One Holy Eternal Union

Started by redcliffsw, May 29, 2010, 08:25:06 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2010, 08:35:48 PM
You are no fun at all!  ;D  My friend, another Dianne, different spelling, is a bee person, or was until the throat mites got 'em. We are just starting to see wild bees again here. I assume you got your nap and feel better now?

uhggg trachial mites.  Dust em with powder sugar to get rid of them i think....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


OOps nope use mint, thyme oil and crisco to get rid of trachial mites.  The powder sugar gets rid of varroa
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane, what are the opportunities that you are referring?  If you'll describe the opportunities
for urban blacks, I'll try to give you my opinion.

Obviosuly, you support the northern defeat of the South.  That defeat is the basis for changing America
from what the founding fathers intended for us. 

I agree with the South and it's stand for the Constitution and for the founding fathers.

Diane Amberg

 Red, I'd support anything that would stop anybody from "owning" another human as property, no matter what it took. 'Way back when, I had family that raised cotton in Alabama and they didn't need or want to use slaves to do it. It's just wrong, 'nuff said.
I know there was much more to it than that and politics was huge, but the slavery thing would be enough for me.
As far as "opportunities," people will say that minorities have the same chance to get an education and better themselves as everybody else and they are too lazy to do it. It's not quite that simple, but there are indeed some who are lazy and feel entitled just as some whites do.  As with any group there are many, many minorities who work hard, and improve with every generation without reliving the hardships of the past and boo hooing at every chance about how they were unfairly picked on. Of course it did happen, if not here, in the countries they, almost all of us, came from. The Irish, Scots, Poles, Slavs, White Russian Jews, Eastern European immigrants and so on all have stories they could tell. At some point one has to just take a deep breath and push on. If one gets mired in their own history, one can't go forward. Learn about it sure, but don't let it consume you. IMHO  It will be nice to hear your opinion for a change. Go for it.


funny isn't it that the north was not opposed to slavery, and didn't stop it and the south was working to eliminate slavery.  Go figure.

Lee was a abolitionist, as well as several other leaders in the south, but when lincoln supposedly freed the slaves, it did not include northern slaves.  It only targeted the slaves of a free and independent sovereign nation. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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