One Holy Eternal Union

Started by redcliffsw, May 29, 2010, 08:25:06 AM

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Diane Amberg

Red, what's with you?  Do you ever do more than reprint what other people have to say or take cheap shots at people like me, who are brave enough to talk to you directly? Are you still fighting the Civil War? Isn't there a double standard here? You want to fly the confederate flag, but you want to restrict others from  flying any flag that is special to themselves. I have a feeling you are also one of the people on here who would resent urban blacks who won't take advantage of the opportunities given to them, but then it's pity party time for the south that lost the war. Stuff happens! Some people will be taken advantage of. Terrible things happened during that war, no doubt about it. Sherman, Sheridan, Custer and many others played politics as much as they fought. No schools are going to spend huge amounts of time on the Civil War unless it's a college course about the Civil War....Same about WWII. It has nothing to do with Gov't. and Gov't schools.  (You want the story of Camp Sumter (Andersonville) taught in detail? There were terrible things on both sides!)  It has to do with the passage of time. Look how much new history had happened since the Civil War.  WWI.,WWII, and Korea, Viet Nam and on and on, and that's just military history. How much time did you spend on any of them in school? How about The Spanish American War,The French and Indian War? When would you have had time for more than an overview of any of those in High School?  There is plenty to learn and places to learn it, but it usually has to be after high School. Upper level courses in college have all the details you are craving. As I have said before, read books written by historians, not politicians. You'll get a better, truer view of history, warts and all.
   As far as the total silliness involving kids being told to change shirts, that's small stuff that is totally dumb, locally solved and has no business on national news.
 Steve, yes, I knew about many of the things the south lost. I wanted your take on it. At least you write your own opinions. But the south lost! That's what happens. That's why wars should be avoided.The winner is never a sure thing and the losers never knows how they will be treated. As far as states losing their right to vote, I'm not sure what you meant.  Details please? Of course women couldn't vote then anyway. >:(     ahem!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 09:26:21 AM
Yup, he should know....he was there.
You know, i wasn't there, but i did get the priviledge to hear stories about it from my great grandmother, and great great grandfather.  i was 7 when gg grandpa died, and he was born in 1863.  Died when i was 7 in 1968.
Great grandma was born in 1865 and died in 1965.   They both grew up during the decimation of the south by the north. 
THe war wasn't bad enough, they had to make the southerners pay dearly for even thinking that they could stand up against the north. 

And all of their stories about the civil war era is on tape too.   :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 10:54:43 AM

 Steve, yes, I knew about many of the things the south lost. I wanted your take on it. At least you write your own opinions. But the south lost! That's what happens. That's why wars should be avoided.The winner is never a sure thing and the losers never knows how they will be treated. As far as states losing their right to vote, I'm not sure what you meant.  Details please? Of course women couldn't vote then anyway. >:(     ahem!
FIrst of all you mentioned andersonville, and yes that was a bad situation.  The problem was that there wasn't enough meds food or clothes and shelter to go around.  
On the other hand, look at camp elmira  At least Andersonville didn't make money off the suffering. They did their best under the conditions presented. The north just didnt' give a damn about the prisoners of war.
25% of the prisoners in elmira died of starvation or disease.  

Uhmm SEcondly the southerners were not allowed to vote for many years after the north moved in. And unfortunately the south had no choice but to defend itself from the north as the north started the war.  Acutally it wasn't that women couldn't vote, if i remember right, only property owners could vote which i dont' disagree with.  

Right now i am worn out from working on hives and am a bit tired from the venom.  20 -30 stings gets me tired quick. if you want to find out more about the loss of voting, and the restrictions on the veterans in the south preventing them from memorializing their fallen, then do a google search for it.  It will bring up a wealth of information taht the text books refused to print.

Thank God we got some common sense people in texas that have voted to put all this back into the history books.  All the liberals down there are fit to be tied now....

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I'm sorry you have to put up with so many stings! Your bees must not love you yet. Shame on them.  If you honestly think only land owners should vote you are going to have a LOT of seniors mad at you! ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 12:02:23 PM
I'm sorry you have to put up with so many stings! Your bees must not love you yet. Shame on them.  If you honestly think only land owners should vote you are going to have a LOT of seniors mad at you! ;D

Well  probably so. :)   My bees love me but their pmsy right now.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

PMSY? I thought only one could be that way....ya got swishey workers?  Sorry, that was in poor taste...but still funny.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 06:22:55 PM
PMSY? I thought only one could be that way....ya got swishey workers?  Sorry, that was in poor taste...but still funny.

Well being that honey bees are female, i guess they are swishy.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Well I guess that joke went nowhere.  ;D    I  thought only the queen was a true female and could have PMS .  If they are all female, where do the baby bees come from? ( I know, I know, drones.) You were supposed to say the bee hospital.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 08:13:31 PM
Well I guess that joke went nowhere.  ;D    I  thought only the queen was a true female and could have PMS .  If they are all female, where do the baby bees come from? ( I know, I know, drones.) You were supposed to say the bee hospital.
that would be the combital
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

You are no fun at all!  ;D  My friend, another Dianne, different spelling, is a bee person, or was until the throat mites got 'em. We are just starting to see wild bees again here. I assume you got your nap and feel better now?

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