Factory aged Uberti SAA "set" and Patton can pound sand

Started by Graveyard Jack, Today at 12:17:33 PM

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Graveyard Jack

Local shop bought a small collection that included two 3rd generation Colt SAA's and several replicas. I was able to pick up a factory aged Uberti 4¾" .45Colt. I now have at least one of every length in these factory aged guns. All but the stubby Thunderer .44 Special are .45 Colt's. A keen eye might spot that I tried some cold blue to darken the 5½" and the 7½" on the left has its grips refinished.

I also had two sets of factory one-piece grips laying around. So I put a set of pearls on the 4¾". I think Uberti does the best faux mother of pearl on the market. They're a bit proud of the grip frame, so a little fitting is in order.

I never agreed with the BS Patton quote about pearl grips. I'm sure there's quite a few Texas Rangers that would've told him to pound sand. Famous lawman Tom Threepersons nickel plated Colt SAA has mother of pearl and it's one of the most beautiful sixguns I've ever seen.

SASS #81,827


That pearl does appear pretty authentic, though they look just a bit odd to me on antiqued guns.  I have pearlite on a pair of.44 Spcl Colts and my 44 Spcl Thunderer (like yours).  I don't know about Uberti's pearl, but the Ajax pearlite will turn somewhat gray over time from sun exposure (U/V I guess).

I've antiqued a few guns myself over the years, but the only one I bought that way was a 7 1/2" .45 Pre-War because it exactly matched my 1901 SAA.

No, you don't have all the barrel lengths, you still need the 10"  ;D  But it does come in BP frame.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Graveyard Jack

Yeah, I wasn't sure about the age discrepancy between the guns and the grips. Not sure if their ivory will age artificially but I would like to try. Though I'd be more comfortable aging stag or bone instead.
SASS #81,827

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