7.62 X 25 Tokarev in Mosin Nagant

Started by Major 2, March 08, 2025, 07:44:23 AM

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Major 2

  I was gifted a M 91/30 some years ago, and some surplus Ruske 7.62 x 54r.
The PO and I did shoot it, but it was not enjoyable = MEAN recoil.
So, when I acquired it, I regulated it to wall hanging duty.
Watching Mark Novak this morning, conserve a circa 1901 Mosin, he mentioned the 7.62 X 25 Tokarev in Mosin Nagant.
I never really gave it any though before, but I was intrigued.
I already load reduced rounds for 30-06, 30/40 and 303 Brit. to shoot using Trailboss, so the old Mosin just continued to languish up on the wall.
I just had no drive to pull it down.

It just so happens I already load for 7.62 X 25 Tokarev.
Because I have a Zastava M57 and I use the Brass to reload for my Mauser Bolo with Titegroup (light loads)
I also have Factory ammo for both (a new brass from Starline).

So, me thinks why not pull the old girl down, order a conversion and have some jolly's  ;D 
Anyone here doing this ? 

when planets align...do the deal !

Snake Oil

I ran 10 grains of red dot in my 7.62x54r ppu brass at our last competition... it was pretty smooth... I was running the nagant revolver with it... black powder reloads. The nagant is not really quick on the reload and you have to watch the rim orientation... reloading clips are not much faster than round over round reloading.

It was a blast to shoot!!!
A day shooting is good for what ails ya!

Major 2

I'm talking 7.62 X 25 Tokarev Pistol round, not the 7.62 X 54r.

when planets align...do the deal !

Hair Trigger Jim

I think he might be proposing an alternative...but yours sounds more creative, and a bit more zippy than the usual .32 caliber chamber inserts.
Hair Trigger Jim

Major 2

I only just became aware that 32 ACP inserts are apparently also available.
I agree they be kind of lack luster. So, I'll get the 7.62 X 25 Tokarev sleeve.

As mentioned, I have loads for my other Milsurps 30'06, 30/40 and 303.
If ? I was to load for the old Mosin,
  I'd need to get Mosin Nagant Dies. and brass, I do have bullets though.
 I use Missouri Bullets Russian-Grooveless .312 Diameter 167 Grain FP in the 303 British load. It works well in my Mark 1 #3*. with Trailboss.
Not all that into going that route for the Mosin Nagant  :-\
 but the 7.62 X 25 Tokarev as a plinker might be a hoot.

And I have a goody supply of makings for the 7.62 X 25 Tokarev.
when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

I thought there might be more interest.  :-\
 I figured just about most here might have a Mosin Nagant, since they were (key word - were) inexpensive.
Course, when they dried up import wise the prices when nuts.

About the only thing milsurp one can find without spending a Kidney is
maybe, an Italian surplus Carcano M.91 Cavalry Carbine.

Steering way clear of anything Hunters Lodge.


when planets align...do the deal !


 :) Hey Everbody ;)

I got no dog in this ring.  I did however, get really curious.  After reading through, sleeving the chamber to a common pistol round for the Mosin makes really good sense.  It is really no different in the end than chambering lever rifles for 38Spl and 45Colt.  Recoil suddenly becomes a Non-Player.  Kind of a fun Idea to be able to shoot the Mosin and Broomhandle side by side, same same ammo. Sometimes fun comes in really interesting packages.  Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Major 2

Thanks Mike,
as I accumulated years hard recoil is no longer acceptable.
The very reason behind my downloading for the old warhorses and still enjoy them.

 The Mosin didn't factor in because, I didn't want to add the paraphernalia
needed to load 7.62 X 54. 
So, it decorated the loading room wall.
This will be an inexpensive alternative to pull it down.
when planets align...do the deal !


 :) Hey There Roger ;)

I hear ya LOUD and CLEAR.  I have become the poster child for light recoil.  In my sordid past I use to compete in Military High Power matches.  At the time it twas great fun.  right up until I got smoked by a little 14 year old GIRL!!  I got over my Paramore for the M-14, the M-1 Garand and my personal fav, the Dragunov SVD.  I'm well beyond tolerating Heavy Recoil.

I am now a poster child for "Recoil Wimp."


Roger, I love that Bolo! Need more pictures, and a big Like Button.
The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

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