Can you bring guns to your workplace?

Started by Foothills Drifter, March 08, 2004, 07:44:20 PM

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Foothills Drifter

I know it'a a touchy subject for some.....In my workplace they love it.  The owners and most of the managers of the differant departments are shooters. About 35% of the employees are shooters and a whole bunch of the non shooters want me to take them shootin sometime ;D
In my workplace guns are about your's?

Good shootin......
Vern... 8)

4-eyed Bill

Big Hext Finnigan

We gotta little office.
If I buy new pretties and DON'T bring them by.. I get yelled at.  ;D

Jax Orebetter

I'm working in an elementary school part-time. I think they would frown on my bringing guns to work. :o
Time to fold,
Jax Orebetter


We have a don't ask don't tell policy. When you are called out in the middle of the night for an emergency service call it is kind of taken for granted that the technition will probably be packing. One time at 3:00 am I had to go to a questionable area, my supervisor told me if I did not have anything with me to go back home and get something.   
"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man."
SBSS #638
BOSS #44
STORM #142
RATS #89

California Lawdawg

I work for a community college as an instructor. They have a policy of no weapons on their property. Plus, sometime I teach my classes at a local high school and state law prohibits firearms on any school property.


Cuts Crooked

Uh...They are required apparel! (And "the company" provides the ammo!  ;) )
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..


I work for the federal government, and as you probably know, they don['t believe in self defence. 

They believe that sort of thing should usually be contracted out like the Kennedy's and Clintons do ...

Will Pluggum

Only if I want the day off.  Take a gun to work, get sent home..maybe for good.
N.R.A. ....the big posse' is keepin an eye on them bushwackers for us....JOIN UP!

Shiloh Sharpie

Not hardly.  If I do and I am discovered, I am history there.  I live on the East coast.  I expect this.

Shiloh Sharpie
SASS 10477 Life
Shiloh Sharpie
SASS 10477 Life
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.  I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them.

Paper Chaser

Well, in your vehicle it would not be a problem, but bring it into any building, be discovered, and you are history! with an escort from Security.
SASS #54926
Mississippi Peacemakers,NatchezSixgunners
GAF #310; SBSS #1415; SCORRS

Silver Creek Slim

I dressed in my cowboy duds for Halloween including holsters and guns but unloaded. No one said anything about it. WI is an open carry state but not concealed. My company does not have an official policy but I don't want to press the issue.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Bill Mc Call

I like that place, is the Bar open?


Luckily I have the best situation, we are a traveling CAS store, and I get to carry at work. ;D

Foothills Drifter

Howdy...... far (if my count is right) about 7 out of 13 can' t brings to work. I work for an International/Navistar truck dealership. We get customers packin a lot. Brinks, Dunbar Armored, Loomis Fargo and a few other Armored Car services buy  our trucks and sometimes the drivers bring them in for service or to pick up parts and are always armed. The U.S. Border Patrol brings their trucks in and most of the agents are armed. I have worked at places that had a lot of shooters and we were not allowed to bring any weapons at all.

Good shootin......
Vern... 8)

Jon Spurlock

"Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago."

SASS #57357           RATS #158           
BOLD #375                      
Prayer Posse

Irish Red O'Toole

The bank takes a dim view of employee packing.  Since I am getting to old to look for honest work, I have to abide by their rules. >:(


Naw, they get real upset 'bout it. Last place I woked...yup no problem, used to practice with my compound bow on shift too.... with the plant manager!!

Keep a deep seat, a tight rein, and a far off look in yer eye.

MRO1, Mounted Shooter


If i'd tryed this in Sweden i'd get arrested right away :o

Will Ketchum

Well before I retired I worked for the University of Wisconsin.  One of the more liberal institutions of higher learning.

When Donna Shalala (spl?) of the late Clinton administration was our Chancellor some of us in the power plant (including the Superintendent) bought a whole case of SKSs real cheap.  We disassembled them in the tool room and cleaned all the grease off in the parts washer.  She would have had a fit if she'd have known ;)

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

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