Picked Up Another Colt 1877 Thunderer

Started by Rube Burrows, Yesterday at 09:16:47 AM

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Rube Burrows

Growing up in the 80s-90s Young Guns was among my favorite westerns and that gave me a real affection for the Colt 1877.

Several years ago I bought my first 1877 and in my excitement at finally finding one locally I failed to notice that it was the shorter barrel with no ejection rod. While the gun was a very pretty nickel I just never really cared for the shorter barrel and no ejector so I ended up trading it or selling it.

Well, I have really been having a hankering for one that was more to my liking. I finally found one that picked it up a couple days ago. I am more than happy with what I have now.


"If legal action will not work use lever action and administer the law with Winchesters" ~ Louis L'Amour

SASS# 84934

Hair Trigger Jim

Hair Trigger Jim

Rube Burrows

"If legal action will not work use lever action and administer the law with Winchesters" ~ Louis L'Amour

SASS# 84934


 :) Sobs quietly in the closet ;)

 :) Sever drooling.  REALLY sever DROOLING :o

Sobbing quietly in the closet . . . AGAIN

 ::) Rube.  I think I hate you  8)

Black River Smith

Quote from: Coffinmaker on Yesterday at 12:16:58 PM:) Sobs quietly in the closet ;)

 :) Sever drooling.  REALLY sever DROOLING :o

Sobbing quietly in the closet . . . AGAIN

 ::) Rube.  I think I hate you  8)

Total agrrrreeee with Coffinmaker.

That is so nice looking no matter what was done to it, it is a Colt and looks beautiful, now.

So! that is what the 41 Colt tool is for.
Black River Smith

Hair Trigger Jim

So that's why you sold the Schofields?
Hair Trigger Jim


Wow, blued models are rare!  I don't know if that was refinished but who cares, it looks great!
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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