A Walker Faux Thuer?

Started by Cheyenne Logan, Yesterday at 04:58:26 PM

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Cheyenne Logan

Crow Choker

The thought of there never being an existing Walker Thuer produced (at least not by Colt that we know of, possibly some independent gunsmith maybe) doesn't bother me. After watching the video link, the guy talking who is a Cimarron spokesman according to his name tag, seems to indicate the new Walker offering shoots 45 Colt, which tells me the 45 Colt metallic round.

Two things red flag that to me, (1) a true Thuer design wouldn't shoot metallic rounds, instead be loaded as the original using rolled combustible rounds rammed into the front of the cylinder using the rammer (either 45 diameter round balls or appropriate lead bullets, and be percussion cap fired. If not loaded as in #1, (#2), the shooter would have to disassemble the revolver to the three main parts (barrel-cylinder-frame) and load primed 45 Colt metallic rounds into the cylinder then reassemble, shoot, and take the revolver down to eject fired brass, reload, reassemble, and fire, repeated times until done shooting.. I see no cut-a-way for loading on the right recoil shield (which the Thuer didn't have, and tells me Cimarron's new offering would be a PITA to shoot ifin the shooter had to disassemble to unload brass and reload. Doing this each time IMO doesn't elevate the Walker Thuer to much of a higher plane than a normal percussion Walker, in fact makes it more of a pain to load and shoot. My preference and what is likeable is to be able to load and unload without taking the revolver down, having a loading gate or not. That's the way my Colt opentop frame conversions are like and stickin with them. The only thing I see this Cimarron Walker has in common with the Thuer design is that rotating safety lever which IMO is an expensive alternative than just using the same safety procedures/cautions used by owners/shooters of any other conversions and/or firearms.

Second area that would stop me from even considering buying is that 'safety lever' on the left side. Be a hinderance and pain for holster carry. Have to have a wide slot cut on the inside of the holster to accommodate that lever or just a fat holster. Yes I do carry my Uberti Walker in a holster slung around my waist, some times have another hogleg on my right. Wonder if Cimarron worked with Gary Barnes (Hoof Hearted) on this as from past reading about his Thuer revolver issue and from reading the link, Hoof (Gary) has patent rights to the Thuer. This Walker being offered by Cimarron is nothing but a Walker with a bored through 45 Colt cylinder that needs to be taken down each time to unload brass, reload live rounds and put back together. The only thing in common with the Thuer is that safety lever which would be a pain to carry the revolver in a holster, guess Cimarron is catering to the shooting bench only faction of shooters.

OK, final thoughts are that  it seems every year fishing lure companies bring out new lures for sale, have thought for years these new offerings are to catch fisherman, not fish. IMO Cimarron is doing the same with this new Walker offering.

Edit: OK let my fingers do my thinking vs my mind. The original Thuer didn't use combustible paper cartridges as I penned. Disregard that part of my posting. Didn't have my mind wired right when typing, was thinking of the old practice of loading rolled paper in percussion models. The Honorable Abilene and Coffinmaker pointed that out to me. Was thinking along a different line. Anyway as and if you read their posts below you'll see that they used a primed rimless tapered brass cartridge that was ejected by the design of the Thuer revolver. Have read that in the past, temporary mind block is my only defense. Still doesn't IMO make the reported new Cimarron Walker Thuer revolver a wanna get model.
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo


Cheyenne, thanks for posting that video.  Okay, here's my thoughts.  I agree with Crow that Cimarron most likely had to work with Gary Barnes, because this is his style cylinder.  The second thought is "Why?".  I never got the purpose for that cylinder in the first place, nor naming it as a "Thuer".  It is NOT a Thuer, not even close, and has only a visual resemblance as far as the rotating device is concerned.  The original Thuer conversion ring had F for fire and E for eject (ejected the empty brass out the front of the cylinder when the hammer was dropped).  Gary's conversion cylinder is nothing more than a Kirst with a switchable safety to allow carrying 6.  There are already conversion cylinders available for the Walker that will fit fine in holsters, I really don't see this catching on, and frankly am surprised that Cimarron is carrying it.  Okay, rant mode off.  :)

But note to Crow, the Thuers all used centerfire primed metallic cartridges with no rim, not paper cartridges.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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 :) Crow Choker ;)

PLUS ONE for Abilene.  Entirely true.  The original Thuer conversion was a Tapered Metallic Cartridge, as Abilene pointed out that loaded from the front.  I also agree Cimarron has probably made an arrangement with Gary Barnes (Hoof Hearted). 

Personally, I see this "Wonderful New Offering" from Cimarron as . . . . STUPID.  An R&D two piece conversion cylinder is just as practical although not a "Load Six" proposition.  that thing is nothing I'd spend money on.  Plus, as you mentioned, a total "drag" as a holster pistol.  NO SALE.

Cheyenne Logan

Abilene, I sent Gary a note....no they didn't consult him and he has a trade mark, so things could get interesting, and I truely doubt MH designed anything.....they guy also says the Thuer was designed by a french guy....

US 82258
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 82,2258, dated September 15, 1868,

F. Alexander Thuer, of Connecticut, yeah that sounds franch alright.... ::)

He worked for Colt.

No, I could care less if they sell a converted Walker, just don't care for misinformation, and no, it's not a Thuer......they had a chance to get a real Thuer from Uberti and blew it.

Now if they took that same thought process and applied it to the 1851 Navy, and kept the cylinder the right size, maybe......

Of course if they were real smart, they could make a ring and cylinder for the 1851 in 38 Colt and sell as an accessory, for that matter they could sell the Walker ring and cylinder too.......too bad they aren't that smart.

Crow Choker

Abilene/Coffinmaker-----yer both right, don't know what I was thinking, read Cheyenne's link about the Walker and was in a hurry to get post done, had to get done before an incoming phone call, wrote more than planned. Good thing knowledgeable guys like you are around the forum. Was thinking at the time something isn't clicking right with this post of mine, but wasn't concentrating enough. Put edit on my post to clear things up. I thought also at the time the same can be done with a Krist cylinder and some shaping of the recoil shield for a Walker conversion. That'd be quite a hogleg. CC
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

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