Obamanator Hates Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Started by Warph, May 29, 2010, 11:55:50 AM

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April 25, 2010 — From 770 Chorus Radio with Rutherford in Canada - Interview with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  The following is an synopsis of the interview:

Our favorite USA Sheriff is battling it out with the Federal Government. He gets grief about picking up Illegal Immigrants. Arrested 33,000, no complaints from the law abiding public. They trained a hundred ICE agents. Sheriff Jo just went back on the streets, they have State Laws. He might have to turn the illegals at the border himself. If they're not in the country legally, they put them in jail, if they've done a crime. If just illegal, the Feds are suppose to just pick them up. Working illegally, living illegally. Arrested 1600 smuggling. They go into work places to get information. Get search warrants. Pick up illegals off the streets that are patrolled. They arrest them, take care of that. Homeland Security conducted an audit of some of the operations hes done in Phoenix, based on allegations that the Sheriff is racial profiling. The audit actually came out perfect. They went to the FBI to see how many complaints, there was just one out of 33000 processed. The Justice department was there posing as reporters, Democrat political crap all the way. Obama is doing as much as he can to find Sheriff Joe involved in hate crimes. Theres bigger problems around the world. Holder. They were unethical with their investigations, doing everything they can to find something to sue. Crime is down in Maricopa County Arizona. Mexican border. Fence Illegals are leaving cause they are scared to stay. The results are big. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is violating laws says the Arizona Republic, nobody reads that newspaper. Sheriff Joe took an oath of office when he was elected, he takes his mandate very serious. President Obama and his politically correct Liberal gang should lay off. Janet Napolitano cant even pronounce terrorism. Tent city in the hot desert. Clean the streets up from thugs killers crack drugs. Nothing racist.
Arizona's Republican governor, Jan Brewer, signed the legislation Friday.
U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday thrust himself into the midst of one of America's most politically explosive issues immigration with a denunciation of an Arizona law that empowers police to search people they suspect are illegal aliens.
The legislation, which immigration-reform activists say mandates racial profiling, is considered the toughest statute passed by any U.S. state. It requires newcomers to carry their immigration documents at all times to verify they are in the country legally.
Obama used a White House reception for new U.S citizens to denounce the legislation as a "misguided" response to the surge of undocumented residents over the past decade saying Washington's failure to tackle the immigration issue had opened the door to legally murky state measures.
"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others." "That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona — which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe."
Obama's criticism of Arizona's legislation follows weeks of growing political pressure, particularly from Hispanic Democrats, to make immigration reform his next big domestic political fight.
But it also comes amid a wave of anger in Arizona over the murder last month of a rancher by a suspected illegal immigrant.

Video Interview of Sheriff Joe in its entirety:

Governor Jan Brewer sparked a national debate on border security and illegal immigration when she signed SB1070. While Brewer has been celebrated by many for taking action to enforce laws that Washington has long ignored, those who oppose the law have chosen pithy punch lines over aggressive action. Far away from the border at the White House Correspondents Dinner, President Obama decided that Arizonas unsecured borders and illegal immigration crisis are a laughing matter. Unfortunately, no one in Arizona is laughing. www.JanBrewer.com

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-- Warph

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