Spencer SRC Info Needed ** Photos Posted **

Started by Rikkn, March 19, 2025, 07:06:52 PM

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I picked this one up several months ago. It is in very good condition. Serial number is 12660. Was wondering what information you guys can provide on it.


Here are my photos.  Posted for me by Two Flints.  Whatta guy ::)  ::)

El Supremo

Thanks, RIKKN, for the crisp photo's:

May I please suggest that you test the hammer at full cock for any looseness/wiggle. 

The hammer's opposite side coloration looks darker, and its screw slot presents a bit of typical slot driver bit marks. Some orig Spencers have replacement hammers that may not be a tight fit on the tumbler stud.  Attempting to tighten the hammer via hammer screw can break the screw. If its hammer is loose, carefully remove the screw, clean the hole and screw threads and put a bit of anti-sieze compound or wheel bearing grease on threads. Then only tighten the hammer screw to contact plus one, maybe two clock hours. More can easily break the screw. If still loose, snapping or firing can further damage parts, and an expert repair is needed.  If need help, please Post here. 

All the best.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


Thanks to Two Flints for posting the photos! Is there any way to tell where this one might have gone based on the serial number range?


The hammer is nice and tight, no wiggle at all.

Two Flints

Hi Rikkn,

I sent you a PM asking you where you purchased your Spencer, and asked you to check on the serial # also located under the forearm on the underside of the barrel, to see if the serial # matches with the serial # found on the top of the receiver? 

I checked on your serial # and your Spencer 12660 MAY HAVE BEEN ISSUED to Company I, 3rd Michigan Volunteer Cavalry in May of 1864.  Please read my Serial # Disclaimer found on the Home Page of SSS to read how I determine possible issuance.

Two Flints

Una mano lava l'altra
Moderating SSS is a "labor of love"
Viet Vet  '68-69
3/12 - 4th Inf Div
Spencer Shooting Society Moderator
Spencer Shooting Society (SSS) #4;
BOSS #62
Fur Trade Era - Mountain Man
Traditional Archery


The serial number does match, I thought I sent you that photo.

Two Flints


Yup, your correct it was one of the photos I didn't post for you.  My mistake.

Two Flints

Una mano lava l'altra
Moderating SSS is a "labor of love"
Viet Vet  '68-69
3/12 - 4th Inf Div
Spencer Shooting Society Moderator
Spencer Shooting Society (SSS) #4;
BOSS #62
Fur Trade Era - Mountain Man
Traditional Archery

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