.32 cartridge belt and holster FS

Started by TheVirginian, February 26, 2025, 01:05:34 PM

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Cartridge belt and holster for sale. Single loop holster made by Hunter, purchased for a Ruger Single Six, 6.5" barrel. The list of compatible revolvers and barrel lengths is long, so it will fit many other makes and models.

Triple K cartridge belt sized for 32 cal. cartridges. I measure 35" - 41" adjustable length.

This was my father's rig, and I know the only thing he ever did with it is store a revolver and cartridges. He never shot that revolver, so I doubt the holster/belt ever left the house. There are some faint but visible impressions of cartridges by the cartridge loops and the revolver on the leather holster, but the set is in overall excellent condition.

Time to get it into the hands of someone who will use it!

New this set is about $150 (plus shipping & tax). Asking $110 plus shipping. PayPal, Venmo, MO.

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