Great range day with Cimarron Centennial 45-75 Win.

Started by Bullshooter!, January 23, 2025, 04:22:39 PM

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I hadn't had mine to the range for a while so today was the day. Mine is a Cimarron that had its barrel shortened to 24" by a PO but it was professional, not a goober job. Nicely done with very nice crown and rework of the mag tube. I also put a new Marbles Peep sight on it, it being already D&T's for one.
I have had this for a couple of years at least, and shot it quite a lot, all smokeless loads.
A load combo that worked before was what I tried again today to verify it wasn't a fluke shoot last time, it was not.
It shot better today than last time.
Load is 300 gr HP jacketed Remington bullets over IMR 3031 powder from 41-44 grs.  All shot well in this rifle, in fact most of the slugs landed within 2 inches of each other despite the grain difference between loads.
This was at 100 yards on the bench. Probably the best I have done with this rifle, but it always shoots quite well.
I had a Uberti Stoeger before this one with full 28' bbl in .45-60 as my first foray into this realm, but then became intrigued with the .45-75, and then sold the other.
Still sort of on the lookout for a .50-95 but none around at the moment, however I am awaiting a new Spencer carbine in .44-40, as well as a long overdue Shiloh Quigley!  I was told when I ordered it to expect a 2 year wait, March will be 3 years.
Anyway, I got lots of stuff to shoot.

Coal Creek Griff

Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Well I dont have the target and the rifle looks like a typical Uberti but for the shorter barrel,, and posting pics here looks to be a bit of a pain.
I am used to forums that have direct posting into a thread, without using a host site. I think I have one somewhere, I gave up on Photobucket years ago when they wanted to hook everyone and started using another site, cant remember what its called, as I never use it anymore, too many steps.

Coal Creek Griff

You can load photos directly here too, but they do have to be a small enough file size. That generally means running them through some kind of software/app to get them small enough. It's still kind of a pain, but you don't have to use a hosting site.

Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573


Oh OK, guess I misunderstood that a host was needed. I will try to sort it out. Thanks.


King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Thanks!, and btw, the pic will expand a bit by clicking on it.

Coal Creek Griff

Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573


Really Really NICE.

Anywhere in my end of the swamp, where I could shoot is under a FOOT of snow.  So: I think I have you  ;D


Nice Bullshooter!  Good to see some activity.  I haven't been much help lately with lots to sort out and prioritize after my move, but that's gettin' a bit tiresome.  I need the therapy session ;D This gives me a little "boost " to take out my Uberti NWMP 45-75.

Seeing the rifle with 24" barrel reinforces my thought to having my Uberti 50-95 trimmed to 24".  That 28" barrel is just a might unwieldy and I've thought of having my local shop do the job for me.  A set of express sights would also be fun to add, but that's a whole other ballgame...not right now. Shorten barrel first, then play a bit.

Here's to a warmup to get us all out and shooting'!


Hi there, just seeing your reply. I agree on the shorter barrel, when I saw this one for sale I didnt waste any time snagging it.

Its much easier to handle, points easier as well, I really like this length. Sure a neat rifle to have and I like the .45-75 a lot, just different enuf from everything else to be fun.

Heard from Shiloh today and after nearly 3 years I may soon have a Quigley on the way, in the proper caliber.

Been a long wait! Not over yet!


Spent the morning shooting my Uberti 1876. I'm retired now so have the time to get working on projects. I'll have to admit it has been a long time since I have done anything with my frontier guns. The last couple of evening s I have been preparing some of the brass I bought a couple of years ago. I was down to less than 100 of the Jamison cases. I went the .50 Alaskan route. It went very smoothly trimming and running the cases through the RCBS dies. I annealed the case necks. I had casted up some BACO 350g bullets a couple of evenings ago. Loaded up a couple of boxes using Accurate 5744. It was a miserable day today weather wise, 46 degrees and light rain but I was alone at the range, which is always a good thing. I got the accuracy I was used to several years ago and the cases performed flawlessly. Swiss black powder is hard to get locally but I do hope to get some soon. I called Starline and got on the list for the next batch of .50 Alaskan they turn out. I don't ever want to be short on brass again. Sorry your Shiloh Sharps is taking so long. I bought mine in 1981 or 1982. I had a FFL then and had a devil of a time selling two more plus mine to get the 3 percent discount. I won't tell you what I paid but it was much less the a thousand dollars. At that time they were shipping pretty fast. That was a time before Quigley Down Under and The Outlaw Josey Wales. Cowboy Action Shooting and Black Powder Cartridge shooting was in it's infancy.


I've got a carbine in.45-75 that shoots that well with 5774 and a 350 grain bullet. With my carbine and .44 American I figure I'm pretty well off.


I think in my .45-75 I have had the best groups with IMR 3031. 5744 is near impossible to find around here for some time and I do like it in several applications, but down to a half pound and hate to use it up!
I suppose I could order out, but hate paying all the extra fees and shipping.

King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


About 5 years ago my nephew and I went together and stocked up on powder and primers. So right now I am set up real good with 5744 and primers. I checked the Hodgson website the other day and they are out of 5744 and my other favorite powder, for my military rifles that I shoot H4895, so I'm glad we stocked up. Price increase over the years has removed one of the reasons that I initially got into reloading. Being able to load cheaper than buying factory ammo. I found an old empty can of Unique, from 40 years ago, with the price tag $6.95 still on it. I believe unique is almost $50 a pound now. Now the only reason to reload seems to be tailoring ammunition to your specific rifle and trying to get the best accuracy out of it, or in this case manufacturing obsolete calibers.


I've not seen 5744 on the shelf for at least 2 years. :'(

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