
Started by Delmonico, September 18, 2004, 11:20:32 PM

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"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Just to let every one know I will be fixn something for Trinity tomorrow nite.  Everyone has to have a bath and wear fancy clothes.


Quote from: gophergrease on January 23, 2005, 07:08:06 PM
With Del out of the kitchen due to his fall, Gopher Grease set to maken a rabbit stew. He asks every one how they like there corn bread. He likes his kinda sweat and a little wetter than some do.
With the stewed rabbit he thinks some pear cobbler mite just be good.

"Gophergrease, Ah love mah cone braid sweet an' wet.  In fact, Ah love most of mah baked goods a little on the underdone sahd.  ...An RABBIT!!!"  Trinity begins a dance for joy.  "Ah love rabbit!.  Ya know, we could mix in some other forrest critters and make a good Eintopf.

Conciderin' how ole Delmonico is feelin' lately I will be proud ta fetch some figs fer him.  Don' 'spect me ta eat any, though.  An mah winder will be open all night so's I can have fresh air, no matter how cold it is out yonder."
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Not to cold out to nite. About 20 with 20mph wind.


Quote from: gophergrease on January 23, 2005, 09:14:17 PM
Just to let every one know I will be fixn something for Trinity tomorrow nite.  Everyone has to have a bath and wear fancy clothes.

"Lucky fer me ah done had mah bath a few days ago.  Oh boy, Ahm excited.  With Delmonico out of comission fer this short time, Ah know aint no cruel jokes gonna be played on me.  Ya want me ta bring ma jugs  Ah got two jugs, mah drinkin' jug and mah music jug (that was last nights dinkin' jug afore it was emptied)??"
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Quote from: AnnieLee on January 23, 2005, 07:03:56 PM
"If you'd like, I can take another of the new ones and wash it a few times, so it'd be soft when you first put it on."

"Thank you, Miss FFG, but ya know what would soften it up real good?  A good berl (that's boil to you and me) in used bath water.  Mah mama done that fer me that time Ah got new pants"
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


No need for your drinkin jug. I got some good red wine, come all the way from Italy.

Maybe a bit of brandy after desert.

Asfar as the bath, will let the FFg say if ya fit to come to the table.


I just hope Slim dont go getn snow in, so he can make it back to the ranch in time for the fixens

Joyce (AnnieLee)

The Frumpy Fairy Godmother gives Trinity a wide smile, but her eyes contain a look of steel that makes her undeniable.

"I'll boil the shirt... and your underwear, and your pants, but you, Dear Trinity, have to boil and scrub yourself... with soap before you come to that dinner."

Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady


"That's ok Gophergrease, Ah'll have his portion.  Ah ain never had no wine from Ittly.  Mah Pappy used to make scuppernong wine an' sometimes elderberry wine.  MMMMM, MM!  Does this stuff from Ittly taste like that?  

...Oh, if'n it ain' no problem, can ya make some beans??"

The FFG scolds Trinity before he can make his last post...

Trinity thinks before responding, for he does not wish to offend the FFG... "Uh, miss FFG, Ah ain't accustomed to bathin' so much.  Ah fear that mah skin will come off ifn Ah scrub too much.  An, what is soap, bah tha way?  Lastly, thankee very much fer berlin' the shirt, but ain't no need ta berl mah unmentionables or nothin' else, 'cause ah got them just where ah wan't them an' don' spec ta have ta change fer another four or five years."   ...    :-[ "...that is unless ah eat too many more of Gophergrease's figs.  Ah almost had ta throw mah unmentionables away that last time.  Luckily, Ah just turnt them inside out, the other side was still clean."
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

Silver Creek Slim

Slim rides up to the ranch house with his saddle bags full and chinese chickens tied to the saddle horn. He dismounts, grabs the foul and saddle bags, and goes into the house. He wipes his feet on the doormat and goes into the kitchen. "Gophergrease, I got some Wiscooooooooooosin cheese, butter, and brown eggs fer ya. I also shot some chinese chickens on the way here."
NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Joyce (AnnieLee)

The Frumpy Fairy Godmother draws Slim off to the side and whispers to him.

"We've got to find a way to get Trinity to wash himself and his underwear. Got any ideas?"

Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

Scattered Thumbs

I got an ideia. Wash his underwear before he gets out of it.  ;D

Silver Creek Slim

*whisper on* "Tell 'im he can't hav no rabbit unless he washes 'imself and clothes with soap." *whisper off*  ;D
NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


Delmonico comes out of his office and is confused as to where Slim got pheasants out here in the 1880's, but he knows he better not question it or he'll be in trouble. ;D ;D ;D 

I got an idea here, lets fire up that big hog scalder and get the water boilin'.  If Trinity won't go in there and take a bath in the fine tin bath tub in the indoor privy, we can throw a bar a lye soap in the boilin' hog scalder and have the FFg use her wand and dump him in.  We can also scrape all his hair off after that. ::) :o :D That is that hair the lye soap don't take off. :o
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Silver Creek Slim

Sound good ta me, Del.  ;D
NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Joyce (AnnieLee)

The Frumpy Fairy Godmother nods. "Not boiling, though, we want him clean, not dead. I'm game for that, and he's gamey for that."

Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady


Ok, almost boilin'.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Trinity walks into the kitchen after what would have been a long hard day at work except for the fact that he overslept!  Instead then, it was just a hard day at work...  He notices right away the mischievous look on Delmonico's face.

"Now, just what is goin' on in here?"  No one will look Trinity in the eyes.  "Ah done seen Delmonico make a face like that onct before when he put ipecac in mah whiskey bottles!!!!"
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Gopher Grease tells trinity that he cant have none of the supper he be fixn till, trinity has taken a bath. This means getn clean top ta bottum, inside out. New clean cloths will also be needed.

Now Trinity you get to scubing, and I start cooking.

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