Turkish terrorist organization IHH involved bigtime in the Gaza flotilla fiasco

Started by Warph, June 03, 2010, 01:40:43 AM

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Diane Amberg

Around here all Jews go to Israel at least once in their lifetimes, usually on tours which stop at every Falafel stand in the country. Boy do they get sick of it! By the way, did you know that Solomon had seven hundred wives and 300 porcupines?

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


SRK................. yeah....thanks for the history/religion lecture...........:P

I have found it is possible for anybody to justify/explain anything they want to espouse using scripture verses........Trust me I have tested this theory many times...........LOL


Just theoretically SRK........if I was to have some people who had been slaves for like a couple thousand years and they followed me and "knew" God talked to me and told me what to do, that God had made a covenant with me, had promised to show me "our" land and I just showed up on your place and said Sorry dude.....I was goin down the road lookin for this place God told me was mine and he was going to show it to me and I looked out the window and saw this place.....THIS is the place GOD told me was mine so pack your s*&^ and git........would you? or would you say I was delusional? Would you BELIEVE......TODAY......that God talked to me and told me that? or are you one of those people that thinks God hasn't said anything new since they agreed on what to put in the Bible and what to leave out? just theoretically.......................hmm? It's true because it's from a few thousand years ago and really doesn't affect you? What if it happened to YOU......TODAY........?


Quote from: pamagain on June 04, 2010, 05:36:00 PM
Just theoretically SRK........if I was to have some people who had been slaves for like a couple thousand years and they followed me and "knew" God talked to me and told me what to do, that God had made a covenant with me, had promised to show me "our" land and I just showed up on your place and said Sorry dude.....I was goin down the road lookin for this place God told me was mine and he was going to show it to me and I looked out the window and saw this place.....THIS is the place GOD told me was mine so pack your s*&^ and git........would you? or would you say I was delusional? Would you BELIEVE......TODAY......that God talked to me and told me that? or are you one of those people that thinks God hasn't said anything new since they agreed on what to put in the Bible and what to leave out? just theoretically.......................hmm? It's true because it's from a few thousand years ago and really doesn't affect you? What if it happened to YOU......TODAY........?

Who said God doens't talk to people??  Proof of that is??   He talks to me every day.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I swear trying to make a point on here could give a person an aneurism.......................

NOBODY said God doesn't talk to anybody today..............try reading what I said again and if it still doesn't click just forget it.................

but just because I'm feelin magnanimous.........my POINT is if some guy showed up and told me I had to move, that God had told him MY land was really his I (as in me myself) would tell him to take it on down the road and try it on some dumbass that is gonna fall for it which is what I would've told ABRAHAM when HE showed up.

I believe God talks to us everyday.....I DON'T believe everything somebody SAYS God told them. If He/She tells ME then maybe I'll listen to you....until then.........


Quote from: pamagain on June 04, 2010, 07:21:22 PM

but just because I'm feelin magnanimous.........my POINT is if some guy showed up and told me I had to move, that God had told him MY land was really his I (as in me myself) would tell him to take it on down the road and try it on some dumbass that is gonna fall for it which is what I would've told ABRAHAM when HE showed up.

Well abraham didnt go in and tell everyone to move.  It was joshua that went in and claimed the land.   And the land was given to them by God, all they had to do was take it.  And they did and held the land.   Abraham came out of Ur which was included in the boundaries of israel after joshua conquered the land with his army.   

So even if you had resided in the land at the time of joshua, you wouldn't have had a choice. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


After reading these following articles and watching the video's... anyone who still believes that Israel is at fault.. HAS TO BE HAMAS and ISLAMIC TERRORISM SYMPATHIZERS, PERIOD! ...Warph

Hamas/IHH Are Behind the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla?"

Without minimizing the suffering and loss of the Gaza population, it is also necessary to point out a few facts that might dim the enthusiasm of supporters of the fleet of ships sailing to Gaza with "humanitarian supplies," at least among decent people.

In a typical week, 15,000 tons of Israeli humanitarian aid supplies enter Gaza.  Truckloads of meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, milk powder, baby food, wheat and other supplies arrive in Gaza daily.  Building materials are also shipped in, when monitored by International organizations so that it is not commandeered by Hamas for the fortification of bunkers.  That is, in a week, Israel sends more aid to Gaza than is contained in the 10,000 tons of the so-called humanitarian aid flotilla.

The ships sailing from Turkey to Gaza are sponsored by the Turkish organization for Human Rights, Liberties, and Humanitarian Relief (IHH).  What does the nature of this group tell us about the "humanitarian" purpose of the voyage?  A recent Israeli report pointed out that the launching of the flotilla was attended by Hamas personnel and other extremists, but we already know that Hamas and IHH work closely together.


If you like the flotilla, chances are you think Hamas is an innocuous humanitarian group too.  More interesting, perhaps, are the previous connections of IHH, revealed by foreign sources.

(I have layed out pretty well in other articles just what and who IHH is comprised of.... now What and Who is Hamas... Warph)

The Hamas Charter:   http://www.mideastweb.org/hamas.htm

In 2006, a Danish study by Evan F. Kohlmann reported:

Turkish authorities began their own domestic criminal investigation of IHH as early as December 1997, when sources revealed that leaders of IHH were purchasing automatic weapons from other regional Islamic militant groups.43 IHH's bureau in Istanbul was thoroughly searched, and its local officers were arrested. Security forces uncovered an array of disturbing items, including firearms, explosives, bomb-making instructions, and a "jihad flag." After analyzing seized IHH documents, Turkish authorities concluded that "detained members of IHH were going to fight in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Chechnya."44

According to a French intelligence report: the terrorist infiltration of IHH extended to its most senior ranks. The report, written by famed counterterrorism magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere, revealed that IHH President Bulent Yildrim had directly conspired in the mid-1990s to "recruit veteran soldiers in anticipation of the coming holy war [jihad]. In particular, some men were sent into war zones in Muslim countries in order to acquire combat experience."45

Furthermore, in the hopes of "obtaining political support from these countries, financial aid was transferred [on behalf of IHH], as well as caches of firearms, knives, and pre-fabricated explosives."46 An examination of IHH's phone records in Istanbul showed repeated telephone calls in 1996 to an Al-Qaida guesthouse in Milan and various Algerian terrorist operatives active elsewhere in Europe – including the notorious Abu el-Ma`ali, who has been subsequently termed by U.S. officials as a "junior Osama Bin Laden."47

At a USA trial, Brugiere testified:  http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/312.pdf#page=17
The IHH is an NGO, but it was kind of a type of cover-up... in order to obtain forged documents and also to obtain different forms of infiltration for Mujahideen in combat. And also to go and gather[recruit] these Mujahideens. And finally, one of the last responsibilities that they had was also to be implicated or involved in weapons trafficking.48
According to the Danish report, IHH was later involved in supplying arms to Sunni terrorists in Iraq.  More recently, they have developed close relations with Hamas and Hezbollah.  Is it any wonder that Israel would not allow an organization that smuggles arms to Al Qaeda to send an uninspected cargo of "humanitarian aid" to Gaza?  These are the sort of "humanitarians" who would do less harm as vegetarians.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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