Roll Call for the Two Gun Regional

Started by Major Matt Lewis, April 29, 2006, 08:20:22 AM

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Major Matt Lewis


Who's going to be there....My wife and I will not be there until Saturday Morning, due to her needing to be in a certification class and me needing to ride hurd on the little ones on Friday.  I know that Colonel Diamond will be riding down with me.

1. Ms. Tina
2. Colonel Diamond
3. Myself
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Grizzle Bear

I only have three pre-registrations, but I wasn't asking for them.

Have had a number of phone calls from folks that were coming.

Told the chuck wagon to figure on between 20 and 30 people.

Got a big batch of sasparilla made.

Just finished the written test.

Going down tomorrow to set out targets and fronts.

Reckon we're about ready......

Grizzle Bear

Rob Brannon
General troublemaker and instigator
NCOWS Senator
NCOWS #357
"I hereby swear and attest that I am willing to fight four wild Comanches at arm's length with the ammunition I am shooting in today's match."

Ottawa Creek Bill

My wife and I will be there (in Garnett) wednesday evening. May do a little sight seeing thursday before coming out to the range. Did I understand Dr. Bob that we may have a GAF side match friday evening? we'll be staying at the Sherwood Inn, in Garnett, any body in the area say, after 5:00-6:00 pm Kansas time wants to give me a call, my cell phone number is 317-831-7466. Maybe we can get together for a coke or coffee.

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Dr. Bob


I am planning to get to the range early Thursday afternoon to set up camp. 

The GAF side match will be Friday afternoon.  Should be fun.  We won't even make you a target!!! :o ::) :o  Well, it is the Fetterman massacre, after all. ;D ;D  Know that you are a Scout.  I think that you will like the scenerio.  Extra point for shooting in uniform!!

It will be good to see you!  And, of course, everybody else!!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


 Steve and I will be there sometime Thursday. I am loking forward to this shoot.

Yuma Kid

It looks like I'll be riding down with Quickfire and Lone Gunman Thursday.  We should arrive in early afternoon.  I sure am looking forward to it.  It should be a great time!  I've been practicing my poetry reading for the entertainment portion of the shoot.  See you all there.
Keep Yer Powder Dry!

NCOWS #L129,  G.A.F. # 767, SASS #31302, NRA Life Endowment, Lancaster County Bounty Collection Agentcy #29

Quick Fire

Yuma City, ya'all don't know it yet but you might as well quit practicing as you are going to be so tired from getting up at four in the morning every day we are down there that you ain't going to be able to stay awake long enough to re-cite  any poetry. ;D
QuickFire                                 Lt. Colonel, Division of Nebraska                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND ARMY of the FRONTIER                                                         
NCOWS 1717

Major Matt Lewis

Hey Griz,

You going to have some choices to pick to read from?
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge


I shall be arriving sometime Friday early PM after a drive from DSM, IA. Hope to be set up in time to get in on GAF sidmatch. Major Matt, your grips shall be in the saddlebags. Don't bother with e-mail reminder as our e-mail is failing to arrive. Gonna feed this computer a 200+ gr. pill.

Grizzle Bear

Major Matt, do you mean to tell me that you do not have anything prepared for the Talent Show? :o

Yes, I will have a selection of material with me.

Maybe you could just sing the Marine's Hymn?

Grizzle Bear

Rob Brannon
General troublemaker and instigator
NCOWS Senator
NCOWS #357
"I hereby swear and attest that I am willing to fight four wild Comanches at arm's length with the ammunition I am shooting in today's match."


   Several of us went to the range yesterday to do some set-up. Range is in great shape, Weather is looking promising. New loading and poker tables. Life is good! Hope to see you there.   jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Pappy Hayes

Regretfully I am not going to be able to make this. My youngest grandson's first birthday is this weekend and just had too much other things come up. I am not even going to make the three day SASS shout at the gun club I belong to where I usually set up my mercantile business. Hopefully the next event you have I will be able to make it. By then my hat will have a new shape. I fnally decided what to go with and dropped it off with Fox last night.

Wymore Wrangler

Pappy, are you the gent with the sewing machine and the one that Flint Hill's Jim horses got into your apples two years at the Kansas State Championships????  The same horses that tried to walk up my wifes vending tent???? ;D ;D ;D
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

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