Polish em up bright and show them off here!!! (pic posting thread)

Started by Dakota Widowmaker, January 31, 2006, 09:29:54 AM

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Dakota Widowmaker


Post your Henry photos here with pride. Please keep photos at a reasonable size. (like, around 400 pixels or smaller on the long side)

There are alot of nicely engraved models out there that have caught everyone's attention and show a great deal of pride.

These are wonderful rifles and fun to shoot.

Col. Riddles

Ok Here's my 1860 Henry Engraving by Charles Glackman, aka Longline Charlie,  of Fairland, In. longlinecharlie@suscom.net

God answers knee mail † ><>
SASS 7462 Life

Col. Riddles

These are photos of Bounty Bills engraved 1860 Henry. He couldn't figure out how to do it so I'm posting them for him.

God answers knee mail † ><>
SASS 7462 Life

Dakota Widowmaker

Those look REAL fine...

How do you keep your brass from getting tarnished so fast? Is there a top level treatment, or, do you just wipe it down with oil ever so often?

I am REALLY thinking about getting my Henry engraved...

Curley Cole

A good thing to use on your brass is SemiChrome Polish  (motorcycle shops carry it) I will take off all the tarnish and shine it up (it has jewelers rouge in it so will also take out small scratches.) works far better than brasso or flitz.

It is also great to do final polish on poly-ivory or even real ivory grips. I had my grips fitted but they were still rough and dull. I sat and watched tv and polished them til they now just glow, and are smooth as glass. (but as with ivory or good poly-ivory, they are not slippery when sweating and shooting...)

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

SGT John Chapman

I use NEVR-DULL,..................    http://www.nevrdull.com/

Works fast,......and stays around quite a while,........

Sgt Chapman

            ~~GAF #143~~
             ~*RATS #165*~
Courage is being scared to Death,...But saddling up Anyway." -John Wayne

CAS City Profile For Sgt John Chapman

Capt, Woodrow F. Call

SWS # 1014
Grenland Gunslingers # 0001
Cowboy Mounted Shooters Norway #005
'The Cowboys' Trail Riding Society of Telemark 2009. # 003
Member of The Chuckwagon society, Sweden.


I don't have a Henry, but I do have a YELLOW BOY.  I may have to start saving a little money for a Henry now.  I love those engrave receivers...

Thanks for sharing.
"I have, in my day, thieved cattle, your lordship. But none that were under my watch" ("Is that what passes for honor with a MacGregor", Earl of Montrose), "What passes for honor with me, is likely not the same as with your Lordship, when my word is given, it is good"
                     (Rob Roy)


Seeing as how the tag line of this forum says "Improved Henry" rifles are also allowed, here's a pic of me shootin' my main CAS rifle - Uberti Model 1866 in .45 Colt.  I don't keep the brass shined up, though - don't want her glinting and flashing in the sun, giving my position away to the hostiles ....

Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

Steel Horse Bailey

Gee, Col. Riddles ... thanks for ruining it for the REST of us!!! ::) ;)  Seriously, you have GREAT reason to be proud of your rifle as does your friend. 

Mine's more like RJ - an improved Henry that was shined last year.  I hadn't shined it in years - like RJ said, I didn't want to attract the hostiles - but when I took off the wonderful  Eye-tralian red stain and polyu. coating, it looked so purdy I had to shine it.

I'm not clever enough to post a picture.     YET!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Reb Tyree

My thats a mighty fine rifle ya'll got, it sure looks fine!  Hey Yankee Sgt, you know, we used that Rifle on our side too!  It was a great Cavalry Rifle for the Southern Army also.  You also did a very nice display.  Yankee Sgt, ya using black powder loads, or modern loads?

Your obedient servant,

Bvt Capt (SSG) Reb Tyree, CSA
Commander, Central California Cavalry,
Dept of the Pacific, GAF

43rd VA Cav, Co A. ANV (Mosby's Rangers) ACWA, SASS, GAF, BOLD, NRA, USAR 6399th 1st/91st Div.
I have the Honor to remain,

Your Obedient Servant,

(SFC) Bvt Lt. Col Reb Tyree, CSA
Chief of Staff, Dept of the Pacific,
Grand Army of the Frontier


I prefer mine nice a Un-polished, 'cause if I'm waiting for someone/thing in the Underbrush or in a Tree or on top of a Hill, I don't wish to give away where I'm @ 'cause of it reflecting in the sun-light, nor do I like being Blinded myself by its reflecting capabilities while lining up my sights on my intended target.
Besides, I've Bled on her a time or 2 & it now has the Bronseish patina to her now.
Colonel Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC KCB KCIE USMH;
Colonel 17th Lancers Staff Political Officer;
Staff Corp Commander & D.o.P. Command Staff
WartHog, Pistolero & Mounted Shootist
:uk:  :usa:  :canada:  :dixie:  :ausie:


No 'bangin' up here, just don't like being blinded. ;D :o :-*
Besides, I prefer the "Bronze" look she has better than a 'Brassy' look any day of the week.
Colonel Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC KCB KCIE USMH;
Colonel 17th Lancers Staff Political Officer;
Staff Corp Commander & D.o.P. Command Staff
WartHog, Pistolero & Mounted Shootist
:uk:  :usa:  :canada:  :dixie:  :ausie:

James Hunt

Excuse the effort at photographic composition, been reading Packing Iron again. Leave the brass alone, else you won't get that pleasing mellow patina that is seen on all old Henry's. The stock appears a little more red than it actually is. Took that Italian red paint job off and used dark walnut stain. Looks much better now, if I just had the ability to grind down those Import and Italian stamps I'd be all set.

"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Reb Tyree

Very Nice Mr Hunt, good photo.  I like it!  What caliber is the revolver?

Bvt Capt (SSG) Reb Tyree, CSA
43rd VA Cav, Co A (Mosby's Rangers)
I have the Honor to remain,

Your Obedient Servant,

(SFC) Bvt Lt. Col Reb Tyree, CSA
Chief of Staff, Dept of the Pacific,
Grand Army of the Frontier

Major 2


As a Propmaker, many a import proof mark & < Black Powder Only > script have fallen to my file.
Keep the file flat and work past the script to blend ,watch your edges.
Use 250 thru 600 wet dry paper to work out the final surface.
when planets align...do the deal !


Well Im so enthralled with the pics of the pretty henry's and improved henrys that I am gunna post pics of my two 66 carbines. The .38 is a Cheyenne Model with brass tacks all over it and the 44-40 has hand engraved woodwork picture of an Indian on one side of the stock and stage coach on the other. watch for the pics

Cannon Fodder

Engraved brass  henry is " going to patina"

iron framed henry  - nothing

66 gets shined up (pretty glow over fireplace)

Cannon Fodder

James Hunt

Reb Tyree: The little open top pistol is what collectors now refer to as a turned rd. barrel 61 Navy. Well I believe most shot .38 rimfire, this came from the factory in .38 LC. As you probably know these were made from 1874-75 with only about 2000 or so made per McDowell's book on conversions. I shoot it in NCOWS as pocket pistol occasionally after recv'ing permission as the barrel is 4 1/2 inch. But these originals were intended as "pocket" pistols. It is a nice little 5 shot shooter.

Major 231: Thanks for the information. I take it that the stampings are not so deep that it leaves a "divot" in the metal if you are careful. Just need the courage to take that first stroke I guess. I should have take metal shop in high school instead of that advanced biology course!
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Major 2

Actually, I took both .... The First was call Machine Shop Technology the second... "well " I called her Sandy  ;)

when planets align...do the deal !

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