1860 Army Type II 38spl or Cimarron Long Cylinder

Started by Pappy Hayes, February 05, 2025, 02:56:41 PM

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Pappy Hayes

I am thinking about purchasing another 1860 Army. I bought a 1971 Navy Colt to maybe have a conversion done on it but don't have that kind of money. If I had the money to spend on the 1861 conversion, I would rather spend it for a Richard's Type 1 conversion. Don't have that kind of money now since I am retired. So thinking about the Richard's in 38spl and change out the grips to Navy. I like the Long cylinder except it is 45colt. So what are your opinions?

45 Dragoon

Colt 2nd Gens have "very" slow twist for a conversion  (1:60). Pietta open-top platforms have 1:32 .  .  .   that leaves Uberti's with a 1:18" twist which works really well with conicals (Remingtons too).
 Pietta  '58 Remingtons are 1:18" though.

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I must have been sheltered.  I cannot for the life of me, remember anyone doing the "Long Cylinder" conversions on the 1860 frame.  I plead ignorance.

Your 1971 Navy Colt is amenable to Kirst Konverter.  Just use the Kirst for Uberti.  Whilst the twist is somewhat slow, with Hollow Cavity bullets they shoot just fine for the CAS Game.  They are not 50 yard paper punchers however.

The Type II in 38 is certainly an option with a grip change to Navy pattern.

Your least expensive option is a Kirst with Ejector assembly for your 2d Gen Navy.  Happy Trails ;)

Pappy Hayes

Quote from: Coffinmaker on February 06, 2025, 10:33:49 AMI must have been sheltered.  I cannot for the life of me converting my ayyone doing the "Long Cylinder" conversions on the 1860 frame.  I plead ignorance.

Your 1971 Navy Colt is amenable to Kirst Konverter.  Just use the Kirst for Uberti.  Whilst the twist is somewhat slow, with Hollow Cavity bullets they shoot just fine for the CAS Game.  They are not 50 yard paper punchers however.

The Type II in 38 is certainly an option with a grip change to Navy pattern.

Your least expensive option is a Kirst with Ejector assembly for your 2d Gen Navy.  Happy Trails ;)

There were long cylinder on the 1860 frame as an experimental model. Cimarron and Taylor have sold them. Converting my Navy would be over a thousand because I would have have someone do it for me. The last time I checked the kirst ejector is not available


And remember if you convert a percussion Navy you're going to have to deal with special ammo for that .370 bore.

Just buy the .38 Type II, change the grip (trade or sell the Army grip) and be happy and done with it!
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube


 :) PLUS ONE for Abilene yes sir ;)

ALL things considered, twould appear your best option is a .38 Type II and swapping out the Grips.


 :) Well I'll BEE ;)

Because of my Obvious Ignorance, I just had to go digging.  I just couldn't remember anyone doing a "Long Cylinder" conversion for an 1860.  So:  Digga digger digga, I hadda go looking.
I immediately found reference for an 1860 Long Cylinder Conversion, except it ain't.  Close but no See-Gar.  It's an Open Top .45 with an 1860 Barrel assembly.  Done similar to the Octagonal barrel "conversion" labeled an 1851 (NOT).  Both iterations have a two-part loading lever for punching out yer empties.

Iffin you just gotta have the look of a "Long Cylinder" It's sorta OK.  I don't particularly care for it but that's just me and my Opine.  But Hey!!  I learned something "new."  Wheeeeeeeeeeee

Black River Smith

Quote from: Coffinmaker on February 08, 2025, 11:14:40 AM:) Well I'll BEE ;)

Because of my Obvious Ignorance, I just had to go digging.  I just couldn't remember anyone doing a "Long Cylinder" conversion for an 1860.  So:  Digga digger digga, I hadda go looking.
I immediately found reference for an 1860 Long Cylinder Conversion, except it ain't.  Close but no See-Gar.  It's an Open Top .45 with an 1860 Barrel assembly.  Done similar to the Octagonal barrel "conversion" labeled an 1851 (NOT).  Both iterations have a two-part loading lever for punching out yer empties.

Iffin you just gotta have the look of a "Long Cylinder" It's sorta OK.  I don't particularly care for it but that's just me and my Opine.  But Hey!!  I learned something "new."  Wheeeeeeeeeeee

I went looking too, but could not find apparently what you found.  Could you provide a link to what you found or a search title to use to get to it.  I would like to see this thing.  I also, believed, one was never created by a manufacturer.

Thanks,  BRS
Black River Smith


 :) BRS ;)

In my search, I found a reference to Taylor's Long Cylinder 1860.  The page from Taylors showed what was actually an Open Top with a .45 Colt Cylinder with an 1860 Army pattern Barrel.  The gun, based on Uberti's Open Top was obviously a Uberti.  Whether or not Uberti is still making them I have no clue.  Taylors page said "Out Of Stock," no surprise there.  I doubt it would sell in any high volume.


I'm late to this but yes I've seen the ad for Taylor's "long cylinder" which is misleading since it's not.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Black River Smith

Black River Smith

Graveyard Jack

Yep, Uberti loves to base fantasy guns on the Open Top but market them as some sort of "conversion". I do like my Tuco .45, which makes no sense at all but it's light and handles snappy. :D

SASS #81,827



Atz why I consider the Uberti built Open Top to be the "Greatest Chameleon."  Early on, I was fitting My own and customers Open Top guns with the multiple of available cartridges.  Once the Barrel/Arbor fit is corrected, a cartridge/caliber change can be done in just seconds.  The number of cartridges useable within the three available chamberings is super FUN.  Had I know about that "Long Cylinder" I'd been hunting those barrel assemblies just for grins and giggles (even though it's too long).

Graveyard Jack

Historically correct or not, they're really cool! I was gonna get the long cylinder but I guess I forgot about it after getting the Tuco. Now I don't see them anywhere.
SASS #81,827


Just fer funzies, I wanted Octagonal Barrels for .38 on my Open Tops.  Sourced a pair of .38 Barrels from the Uberti R/M '51 conversions.  Perfect Fitz, Puttin on the Ritz!!!


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