Has anybody ever been shot at a CAS/ SASS event?

Started by Begle1, Yesterday at 05:31:42 PM

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Has anybody ever been shot, badly wounded, at a cowboy shooting event?

Hair Trigger Jim

At a cowboy shooting event?  Yeah, quite a few, but most of those were over a century ago.   ;D  ;D
Hair Trigger Jim

Cap'n Redneck

I have not personally heard of any fatal shootings or woundings in modern times.

There have been (and probably still will be) the occasional lead bullet ricochet that draws a drop or two of blood. 
The ones I have witnessed were fixed by a band aid, no stitching required.
In most cases a ricochet strike will only leave a bruise.

Wearing shooting glasses and sturdy western clothing is always a good idea.  8)

"Goin' injun" and wearing only guns, leathers & a loincloth might be a cool stunt on a scorching day, but you will have the scars to show for it if a ricochet strikes home...
"As long as there's lead in the air, there's still hope..."
Frontiersman & Frontiersman Gunfighter: The only two categories where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s.

Coal Creek Griff

Quote from: Hair Trigger Jim on Yesterday at 06:57:48 PMAt a cowboy shooting event?  Yeah, quite a few, but most of those were over a century ago.   ;D  ;D

Ha!  ;D
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

Major 2

If you count bounce back or ricochet, then yeah.
That why I dislike close-in steel targets, and or indoor ranges
Peppered several times over the years from CAS shotguns serving as a
timer or spotter.
I took a pretty heavy thump in the right shin from a spent round at a large 24-position indoor range.
 No idea who fired the shot, smarted a bit but did not break the skin.
when planets align...do the deal !


I shoot every weekend at 5 clubs and if I make it through a match without getting hit at least once I consider myself lucky.  Usually pretty minor, sometimes stings, rarely draws blood, but sometimes.  Yesterday, even with my Hunters Gold shooting glasses, I got hit in the tear duct (barely and didn't hurt, but still...)

Those clubs try all sorts of thing from covering the stands with wood or hay bales, splatter screens at the loading/unloading tables, etc. but it's the nature of the beast.

I guess I'll add that a couple years ago a local shot himself in the toe.  Sort of.  Cap'n'ball and he had a hangfire.  Waited a good while, nothing happened, so he holstered and apparently the change of position made it go off.  Shot down through the open toe of the holster and hit him in the toe of the boot.  I think it was a .36 and I think he was shooting APP.  Anyway, it wasn't a strong hit, did not penetrate the boot and gave him a little scrape on the toe.  But because it was an accidental shooting, authorities were required to come out and investigate.

Biggest danger these days around here seems to be heat stroke, heart attacks, stuff that happens more to older people!  One buddy got overheated a few years ago and had to be star-flighted to the hospital in Austin.  He said you don't want to know how much that flight cost!  We do always have water out and encourage people to hydrate.  But at the state match last year it was incredibly brutal and several people went to ER.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Major 2

I do recall a fatal shooting Up Gainsville way.
 A CAS shooter was down from Yankeedom somewhere and had brought his Guns with him.
The guy was a guest at a local range but not a CAS match.
He decides to show his accompanied onlookers, how to spin his revolver.
It did not turn out well. 
when planets align...do the deal !

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