Magazine Spring

Started by Arizona Trooper, Yesterday at 11:09:51 AM

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Arizona Trooper

I got very lucky and picked up a Wilder Spencer rifle last week. It has the original magazine and square wire spring. There was some discussion a while ago about these springs, so here's the details. The wire is 0.045" wide, 0.035" deep radially, and the coil diameter is 0.6". Hopefully a photo will appear below.

The bore on this rifle is nice. If everything else checks out I will be shooting it at the N-SSA spring National.

El Supremo

Very thoughtful, Arizona Trooper:

Many thanks for the helpful details.
Dealers of original Spencer parts have shared it's been many years since they have seen one.
Am happy to send you a round wire one, gratis, to substitute.
Just PM me please.

Spring engineers indicate round wire springs twist during compression and relaxation.  Am not sure how or if this matters.

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

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