Lyman vs. Marble's tang sight

Started by Oregon Bill, January 29, 2025, 03:33:19 PM

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Oregon Bill

Y'all have a preference, and if so, why?


Hi Bill, I'm not positive but think the Marbles is windage adjustable. To adjust the Lyman you have to shim it. I actually have a Lyman type to fit 73 or 92 but have never gotten anything drilled and tapped to use it.
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Oregon Bill

You're right about windage adjustable vs. shimming, Abilene. The Lyman is closer to the original 19th-century tang sights, and a bit cheaper. Still need to have the forward screw hole drilled and tapped, no matter which one.


Part of it is that it's just unnecessary for main match CAS which is all I do.  My longest barrel is 20" - but a couple of the clubs do have monthly long range matches the day after CAS, and you can shoot pistol caliber out to a couple hundred yards.  I would like to take my 44-40 but a tang sight might seem odd on a carbine.  :)  I'll try the flip up sight first and take it from there. I got mine long ago in a trade and for the longest time thought it was a Lyman but a few years back I somehow figured out it was an Uberti copy.
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Oregon Bill

I'll be mounting one on an Uberti /Dixie rifle with 24-inch barrel and 3/4 magazine. Agree it seems more appropriate for that platform than for a carbine.

Hair Trigger Jim

That looks like a very good use for a tang sight.

And on the other hand, if'n all ya have is a carbine, a tang sight is still probably the best way to get the most out of it without getting another gun until you get another gun.
Hair Trigger Jim


Quote from: Hair Trigger Jim on January 31, 2025, 08:54:41 AM...And on the other hand, if'n all ya have is a carbine, a tang sight is still probably the best way to get the most out of it without getting another gun until you get another gun.

I like the way you think.  ;D
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