This has to be one of the dumbest broads on the boob tube!

Started by Warph, May 26, 2010, 02:48:47 AM

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Quote from: greatguns on May 28, 2010, 08:07:08 AM
Could it be that we don't need a television because we can watch it on the net?

No not at all.  Though i do like that idea that I can access some things without having to pay for the rest of the drivel.
But to pay for tv???  Not worth wasting the money. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Srkruzich, I'm with you as there's not much need for a tv as it's just about worthless even when it's free.


I missed that particular show so I don't know what led up to the clip or what followed it.  And I don't see how anyone else that didn't see the whole thing can comment on it.  I do know that Joy Behar is a comedian and can turn a situation into a funny situation, which is what she might have been doing.  "The View" is not a news show.  It is entertainment.  The fact that they touch on current events, otherwise known as news, is because some people, like me, get more out of their interviews with quests who do know what they are talking about, than I do from the countless news commentators who repeat and repeat and find it necessary to add to the original story when they don't actually have anything new to add.  When the ladies on the View express an opinion, it usually turns out to be true.  And if they find that it isn't true, they say so.  And they are not afraid to talk about social problems that other shows won't touch.

Diane Amberg

This is going to sound ornery and I don't intend it to be, but a lot of what gets copied and posted on this forum from a couple of regular political posters is full of blame and name calling, often forwarded from acknowledged far right writers who have plenty of blame to assign in every article. Both sides do it to my dismay. One side's foul mouth is more righteous than the other's? Both sides use opinions,  often not supported by anything substantial, happens a lot. Entertainers didn't give up their citizenship to be on TV....Ronald Reagan, Sonny Bono, Fred Thompson, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fred Grandy, and a number of others have done service in politics.   So What?   Who is Rush and similar if not "entertainers?" Their main agenda is to fill their time slot and keep their bosses and sponsors happy.
  As far as anything worth watching on TV....I find plenty.  The local news of course, CNN and FOX, MSNBC, the stock market, Masterpiece Theater, good blues, jazz and concerts on PBS, Mystery, Discovery, History, Animal Planet, Turner Classic Movies,The Outdoor Channel,  rodeos and bull riding, HBO, Starz, Showtime, Hallmark and similar and some sports. Al really likes the Military Channel and the comedy channel too. I must admit most of the reality type shows are lost on me but I do some times watch the Amazing Race. I love CSI, NCIS, and all the Law and Order series. I'm totally stuck on East Enders and the Sunday night Silent movies. We don't watch all of these all the time, but I find plenty to watch that won't drop my IQ too much.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2010, 10:24:14 AM
This is going to sound ornery and I don't intend it to be, but a lot of what gets copied and posted on this forum from a couple of regular political posters is full of blame and name calling, often forwarded from acknowledged far right writers who have plenty of blame to assign in every article. Both sides do it to my dismay. One side's foul mouth is more righteous than the other's? Both sides use opinions,  often not supported by anything substantial, happens a lot. Entertainers didn't give up their citizenship to be on TV....Ronald Reagan, Sonny Bono, Fred Thompson, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fred Grandy, and a number of others have done service in politics.   So What?   Who is Rush and similar if not "entertainers?" Their main agenda is to fill their time slot and keep their bosses and sponsors happy.
  As far as anything worth watching on TV....I find plenty.  The local news of course, CNN and FOX, MSNBC, the stock market, Masterpiece Theater, good blues, jazz and concerts, on PBS, Mystery, Discovery, History, Animal Planet, Turner Classic Movies,The Outdoor Channel,  rodeos and bull riding, HBO, Starz, Showtime, Hallmark and similar and some sports. Al really likes the Military Channel and the comedy channel too. I must admit most of the reality type shows are lost on me but I do some times watch the Amazing Race. I love CSI, NCIS, and all the Law and Order series. I'm totally stuck on East Enders and the Sunday night Silent movies. We don't watch all of these all the time, but I find plenty to watch that won't drop my IQ too much.

Well i have done more since i haven't had a tv than i ever did with one.  When i was able to work, i used to work 12 -16 hour days and come home and park my butt in the chair and watch a hour or two depending on how tired i was, and then go to bed.  Waste of time.  Now i work and do hobbies and am able to be more productive and creative and use my mind for something other than being numbed by a bunch of stuff.  I learn more and teach myself new things easier, faster cause i am not wasting my time, i do watch movies from time to time. But i watch them on my computer on a dvd. 
for one reason i don't have to watch those idiotic commercials. Another is that i can stop it at any point and resume it later on. 

As far as opinions thats cool. I find that more research is done by users on here than those on the view or other shows like that before expressing ones opinion.
The woman in question on that segment expressed a opinion based on a essay written about cheny and the essay didn't even have much to do with him deregulating, it was a attack on cheny in all the things he was in during the administration.  It had 1 paragraph about the oil deregulation and didn't go into specifics.  So this woman deduced from 1 paragraph that its all cheneys fault that this oil spill occured only beause cheney was associated with halliburton. 

I watched that segment.  I even researched it a bit looking for the specific article that she had in front of her.  I found it and read it.  It had no facts, only conjecture.

i've seen more facts given by jerry in one of his arguments than what this woman gave or based her opinion on.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


TV, like most tools, it matters how you use it.  I find it verry usefull , if nothing good is on, i can find some work to do.
Even puttering is better than TV or work sometimes.


The woman on the View did not express an opinion, she was quoting someone else's opinion.  Did you miss the part where she said, "And I quote"?  Or did I miss where she said "Unquote".  Why are you judging her for someone else's words?

Like Diane, I find plenty on TV to watch that doesn't downgrade my intellect.  Especially the reality shows called basketball.  What is more real than the series that is being played live on TNT now?


Quote from: Wilma on May 28, 2010, 01:38:13 PM
The woman on the View did not express an opinion, she was quoting someone else's opinion.  Did you miss the part where she said, "And I quote"?  Or did I miss where she said "Unquote".  Why are you judging her for someone else's words?

Like Diane, I find plenty on TV to watch that doesn't downgrade my intellect.  Especially the reality shows called basketball.  What is more real than the series that is being played live on TNT now?

Her opinion and i quote "he was in bed with those halliburton people and thats why we are in this mess. People should be furious".   Thats a opinion and its based on a opinion not facts.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Wilma, come on, be reasonable... gee whiz.... Steve is correct when he says: 'Her opinion and i quote "he was in bed with those halliburton people and thats why we are in this mess. People should be furious".   Thats a opinion and its based on (her) a opinion not facts.'  We all know she is an over-opinionated oaf.  Joy Behar is known for purveying hate, who revels in the mass loathing she herself inspires, a delight so aberrational as to invite speculation that she may in fact be an alien life-form.  She's not called the "Female Bill Maher" for nothing.  Can you believe this nut case used to be a english school teacher who now talks like a union head-cracker?  Poor kids will probably be screwed up for life.  She is a goofy italian who doesn't believe in God and who wants to be jewish.  Her first husband was jewish, who said, btw, that he was lucky to get out of the marriage with his life, .... and she is again involved with another jew.  I know, I know.... we jews are fickle.  I remember Rosa Gonetti who was a crazy red headed italian who... uh... never mind, thats another story.  Look... Behar's one who can throw the jokes out, but can't take one thrown back at her.  Behar, in a word is, pa-the-tic.  

Also... also, you can add to that list of empty headed female alien life-forms, the Today Show "If Ann Curry says that Kansas is Illinois, then she correct" cast;  Diane "Yes, I'm a liberal" Sawyer;  The View cast especially Whoopi "I'm not jewish" GOLDBERG;  Jane "I'm a lesbian, RU" Velez-Mitchell and Nancy "I luv my 2 ugly babies" Grace and the big one, the really big one, all 300 lbs. of her, "HarpO" when spelled backwards means:  Man, I'm hungry... I just ate Stedman!   Give me Sponge Bob Square Pants and Pee Wee Herman any day for entertainment.

And I agree with you 100% when you said: I find plenty on TV to watch that doesn't downgrade my intellect.  Especially the reality shows called basketball.  What is more real than the series that is being played live on TNT now?"

And what a series the Sun's & Laker's has turned out to be.  Last night was a heartbreaker in the last 3 seconds for the Sun's.  Lord, what a finish.  I'm glad my TV still works.  Suns have to win the next two or it's all over but the shouting.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, I can't agree with you on anything except your last paragraph.  Heaven forbid that anything happens that I can't watch tomorrow night.  This is basketball at it's best.

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