Author Archives: Kjell Heilevang

About Kjell Heilevang

Kjell (pronounced Shell) is the founder of this site and maintains it together with his wife Teresa. He is an editor of Down Range TV, a media company, producing videos for the gun industry.

The City Water

From KAKE News: Although the City Water Superintendent says the water is safe to drink, residents of Howard say it smells and tastes bad. When residents flush toilets, the water returning to the tank has a brownish tint to it. … Continue reading

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Election Results: Elk County

Source: Prairie Star: ELK COUNTY RESULTS: There were no surprises in the outcome of Elk County’s election on Tuesday night, with all county candidates running unopposed. Those elected include: Elizabeth M. Hendricks of Howard, Democrat, county commissioner, Dist. 2; K.R. … Continue reading

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A Message from Elk Konnected Action Teams

Posted on the Elk County Forum: Several months ago patrons of Elk County saw the need for an organization to try to revitalize the economy of the area and try to keep our young people interested in Elk County.  The … Continue reading

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Flint Hills Express will now be “Prairie Star”

A positive change in the way you read your local newspaper is being announced today by the Taylor Newspaper Family, owners of the Flint Hills Express. Starting next Wednesday, Sept. 3, the newspaper will be called “Prairie Star” and it … Continue reading

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Sportsmen for McCain

WATCH THIS VIDEO: See press release from U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign.

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The Rolling Prairie Shooting Sports

This from Flint Hills Express: By Ben Allen Effective July 1, Chautauqua and Elk County Extension Offices joined forces to become the Rolling Prairie Extension District. Prior to that date, work had begun on combining different areas of the 4-H … Continue reading

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Kansas’s Hunters and Anglers Have a Significant Impact on the Economy

From a press release from NSSF: WASHINGTON, D.C. — Kansas’s 425,000 hunters and anglers are among the most prominent and influential of all demographic groups, spending more than $607 million a year on hunting and fishing, according to a new … Continue reading

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From VHS to YouTube

I received a question today about how to copy footage from old VHS tapes to youTube and how difficult or expensive it is. Most of us have what is called analog tapes and even old 8mm film on rolls they … Continue reading

Posted in Tips and Ideas | 6 Comments

How to use the Elk County Forum

We know that more and more people are reading the Elk County Forum. At the same time, we get more and more requests about putting up news and announcements. Unfortunately, our time is limited. But this site has been set … Continue reading

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We are changing the layout

We feel that it’s time for an update of this site. Hopefully it will be more user friendly, and one of the neat things about it is you can become a regular contributor on our news section.

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