," "Before Its Departure for Gaza: Activists on Board Chant Intifada Songs and Praise Martyrdom."

Shortly before the May 31 ambush, Obama's "anti-terror Czar," John O. Brennan, made worldwide headlines by praising jihad (martyrdom warfare to convert infidels by force or terror), reciting a passage in Arabic signaling his sympathy and approval, and referring to Jeruslaem as "al Quds," its Arabic name. Jihad has a deliberate double meaning. To Western suckers, it means the inner struggle for Muslim virtue. To Iran and Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Hezb'allah, and now Turkey, it means killing the infidels unless they surrender to Islam.

The Turkish cruise boat, decorated with an enormous red Turkish flag, was owned by the IHH and backed by the Islamist government of Turkey, including Prime Minister Erdogan, who has described Israel as "a festering boil in the Middle East that spreads hate and enmity." Erdogan also claims that "It is not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide" -- while congratulating the Islamist perpetrators of genocide in the Sudan.

That was not the story spread by the Western media, and especially not oby Code Pink, the radical leftist group led by Jodie Evans, or by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, trying to agitate for a march on the Gaza blockade in Egypt at the very same time. The radicals promised peace and love if only Israel lifted the blockade on terror materiel for Hamas.

Is there any chance that Bill Ayers and Jodie Evans and the other Americans did not know whom they were in bed with? If anybody wants to know what Islamic fascists say and do when they get a chance, just look at the daily stream of English translations from Arabic and Persian on the MEMRI website. A little sample from Imam Ahmad Ibrahimi, Coordinator of Algerian Delegation to "Freedom Flotilla": "Our Hatred of Them Is So Intense That We Wished We Could Have Been Bombs and Blown Ourselves Up among the Brothers of Apes and Pigs." Hamas TV and the Arab and Iranian propaganda channels drive that message home to their captive audiences day after day.

In the upshot, "peaceful protesters" from Code Pink provided false-flag cover to the Turkish cruise ship Mavi Marmara, filled with an estimated forty Turkish wannabe suicides and even owned by the Turkish version of Hamas. The Turks engaged in standard pre-martyrdom rituals before leaving, wearing white headbands, writing their last wills and testaments, chanting martyrdom slogans, and equipping themselves with curved knives, steel bars, night goggles, and perhaps guns.

The idea that Code Pink and the others did not see the Turkish suicides-to-be getting ready before the confrontation is absurd. They knew. In fact, according to Bill Ayers in the days before the crisis, Hamas was guaranteeing the safety of Code Pink in Gaza

In a New York Times op-ed, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren wrote:

The Mavi Marmara on Monday was not motivated by peace. On the contrary, the religious extremists embedded among those on board were paid and equipped to attack Israelis -- both by their own hands as well as by aiding Hamas -- and to destroy any hope of peace. Millions have already seen the Al Jazeera broadcast showing these "activists" chanting "Khaibar! Khaibar!" -- a reference to a Muslim massacre of Jews in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century. YouTube viewers saw Israeli troops, armed with crowd-dispersing paintball guns and side arms for emergency protection, being beaten and hurled over the railings of the ship by attackers wielding iron bars.
The Turkish chant "Khaibar! Khaibar!" is the equivalent of "Auschwitz! Auschwitz!" It is the name of a famous genocide of the Jews of Mohammed's time.

In the upshot, the Israelis fell into the Turkish-Code Pink trap and lucked out with only six badly wounded soldiers. The suiciders got what they were looking for: martyrdom for Allah and outraged anti-Israel headlines around the world.

What did the White House know, and when did it know it? That's what I am wondering. We have a mass of circumstantial evidence. But I wonder: Was there culpable collusion among the Obama White House, Jodie Evans, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood -- or was it a matter of like-minded individuals acting independently?

White House National Security staffers have long been directly involved in undercover operations, from LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin deception to Ollie North's Iran Contra outreach to the mullahs.

Shortly afterward, the White House sent its advisor Dalia Mogahed to the U.K. to appear on a radical Islamist television show. Ms. Mogahed's message to the U.K. audience was that "Sharia Law is misunderstood." Shariah law "includes the controversial 'Hadd offences,' crimes with specific penalties set by the Koran and the sayings of the prophet Mohammed. These include death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality and the removal of a hand for theft."

The Obama White House was therefore signaling to Islamist radicals that it would be willing to indulge their actions against Israel and the West.

Jodie Evans and Code Pink also ensured the presence on the flotilla of many small leftist delegations from Europe and the U.S., who flew home immediately after the Turkish ambush to spread malicious disinformation. One of these "eyewitness accounts" has since been retracted, as the true story has emerged via YouTube and the blogosphere and even filtered through some of the mainstream media.

As for the wildly biased media, Reuters has confessed to yet another "fauxtography" scandal by cropping Turkish weapons out of the photos of the fight on the cruise ship.

After the Gaza ambush hit the headlines, another amazing coincidence occurred. Within a few days, the usual liberal chorus simultaneously called for Israel to lift the weapons blockade around Gaza. The chanting chorus included:

1. Barack Obama

2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

3. Turkish P.M. Erdogan

4. The U.N. Security Council

5. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon

6. Britain, Spain, the EU, Egypt, and Iran

This is pure Alinsky, giving the impression of unanimous "non-negotiable" demands after an agitprop stunt grabs the headlines. It's what Obama has done by publicly scapegoating the car companies, Wall Street, the banks, Rush Limbaugh, doctors who supposedly perform operations on kids just for the money, the State of Arizona, British Petroleum, and anybody else who can be shocked and scared by the President of the United States. It is Obama's SOP. The attack on Israel looked like just another example of Obama's Chicago Way.

Let's back up for a moment and look at it strategically.

Obama is in a huge mess. His ratings are in the dumps. The Democrats in Congress are running away from him. The Gulf oil fiasco has even Louisiana Dems raging against him. The economy is entering a second dip.

So Obama desperately needs a foreign affairs victory. But he has alienated all of our allies, including the U.K., France, Germany, and Japan. He's even scared the Chinese, who will lose a ton of money if the US economy gets worse. He has promised a New World Order to the Muslims, but they haven't seen any results.

What do you do if you're Barack Obama and you've been surrounded for decades by Jodie Evans, John Brennan, and Rashid Khalidi? Not to mention Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and Bill Ayers? 

Your playbook says to create a provocation to give cover for a radical shift in U.S. policy against Israel. Whether the White House knew what was going to happen, or whether Obama just watched it benignly from a distance, we don't know. I believe there is a serious, rational question whether this was an NSC black op, just like LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin and JFK's assassination of the president of South Vietnam.

The Watergate burglaries were known to a lot of people, including Mark Felt at the FBI, who leaked it to the WaPo in the guise of Deep Throat. If the Gaza ambush was stirred up  with White House knowledge or collaboration, there must be large numbers of people around the world who know all about it. Turkey's role has now been exposed. The role played by Hamas is clear. Code Pink's open collusion is a public fact.

Stand by for more revelations. I don't think they will get away with this.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteAfter the Gaza ambush hit the headlines, another amazing coincidence occurred. Within a few days, the usual liberal chorus simultaneously called for Israel to lift the weapons blockade around Gaza. The chanting chorus included:

1. Barack Obama

2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

3. Turkish P.M. Erdogan

4. The U.N. Security Council

5. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon

6. Britain, Spain, the EU, Egypt, and Iran

well, 3 out of 6 aint bad.  You should do a little less lying and a little more fact checking.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


  I am reminded of the conspiracy theories trotted out about George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc etc etc after 9-11.
BIG headlines...who knew what when.....all the "oh NO Our president would NEVER do things like that.........SSDD. The SHOE is just on the OTHER foot now and the OTHER side is doin all the theorizin.


Quote from: Anmar on June 14, 2010, 07:53:36 PM

well, 3 out of 6 aint bad.  You should do a little less lying and a little more fact checking.

That's 6 for 6, you hamas clown.... you need to learn to count.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


In case you haven't noticed, Bo's last press conference was sans American Flags.  What's up with that?  The man hasn't a Patriotic bone in his body!  He is totally clueless.  Ever since Barack Obama moved into the Oval Office, he's given one speech after another, some with Flags, most without.  Moreover, the majority of his spiels seem to be devoted to his trying to clarify or, in some instances, absolutely deny and contradict what he stated in earlier addresses.  The end result is that it all becomes something of a vicious circle, resembling a snake trying to swallow its own tail.  I mean, even if you're a fan of his, you have to admit that the only thing longer than Obama's health care bill were the endless lectures he devoted to the subject.  Not too long ago, a woman asked him a question, and 17 minutes later, barely pausing to take a breath, he was still blathering on.  The man obviously suffers from diarrhea of the vocal cords, or as jerry wagner would put it: "verbal diarrhea."   Unfortunately, that's one more malady the health care bill doesn't cover.

Still, in spite of the fact that Barry never shuts up for even five seconds at a time and is on TV more often than that green gecko lizard trying to sell us insurance, he never tells me what I really want to know.... like, for instance, where is his real birth certificate and what happened to his college transcripts?   Am I the only person who's curious about what ever happened to his mother-in-law?  And where is Bo, the First Dog, these days?  I've seen neither hide nor hair of either one in a very long time, and, as a taxpayer at least partially responsible for their well-being, I'd like to know whether either one is back in Chicago or waiting to be adopted at the local pound.

Leaving Obama for a minute, the clowns who really mystify me are the liberals.  For instance, consider the way they speak.  Take Israel.  Without even blushing, they refer to the "peace process" whenever they're slapping down Israel.  No matter what that little tiny country does.... be it defending itself against missile attacks and suicide bombers or building houses in Jerusalem.... the loonie clowns on the left, such as the resident Hamas supporter, lying anmar.... will insist the Jews are jeopardizing the peace process.  And just what exactly is the peace process to which Arabs, Muslims and just about every U.S. president since Carter pay lip service?  When you get past the P.R. spin, it's the "extinction of Israel!" 

Another term the lefty clowns toss around is the "international community."  That has a high-sounding ring to it, which is why the nincompoops love it so much.  In fact, if by that particular community, one is referring to the members of the U.N., one is referring to a gang of chiselers, cowards and incompetents, representing the interests of gangsters, rogues and butchers.  Frankly, I wouldn't trust the creeps at the U.N. to run the 7/11 that anmar works for, let alone the world.  Only a mushy-headed liberal clown would endow the organization with moral authority.  In fact, between the two groups, if I had to pick one, I'd vote for the Mafia, if only because it doesn't rely on American tax dollars to survive.

Another term liberals like to use is "misspeak."  Take Richard Blumenthal, candidate for the U.S. Senate, claimed he misspoke when he went around claiming he'd served in Vietnam.  It seems he'd never even been there for a vacation, let alone a war.  Now... when a person says, "They is coming over for dinner," he has misspoken, using "is" for "are."   

What Blumenthal did was lie.  Then to compound his sin, he held a press conference after his lies were uncovered by the NY Times, and claimed he was taking complete responsibility.  Yet another lie.  If this schlimiel was taking complete responsibility, he would have said:
"I have lied to all of you.  I have shamed my friends and family.  At no point in my life have I possessed even an ounce of the courage displayed by the men who actually served and suffered in Vietnam.  If I stood on my tiptoes, I couldn't reach their shoelaces.  I stand here today completely disgraced by my past words and actions in order to announce that I have tendered my resignation as attorney general of Connecticut and to withdraw from the Senate race."

Instead, this clown told the world that he was proud of his years of public service thus turning what was supposed to be his public confession into just another campaign speech.

Years ago, liberals hated those who had served in Vietnam.  Back in the 1960s, mollycoddled left-wing kids who tried to make a virtue of the fact that they'd lacked the guts to serve in the military actually spat on returning vets and called them the vilest of names.  Flash forward and you have the disgusting spectacle of presidential candidate John "look at me, I'm a clown" Kerry donning a military jacket and announcing to cheering lefty clowns that he was "reporting for 'clown' duty" and now you have Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal lying about having faced not only the horrors of war, but the public vilification by people exactly like himself!

Getting back to Barack Obama, I honestly don't know why so many Jews are shocked to discover that he is so blatantly pro-Arab and is willing, even anxious, to sell out Israel for far less than the usual 30 pieces of silver.  During the presidential campaign, a lot of people insisted that Obama was really a Muslim pretending to be a Christian.  I might have been one of them tho' I really don't remember.  I did figure, tho', that if my name was Barack Hussein Obama and I was going to run for president a mere seven years after 9/11, I wouldn't admit I was a Muslim, either.  On the other hand, I, personally, would have sooner trusted a Muslim (except for that hamas supporter, little lying anmar) who'd been attending a mosque in Dearborn for 20 years than a Christian who'd been attending a racist, anti-jew, anti-American church in Chicago for all that time.  Perhaps they are shocked simply because he has surrounded himself with so many Jewish leftists, and was so deep into the pockets of George Soros and Andy Stern that along with hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds, he was also collecting lint.  The Jewish liberals will apparently sacrifice anything, including Israel's survival, for the sake of furthering their loony left-wing agenda.

The Jews announce they plan to build 1200 housing units in Jerusalem and Obama goes positively apeshit, but anmar's Hamas fires ten thousand plus rockets into Israel and Bo doesn't say a word about it!   Clearly, it's none of our business whether or not Israel builds homes.  Obviously if they weren't needed, they wouldn't be built.  But there are other equally basic truths to consider.  For one thing, Jerusalem is Israel's capital.  How would we feel if a foreign country told us whether or not we could erect buildings in Washington, D.C.?  For another thing, it is Judaism's holiest city and always has been.  The only reason that Muslims now lay claim to it is in order to make trouble, which, as you may have noticed, is pretty much the only thing they've managed to produce over the past thousand years.

This brings us to what countless American presidents and secretaries of state have persisted in calling a peace process.  And who would have ever guessed that all of those rather sober-sided ladies and gentlemen possessed such a marvelous sense of whimsy?  There is, as all rational people realize, no such thing as a peace process in the Middle East.  There are merely two opposing sides.  On one side are those dedicated to wiping Israel off the map, like anmar's little group, hamas, which in fact they've already done on their own maps, and who also just happen to be America's sworn enemies.  On the other side is Israel, a western-style democracy that is home to over a million Arabs, a nation that foolishly keeps trying to bribe the opposition by handing over its legal property, only to discover that its enemies are not bought off as easily as Democratic congressmen.

Speaking of American politicians, I'm aware that a lot of people assumed that Obama would be a strong ally of Israel's because he had people like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod in his inner-circle, and that the outer-circle was filled with such heavy-hitters as Charles Schumer, Barney Frank, Arlen Specter, Henry Waxman, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Brad Sherman, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders and more than 30 other Jewish congressmen and senators whose poisonous personality and hatred begins dripping from the cesspool of their aging, dirty hearts.  (I borrowed that last line from anmar who must have been reading too many Simon R Green books to come up with that line).  But there really is no excuse for such gullibility in 2010.  Anyone who doesn't understand that these days, Jewish politicians are liberals first, last and always, and have greater allegiance to Barack Obama and Karl Marx than to Thomas Jefferson and Moses, just hasn't been paying attention.  So far as I'm concerned, it has always seemed obvious that Obama is a virulent anti-Semite.  Before you attack moi for attacking him, ask yourself one simple question: Can you imagine sitting in Rev. Wright's church for 20 minutes, let alone 20 years, if you weren't a Jew hater? 

Gee, I hope jerry wagner doesn't think this rant is too long.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

No presidents are ever in charge of the "stage'' from which they speak. They have people who do that and if they are out some where, the crew usually works with the host. Whether there is or isn't water, the height and angle of the teleprompter etc. is always done by others. Lacking the flag is a mistake, but not one to lay at any President's feet.  First Mother in Law is still  helping take care of the kids as far as I know, and first dog is busy spying on the Republicans as always. Boy are you a grump today.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 15, 2010, 07:58:13 AM
No presidents are ever in charge of the "stage'' from which they speak. They have people who do that and if they are out some where, the crew usually works with the host. Whether there is or isn't water, the height and angle of the teleprompter etc. is always done by others. Lacking the flag is a mistake, but not one to lay at any President's feet.  First Mother in Law is still  helping take care of the kids as far as I know, and first dog is busy spying on the Republicans as always. Boy are you a grump today.

Actually diane, it is laid at his feet.  He had the choice to go on without the flag displayed.  In fact it would have taken only seconds to bring them in.   There is no excuse for it and it speaks loudly about his lack of commitment to this country.  Remember, even his wife was not proud of America until they got into the whitehouse.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I don't mind telling you, having been a conference speaker and workshop leader many, many times over the years, when you are announced to come on from off stage, remembering to look for anything including a flag, is about the last thing on your mind. Now I know I'm not in the same league as a president, but I was always more mentally consumed with not falling down, having my notes, would my mike work, would the AV equipment work and so on. You people sure are picky and unforgiving. Presidents are human after all.
  As much as I didn't care for George Bush's policies sometimes, it would never have occurred to me to lambaste him over his  strange English, dress, trying to go out locked doors, giving everybody weird nicknames or paying attention as to whether he spoke before a flag or the back of a wagon. "Mission Accomplished?" Not hardly, but I'm sure he didn't put that famous sign up there. Not his problem!
Was Ruffles and Flourishes played? Who cares!  It doesn't matter! I want to know what's in a President's head, what does he say that does or doesn't lead to what he, or his staff, actually do. The other stuff is petty as far as I'm concerned.
Right now I am furious with congress. They seem to be stuck in neutral and can't get a move on about anything. I'm not sure it would matter who the President is. They seem to be consumed with stopping any progress about anything.


Israel Continues to Transfer Humanitarian Aid to Gaza:

More Flotillas Bound for Gaza in Coming Days and Weeks


Ships from several countries, including Iran and Lebanon, have left or are planning to leave for Hamas-controlled Gaza in defiance of an Israeli maritime blockade on that territory.[1]

Israel considers Gaza-bound convoys a security risk because of Hamas' ongoing efforts to smuggle Iranian rockets and other weaponry into Gaza since the Iran-backed group overthrew the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup there in 2007.[2] Israel Security Agency Director Yuval Diskin has said that a port in Gaza would "pose a huge security threat to Israel."[3]

Iran arms, funds and trains Hamas, which has been designated a terrorist organization by the European Union, the United States, Israel, Canada and Australia.[4] Since Israel voluntarily withdrew from all of Gaza in August 2005 in hopes of paving the way for a peaceful, independent Palestinian state, Hamas has fired more than 6,500 rockets and mortars into Israel.[5]

Reports about the new flotillas come in the aftermath of a May 31 Israeli campaign to prevent an illegal flotilla from reaching Gaza, in which nine activists – all Turks or of Turkish descent – were killed after passengers on board the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship in the convoy, attacked Israeli military personnel.[6] Israel had ordered the vessels to dock in the southern Israeli port of Ashdod to unload the cargo for security inspections and subsequent delivery to Gaza.[7] Despite the refusal of all six ships to detour to Ashdod, the Mavi Marmara was the only vessel where a violent confrontation took place.[8]

Although two individuals coordinating the Lebanese convoy have denied they are receiving support from Hezbollah, another proxy of Iran, one of them has written in praise of the terrorist group's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, and the other has met and thanked Nasrallah publicly.[9] Nasrallah called for more ships to Gaza at a June 4 rally, stating that "only diplomacy which is built on strength and arms is effective."[10] Since the end of Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah, the terrorist group has rearmed far beyond its pre-2006 capacity.[11]

Following are details about new ships heading for Gaza, collected from published reports as of June 16, 2010:

"Freedom Fleet II"
Free Gaza – the group that sponsored the flotilla intercepted by Israel May 31 – and Viva Palestina, a UK-based group,[31] are planning another convoy of 10 – 15 ships, slated to leave for Gaza by October. One of the main organizers is Iyad el-Sarj, based in Norway.[32] 


One Iranian ship left for Gaza June 12 from the Iranian port of Khorramshahr and plans to sail through Omani, Yemeni and Egyptian territorial waters before it tries to reach Gaza.[12]
Two Iranian ships organized by Iran's Society for the Defense of Palestine are scheduled to depart shortly: one ship is named Toward Gaza and will set sail from the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, while the other ship will leave from northern Iran and stop in Turkey before making its way to Gaza.[13]
Despite a previous statement by Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) that it was willing to provide a naval escort to any additional aid ships wishing to reach Gaza,[14] an IRGC commander and an official in charge of the ships both said June 14 that IRGC forces would not accompany the ships.[15]
An Iranian official in charge of the convoy said those aboard the ships "are willing to become martyred in this way."[16]
Three members of the Majlis (Iran's parliament) also intend to travel to Gaza by way of Egypt later this week.[17]
An Iranian ambassador recently threatened that "if the (Zionist) entity dares to direct any aggressive attack (against the ship) then it is certain [Israel] will be met by a much stronger and firm blow."[18]

Two Lebanese organizations – Journalists without Borders and Free Palestine – are sponsoring the Naji Al Ali, with at least 50 journalists and 25 European volunteers on board, including European parliament members.[19]
Palestinian businessman and Free Palestine chairman Yasser Kashlak is funding the Naj Al Ali vessel, as well as an all-women's ship, the Mariam.[20] Kashlak has insisted he has no connection with Hezbollah, Hamas or Iran, but in 2009 Kashlak sent a letter to Nasrallah in which he wrote, "We ask Allah to extend your life and the lives of all who support Palestine and the noble resistance."[21] Additionally, in a blog post, Kashlak criticized Arab governments and media for failing to embrace Nasrallah's self-proclaimed victory in Hezbollah's 2006 war with Israel.[22]   Samar Hajj, who is organizing the Mariam, said the ship "has nothing to do with Hezbollah even though it is an honor for us to be supporters of the resistance."[23] She is the wife of Ali Hajj, a former Lebanese general imprisoned until recently for his suspected involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.[24] The couple met with Nasrallah three weeks ago to thank him for his support.[25]  A U.S.-based group, the Council for the National Interest Foundation, has asked its supporters to volunteer to join the Lebanese convoy.[26]

The Insani Yardim Vakfi, or "humanitarian relief fund" (IHH), the hardcore Turkish Islamist group that partly organized and funded the previous flotilla that included the Mavi Marmara, said it will send six more ships to Gaza in July.[27] A 2006 study conducted by the Danish Institute for International Studies showed that the IHH was involved in planning an al-Qaeda attack against Los Angeles International Airport in 1999. The IHH reportedly acquired forged documents, enlisted operatives and delivered weapons to al-Qaeda in preparation for the attack, which was ultimately foiled.[28]

A German organization called Jewish Voices for a Just Peace is sponsoring a ship with 14 activists aboard, scheduled for departure in mid-July. According to the group's spokeswoman, that vessel may be delayed because 40 additional German-Jewish activists wish to participate, requiring them to charter another ship. The port from which the ships plan to depart has not been announced.[29]
European leaders have reportedly reacted positively to Israel's request that they take action to prevent Gaza-bound vessels from leaving European ports and forbid their citizens from participating.[30]

Historically, ships bound for Gaza have carried tons of weapons among their cargo. Examples of previous Gaza-bound ships carrying weapons:

"Francop" (2009)
In November 2009 the Israeli Navy intercepted the "Francop," a ship containing 320 tons of arms sent from Iran and destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon.[33] Weaponry and ammunition were disguised as civilian cargo in the hundreds of containers the ship was transporting.[34]

"Abu Hasan" (2003)
On May 21, 2003 Israeli naval commandos intercepted a fishing boat, the Abu Hasan, sailing from Lebanon to Egypt carrying a Hezbollah explosives expert bound for Gaza. Also seized were CD discs with instructions on how to assemble bomb belts for suicide bombers, a radio-activation system for remote-control bombs and 25 detonators for Kassam rockets.[35]

"Karin A" (2002)
In January 2002 a ship carrying weapons intended for the Palestinian Authority was captured in the Red Sea by Israel's Navy and Air Force. The boat's cargo included 50 tons of advanced weaponry including Katyusha rockets, rifles, mortar shells, mines and a variety of anti-tank missiles. Senior figures in the Palestinian Authority were involved in the smuggling. [36] [37]
Ashkelon and other coastal cities would have been threatened by these Katyusha rockets if they reached Gaza.[38]

"Santorini" (2001)
On May 7, 2001 Israeli naval forces intercepted a Lebanese ship destined for Gaza, which contained anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank missile-launchers, RPG rockets, mortar shells, mines, rifles and guns. The shipment, some of which originated in Iran, had been loaded in Lebanon by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.[39] The Santorini and another boat, the Calypso-2, made three successful smuggling operations of which the first was in November 2000.[40]


[1] Sofer, Roni, "Israel to EU: Stop your citizens from joining flotillas," YnetNews, June 15, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3905357,00.html

[2] "The Gaza flotilla and the maritime blockade of Gaza - Legal background," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010, http://tinyurl.com/33tofyd; Vick, Karl, "Can Israel Learn How to Make Its Case?" TIME, June 10, 2010, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1995850,00.html

[3] "Diskin: No aid crisis in Gaza," The Jerusalem Post, June 15, 2010, http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=178503

[4] "Council Decision," Council of the European Union, Dec. 21, 2005; "Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)," U.S. Department of State Web site, Oct. 11, 2005, http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/37191.htm; Wilson, Scott, "Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast," The Washington Post , Jan. 27, 2006, accessed Jan. 18, 2006,
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/26/AR2006012600372.html; Public Security and Emergency Preparedness Canada, National Security, Listed entities, accessed Jan. 18, 2007, http://www.psepc.gc.ca/prg/ns/le/cle-en.asp#hhi18; "Listing of Terrorist Organisations," Australian Government Web site, May 24, 2007, http://tinyurl.com/2cfzzw

[5] IDF Spokesperson's Unit communiqué, Jan. 3, 2009

[6] Black, Ian; MacAskill, Ewen; Booth, Robert, "Gaza flotilla attack: Turks killed by Israeli soldiers given heroes' funeral," The Guardian (UK), June 4, 2010, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/03/gaza-flotilla-attack-turkey-funeral

[7] "IDF forces met with pre-planned violence when attempting to board flotilla," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 31, 2010, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2010/Israel_Navy_warns_flotilla_31-May-2010.htm

[8] Teibel, Amy; Goldenberg, Tia, "Israeli commandos storm aid flotilla; 9 killed," AP, May 31, 2010, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5ioi_0jtO9RjMwPNRoXNCndRPRq3gD9G1ST400

[9] Nahmias, Roee, "Lebanese flotilla organizers found to have Hezbollah ties," YnetNews, June 16, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3906357,00.html

[10]  Yazbeck, Natacha, "Hezbollah chief calls for 'Freedom Flotilla II,'" AFP via Asharq Alawsat, June 5, 2010, http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=1&id=21193

[11] Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center communiqué, Feb. 22, 2009, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/ipc_e013.htm; "One year since the acceptance of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the second Lebanon war: An interim report," Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Aug. 12, 2007, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/un1701_0807.htm

[12] "Iran sending aid ships to Gaza, Iranian agencies say," CNN, June 14, 2010, http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/06/14/iran.gaza.ship/index.html

[13] Walker, Peter, "Iran sends aid ships to Gaza," The Guardian (UK), June 14, 2010, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/14/iran-aid-ships-gaza

[14] "Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza," AFP, June 7, 2010, http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iEWKLpKjRKdQtCat_2tmvahx_Uaw

[15] "Iran to send aid ships to Gaza," Al Jazeera English, June 15, 2010, http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2010/06/20106159550707221.html

[16] "Iranian flotilla leaving for Gaza," The Jerusalem Post, June 14, 2010, http://www.jpost.com/IranianThreat/News/Article.aspx?id=178395

[17] "Iranian flotilla leaving for Gaza," The Jerusalem Post, June 14, 2010, http://www.jpost.com/IranianThreat/News/Article.aspx?id=178395

[18] Reem Khaleefa, "The Iranian ambassador warns Israel from targeting Iranian ship heading to Gaza," Al-Wasat (Bahrain), June 16, 2010, http://www.alwasatnews.com/2840/news/read/434953/1.html

[19] "Israel braces for Iranian attempt to break Gaza blockade," Xinhua via Global Times, June 15, 2010, http://world.globaltimes.cn/in-depth/2010-06/542419.html

[20] Nahmias, Roee, "Lebanese flotilla: No link to Hamas, Hezbollah," YnetNews, June 15, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3905607,00.html; "Gaza-bound ship seeks women volunteers," The Daily Star (Lebanon), June 14, 2010, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=1&article_id=115939#axzz0r1uIpf7T

[21] Nahmias, Roee, "Lebanese flotilla organizers found to have Hezbollah ties," YnetNews, June 16, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3906357,00.html

[22] Yasser Kashlak, "I am sad (2)," Yasser Kashlak's blog, July 27, 2009, http://kashlakyasser.blogspot.com/2009/08/2.html

[23] "Lebanese women to send aid ship to Gaza: organizers," AFP, June 15, 2010, http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/100615/world/israel_conflict_gaza_lebanon_women

[24] "Lebanese women to send aid ship to Gaza: organizers," AFP, June 15, 2010, http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/100615/world/israel_conflict_gaza_lebanon_women

[25] Nahmias, Roee, "Lebanese flotilla organizers found to have Hezbollah ties," YnetNews, June 16, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3906357,00.html

[26] E-mail communication from Eugene Bird, "PRIORITY, PRIORITY, PRIORITY: JOIN SECOND AID BOAT TO GAZA," Council for the National Interest Foundation, June 15, 2010

[27] "Turkish flotilla organisers to send more Gaza ships," Reuters, June 16, 2010, http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE65F3JI20100616

[28] "IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation," Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, May 26, 2010, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/hamas_e105.htm

[29] "Deutsche Juden schicken ein Schiff nach Gaza", Sueddeutsche, Jun 9, 2010, http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/palaestinenser-blockade-durch-israel-ein-schiff-nach-gaza-1.955844; "German Jews 'inundated' with requests to join new Gaza aid flotilla," DPA via Haaretz, June 14, 2010, http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/german-jews-inundated-with-requests-to-join-new-gaza-aid-flotilla-1.296146

[30] Sofer, Roni, "Israel to EU: Stop your citizens from joining flotillas," YnetNews, June 15, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3905357,00.html

[31] "About Us," Viva Palestina Web site, http://www.vivapalestina.org/about.htm, accessed June 16, 2010

[32] Sofer, Roni, "Israel to EU: Stop your citizens from joining flotillas," YnetNews, June 15, 2010, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3905357,00.html

[33] "Documented proof of Iranian complicity in arms smuggling to terrorists," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nov. 10, 2009, http://tinyurl.com/ykuhj2j

[34] "500 Tons of Weapons for Hezbollah Intercepted by Israeli Navy," IDF Spokesperson Web Site, Nov. 4, 2009, http://idfspokesperson.com/2009/11/04/500-tons-of-weapons-for-hezbollah-intercepted-by-israeli-navy-4-nov-2009/

[35] "The Seizing of the Abu Hasan," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 22, 2003, http://tinyurl.com/8pz7p

[36] "Seizing of the Palestinian weapons ship Karine A: Photos," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 4, 2002, http://tinyurl.com/3xn9ln5

[37] "IDF Seizes PA Weapons Ship: The Karine A Affair," Jewish Virtual Library, Jan. 3, 2002, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/paship.html

[38] "Seizing of the Palestinian weapons ship Karine A," Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 4, 2002, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2002/Seizing%20of%20the%20Palestinian%20weapons%20ship%20Karine%20A%20-

[39] "IDF Seizes PA Weapons Ship: The Karine A Affair," Jewish Virtual Library, Jan. 3, 2002, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/paship.html

[40] Lorenz, Akiva J. "The Threat of Maritime Terrorism to Israel," IDC Herzliya International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Sept. 24, 2007, http://www.ict.org.il/Articles/tabid/66/Articlsid/251/currentpage/6/Default.aspx
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


How to fight the next Gaza bound flotilla:  

Apart from being the diversion by Iran to finish the bomb, the flotillas against Israel are essentially propaganda tools to discredit Israel and the Jewish people.  Islamic propaganda kamikazes or kamikaze protesters, as Caroline Glick calls them, are willing to kill and die for jihad and to blacken the Jews in the eyes of the gullible West in the process.  The right way to fight the flotilla in addition to stopping it with military means is to turn the tables on the jihadists and expose to the world what these people believe in and what they are fighting for.

This can be done by printing thousands of leaflets and making a few huge posters with quotations from the Hamas Charter. For instance:

Article 7: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,'

Article 14: There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad.

These leaflets can be dropped on the ships before the interception takes place and posters appended to the side of the ships in full view of any video taken by international media.

If this is done there it is almost certain that the essential message of what the Hamas members believe in will finally reach the TV audiences around the world.

Article 7 and Article 14 will clearly be seen on the side of the flotilla ships.  People will ask what is written on the thousands of leaflets.

The target of these leaflets is not the Islamic propaganda kamikaze but the world at large which is almost totally ignorant what Hamas stands for

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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