NAIS......the People CAN stop things if they raise enough hell...........

Started by pamagain, May 26, 2010, 11:26:10 AM

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Had not heard anything for awhile so went checkin after reading an update in a magazine I read. Just because they are beat for now though doesn't mean they wont fall back and give it another shot when they figure everybodies attention has gone elsewhere.................

Protect our traditional rights to farm
NoNAIS is my effort to spread the word of how harmful the USDA's National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is to small farmers, homesteaders, pet owners & consumers.
Walter Jeffries
Sugar Mountain Farm
in Vermont

January 3, 2010
NAIS Update 2010General — walterj 3:33 am
The real world was not kind to the USDA's plans for a National Animal Identification System (NAIS). It is now January 2010 and NAIS is still pretty much dead in the water. According to the USDA's timeline all three components of NAIS were supposed to be fully implemented by January of 2009. The reality is:

Premises ID has not been implemented.

Animal Tagging has not been implemented.

Animal Tracking has not been implemented.

Over 90% of farmers and consumers were vehemently against NAIS both in independent polls and at the USDA's own listening sessions in 2009.

Congress has defunded NAIS.

Proponents of NAIS, who benefit by selling tags and market monopolies through Big Ag, continue to promote NAIS quietly looking for back doors through which they might slip the noose over the necks of free farmers and consumers.

Be vigilant. Keep supporting small-scale local agriculture because that is where food security lies.

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