Spencer carbine reissue questions 56-50,44-40

Started by Echoplex, March 26, 2025, 10:17:09 PM

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Spencer carbine reissue questions
I have 4 orig Spencers and 1 reissue 56-50 possibly going to get a 45 Calb. or 44-40
my question is. is anyone making 56 50 ammo for the reissues I know buffalo arms does but they never have any in stock
next anyone currently defrabing and possibly aging these new reissues guns.
next would you guys buy a 45 calb. reissue or 44-40
Thanks for any help on these questions


I have one in .45 S&W Schofield and one in .44-40. Both have their issues, but both shoot well and function. I just got my .44-40 back from Chiappa, had a hammer damage issue, hope to shoot it tomorrow and see how the new hammer does.
Thing that bugs me about the .45 is gas blowback with lead bullets and some powders. Seems less with jacketed bullets and Unique.
The .45 has two ejectors, but the .44-40 only has the one at bottom of chamber so extraction is fine, but ejection is much less enthusiastic than the .45, but is adequate.
I have never even held an original so I cant compare new to old.

Hope that is helpful.

Cap'n Redneck

I own an ArmiSport/Chiappa replica Spencer carbine in .45 S&W Schofield caliber.

The .45 Schofield Spencers will hold 8 rounds in the magazine.

The .45 Colt and the .44-40 Spencers will only hold 7 rounds in the magazine.

The early ArmiSport Spencers were also offered in .44 S&W Russian caliber, and would hold 9 rounds.
However, these had feeding issues, so if you stumble across a used .44 Russian one, be sure to check if the rifle in question is in fact a repeating rifle or just a glorified single shot...

To me shooting a Spencer replica in .56-50 centerfire means casting my own bullets and loading my own ammo, based on available Starline .56-50 cases.

As to de-farbing a replica Spencer: I'd contact the crowd who re-enact the War Between the States and/or compete in N-SSA. 

I believe all the replica carbines are patterned after the M1865 carbines with 20" barrels.  The M1860 had 22" barrels.

The replica 3-band rifles have some issues with front-sight/bayonet-lug placement and barrel-band spacing that doesn't quite conform to the M1860 rifles.
If I remember correctly the N-SSA website had some detailed info on this...

I guess it comes down to what you envision as primary use: CAS-shooting or re-enacting?
8 rounds in the mag. means only two re-loads "on the clock", as most stages require 10 rifle shots.
.45 Colt factory-ammo is generally more available (and cheaper) than .44-40.
And do you already have a handgun in .45 Colt or .44-40...?

"As long as there's lead in the air, there's still hope..."
Frontiersman & Frontiersman Gunfighter: The only two categories where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s.


Hi Guys just wanted to say thank you for all your responses
shooting wise I just love the old guns and shooting them. can't really shoot
my orig Spencers, but love the way they look age wise I really enjoyed shooting the reissue 56-50 with black powder rounds and hoping I can find a re-loader that can reload this round for me
thanks Rob

El Supremo

Hello, Echoplex:

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All the best.

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
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