Coach gun, second shot problem..

Started by McCrower, February 12, 2025, 01:07:41 AM

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My Boito shotgun has been developing av problem lately: Sometimes the second barrel won't fire but the hammer works. It seems like the action opens a bit after the first shot. Is there a solutions to this? A small modification to be made?


This is just a guess, but I have heard of "stuff" like that happening when an errant piece of shot gets into the works somehow.  Good luck.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Reverend P. Babcock Chase

Howdy McG,

Check the forward locking lug on the barrel. There may be some roughness that does not let the locking bolt to slide fully forward. Also Have you lightened the locking lever spring recently? If that spring is too weak it can cause the problem.

Rev. Chase

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