Images to sooth the anxious spirit.

Started by James Hunt, January 26, 2006, 02:30:40 PM

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James Hunt

If it's 3:15 pm and you have just begun the project that is due by 5:00 only to be followed by the hour drive home on pot-holed infested I-whatever - don't forget to pick up milk and kitty litter - clogged with a bunch of worthless suburban SUV sucking straphangers before arriving at your quarter acre spread to be snarled at by the dog, threatened by your 10 y.o. concerning your promise to attend the 6th grade choral goups first sing, and dammed by your spouse for forgetting the kitty litter...., and you don't even know that the boss is about to ask you to make his presentation tomorrow at 8:00 am to the visiting Chinese widget delegation.

Well, I care. And I am here to help, Buddy do I have a web site for you. Soothe the inner man, take a look at what you could have been doing if you just hadn't been so stupid as to have finished that degree in accounting.

Bring up and then drop down to the Cowboy Photo Gallery. All of those images are good, but I suggest you start with the Cowboy Showcase Horses and Riders. Ahhhh......, you can feel the tension subside.

This is not the cowboy stuff of our period, but it is something that we could be doing if we weren't so STUPID AS TO HAVE DEVELOPED A CAREER EAST OF THE MISSOURI!

I have no doubt that as we speak the real deal is pulling on a barbed wire strand trying to collect it while another hand grasps a staple and a pair of pliers with frozen fingers a -20 degree wind blowing down the inside of a ratty old slilk bandana while his ground tied horse decides to drift on back to the barn - 5 miles off. But there are no photos of that, just those meant to calm the inner spirit of a desk bound eastern man.

Try it you'll like it.
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

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